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PilotWings Resort


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This game is ABSOLUTELY FIENDISH. I haven't found myself this relaxed and frustrated by a game forever. Three starring some of those missions is an exercise in perfection. Alongside Samurai Warriors, this is definitely my favourite launch title.

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I finally got all the Gold Rings in Glider Free Flight. That means free flight is complete, but I still love it for photo taking.




Just wonderful.

Also managed to perfect up to and including all missions on Silver. I'm glad I picked this up.

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Just the three stars on Platinum to go now. I can already tell it will be incredibly frustrating. Is anyone else finding three stars really challenging or do I just suck?


No, it's very difficult. I thought the difficulty was just about acceptable to complete the game (ie. get the credits), but there's no way I'd try to perfect it.

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I had the same issues on that one lostmario, I asked a few pages back and got this back from dazzybee:


If you just want to get high rather than think about time and the capusles, then go the first one, hook immediately to the left, then spin 180 and go to the one opposite (which would be the one to the right of the first one) this will then take you to 500m, if it doesn't then do a quick circle and just go straight back into the same one (the one to the right of the first one on the approach) as this one will take you up there; best to nosedive into it (to pick up speed) then tilt up a touch when you're in it, leveling out when you're out of it, then if needed, lift up slightly at the very peak to get a few extra feet!


That helped me out.

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Pretty rubbish advice from me, although I have 3-starred all the Gold and Platinum missions, so I suppose I know just about enough to help:


Can't get 3 stars on this one:


Three Minute Glide - up to 500 metre - I can get to 450...


I'm not sure you need to get to 500m to get 3 stars (you might do, you might not), but I worked my way around clockwise until I was at the top of the highest thermal. Then I aimed for the targets, flying round in circles if I thought that'd line me up better with them. Finally, land perfectly on the 3 minute mark (or slightly after). Again, you might need to circle the landing platform in order to line up perfectly with it.


and on the first Platinum mission Balloon Pursuit, I can't even get 1 star... plane seems really slow. any tips?


Hmm, I can't think why the plane would feel too slow. Is it that you can't break the speed targets? You need to hit the boost well before them in order to build up speed, but obviously not so soon that you'll slow down. Other than that, just hold Y and hit the targets in the bullseyes, and use speed boosts when you get a spare moment.


...But I'm not an expert, as I still need to 3-star two of the missions.

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If there's one launch title that I hope gets DLC it's this game. I absolutely love the controls and missions, and free flight mode is just as fun and relaxing as the N64 birdman mode. I've nearly spent nearly 30 hours getting all the rings, mii's and balloons on it (plus another 10 getting golds on most of the missions). I'd love to see the N64 islands made available via spotpass, and a return of the cannon missions.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Playing Pilotwings and I'm not finding the 3D particularly comfortable if I'm honest.

How does everyone else find this game, where do you put the slider and how close do you hold it?


I'm probably holding it about 20cm away maybe, it feels a tad too close at times, but much further away and it begins to blur a bit, especially on full 3D... which I just cannot seem to grasp... it's uncomfortable.


I've got the slider under halfway I'd say, but at times I'm tempted just turn it off!... and have done on occasion, but feel that kinda defeats the object!


Anyway... been playing for a short time and have managed to 3+ star the first missions... on to the next... will return for the higher scores I think.

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Playing Pilotwings and I'm not finding the 3D particularly comfortable if I'm honest.

How does everyone else find this game, where do you put the slider and how close do you hold it?


Interesting article about that here, actually: http://www.gamesradar.com/f/are-there-many-3ds-games-that-are-actually-worth-playing-in-3d/a-20110524153735591025


They recommend 50% for this game. I'd recommend 30% or 40% for missions, and 2D for Free Flight. The logic behind this is that 3D does help with depth judgement, but 2D feels more crisp and enjoyable for when you're just exploring.


Distance... I'd say just the normal 30cm or so. I agree that you need to hold it closer when you've got the 3D on 100%, but it's generally not a way I'd want to play for long.


Anyway, hope you enjoy the game! I had a lot of fun perfecting the Novice and Bronze classes, but keep in mind that doing so in the higher classes is probably too difficult to be worth it. Takes away the fun, I think.

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Cheers Grazza, yeah I'd say 30% is about right for me, I'll tend to turn it off after a few tries on a mission.


Does seem quite a fun game, I've managed get perfects on the Novice missions, now on to Bronze. Landing the plane is really annoying though... especially when you have to fly all the way around the island for a mission, only to not be able to get a perfect 30% landing or what have you! :p

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I say 30% is just the way it is supposed to be used for most of the people. The 3D effect comes from the two separate images, it's not like you get MORE 3D if you push it all the way (even if the depth field looks deeper)...


Also Retro Link, if you play a mission correctly you should be aligned to the landing path / pad. Practice at lower level, usually you get the grip on speed and precision for landing there. (And there is no wind in this game unlike Pilotwings Snes, only maybe shifting pads in two jetpack missions)

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I'm enjoying Pilotwings a lot more now I've got into it further, have managed to get Perfects on the first 14 missions... am now up to the first Jet Fighter stage!


It's good they are now mixing things up slightly... Really enjoyed the first hanglider photo mission, and flying behind the car etc...


Also Unlocked Balloons in Free Flight mode, but I haven't even been on that mode yet! Plenty to do!

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  • 2 weeks later...



So far I've got Red Star Perfects on all mission up to Platinum... but now it's getting really tough!!


The balloons behind the boat/plane mission, and the rocket suit mission with the giant moving balloons... are really difficult!!

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