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Pets are funnies


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So... today was awful. Heres a run up of what happened:



1st aug - Betty goes missing (little do we know at this time she was killed pretty much straight away). Family combed the local roads to see if she was lying somewhere. Nothing.


8th aug - Neighbour approaches us, tells us he saw Betty dead on the roadside, and that someone had moved her. He said he did NOT get out of the car, but knew it was her. And that it had happened on 1st (that saturday night at about midnight was when she went missing.)


So we all process this and grieve as you do. But somethings just not clicking.


1- the council don't collect roadkill on sunday, thus family would have found her based on where he said she was

2- how did he know it was her at a glance from a vehicle




Fast forward to today 10th. Mum rings the council, thinkin hey maybe we did miss her, maybe they picked something up in the past WEEK. Nothing.


So later that day they take a walk round the area. Look over a wall on the opposite side of the road, and they find her little body. My mum calls me in an absolute state. They ring the council and thankfully they came out (even though they only collect unidentified roadkill)


They got her in a box, and took her in the car to the vet. I met them there. We gave her over to them, so she can be finally cremated and come home to us.



Our hearts are broken.


I'd put EVERY single penny and every single thing I own on the fact he did it and cowardly hid the fact. (hes got history of this kind of thing) Thing is if he had just picked her up n brought her to us, it would have been OK. He would have gone up hugely in my estimations. What kind of neighbour does that?



(this neighbour is only a few years younger than us and we all practically grew up together)

Edited by Raining_again
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So... today was awful. Heres a run up of what happened:



1st aug - Betty goes missing (little do we know at this time she was killed pretty much straight away). Family combed the local roads to see if she was lying somewhere. Nothing.


8th aug - Neighbour approaches us, tells us he saw Betty dead on the roadside, and that someone had moved her. He said he did NOT get out of the car, but knew it was her. And that it had happened on 1st (that saturday night at about midnight was when she went missing.)


So we all process this and grieve as you do. But somethings just not clicking.


1- the council don't collect roadkill on sunday, thus family would have found her based on where he said she was

2- how did he know it was her at a glance from a vehicle




Fast forward to today 10th. Mum rings the council, thinkin hey maybe we did miss her, maybe they picked something up in the past WEEK. Nothing.


So later that day they take a walk round the area. Look over a wall on the opposite side of the road, and they find her little body. My mum calls me in an absolute state. They ring the council and thankfully they came out (even though they only collect unidentified roadkill)


They got her in a box, and took her in the car to the vet. I met them there. We gave her over to them, so she can be finally cremated and come home to us.



Our hearts are broken.


I'd put EVERY single penny and every single thing I own on the fact he did it and cowardly hid the fact. (hes got history of this kind of thing) Thing is if he had just picked her up n brought her to us, it would have been OK. He would have gone up hugely in my estimations. What kind of neighbour does that?



(this neighbour is only a few years younger than us and we all practically grew up together)


That's absolutely bloody disgusting. Just to be completely certain: You suspect he intentionally killed her?

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I don't think he did it intentionally. He's a bad driver. Has had his license taken off him because he has no insurance - yet still drives... (and has been reported numerous times....). He was likely speeding, hit her, and panicked, so decided to hide the evidence. Just a moron that refuses to take responsibility for his actions.


He would've been completely forgiven if he actually came and apologized and brought our cat to us.


My sister is having nightmares about what she saw (betty's decomposing body), and we're all tormenting ourselves about how she was dumped like rubbish.


His parents came home from holiday today. My mum and his mum are friends, she came over to see mum, and mum gave it to her and told her that her son was a lying piece of shit (perhaps not in those words lol) but he's still denying it.

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I don't think he did it intentionally. He's a bad driver. Has had his license taken off him because he has no insurance - yet still drives... (and has been reported numerous times....). He was likely speeding, hit her, and panicked, so decided to hide the evidence. Just a moron that refuses to take responsibility for his actions.


He would've been completely forgiven if he actually came and apologized and brought our cat to us.


My sister is having nightmares about what she saw (betty's decomposing body), and we're all tormenting ourselves about how she was dumped like rubbish.


His parents came home from holiday today. My mum and his mum are friends, she came over to see mum, and mum gave it to her and told her that her son was a lying piece of shit (perhaps not in those words lol) but he's still denying it.


Ah, I see. Good on your mum for telling it straight.

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I saw his car today, for the first time since it happened. He had a non specific "accident" that damaged the front of his car....






Wondering if a criminal damage charge is worth the relief?


If i had a baseball bat at the time someone would have had to hold me back..



Honestly though I felt a little bit of my heart being ripped out from seeing that fucking car. :-(

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From this:







To this:






6 months ago I adopted Sparky, he was an "unadoptable" aggressive cat, who attacked everyone. A few people had witness him going for me while i was sitting nowhere near him and not even touching him. I was getting attacked every day, sometimes more than once.. in fact i'm still physically scarred from that picture above. With a bloody lot of patience & hard work on my part he slowly started coming around, attacks went from daily, to weekly, to monthly. Now hes a precious loving wee guy that always gives me a wee singsong when I get home from work and to be honest he has kept me sane over the past couple of months. :)

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I'd love more cats, but I won't be getting any more cats while I have spark. I don't think its fair on him, he still has bad days and even at the best of times I know hes glad to get peace while I'm at work.. Another cat would probably bring back his anxieties... :-( "special" cats are a lot of work and something you should only take on with a lot of experience and patience, but its something i'd do again without hesitation. The reward I get knowing that I am giving sparky the BEST possible life now is something I can't quantify.


Buttons' is doing great with hers too, they are so sweet and spoilt to death like my sparky is. And they like me :heh:

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Introducing Max, he's a little busy cleaning himself at the moment, will take a proper picture at some point.




My housemate adopted him from her then boss because they couldn't give him the attention and love he needed, our landlord doesn't allow pets but he doesn't even check up so long as he gets his rent money. I was told last minute he'd be a permanent resident but over a year later learned to love the little rascal.

Edited by Emerald Emblem
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