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The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3DS


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Why would they showcase the new graphics with a massive logo over the top of it? It's obviously removed for this clip and will pop up at exactly the same time as in the original game at retail.


We've even seen a screen of the logo displayed during this sequence, remember?


I need to get out of this thread. Ban until release please, admins.

Edited by Guy
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People are now on about the logo not being shown in the intro...really? :hmm:


You guys do still remember there is a bottom screen that will most likely show the logo and the press start(Or touch the screen) would that be a really bad thing?


No one is going on about it FFS.


Anyway I would have thought the logo would be in the top screen to show off the 3D effect. As Grazza says, it'll probably pop up when the player presses a button

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You guys do still remember there is a bottom screen that will most likely show the logo and the press start(Or touch the screen) would that be a really bad thing?


Which makes me wonder...


How powerful is the bottom screen? Some DS games were awesome over both screens (Viewtiful Joe had full 3D on both). Do we know what it can do or will the bottom screen forever be menu/options based on the 3DS due to no 3D there?


Most games will probably be like Nintendogs as the top screen is now the draw yet with the older DS models, both were equal. Just a thought!

Edited by tapedeck
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No one is going on about it FFS.


riiiight, just like how you guys never went on about how awful the temple of time surroundings were, or about how awful they put Link and Epona in the boxart was. Or going on about the green water.


You never went on about that, I truly believe you.


and as I keep saying...the logo will most likely be on the bottom, there will be enough 3D effects going on up the top anyway, take in the beauty rather than have a big logo covering it up.

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I was reading the last few pages and thinking to myself " what gimps" but I can understand what its like to worship a title so much that I know instantly when something isn't right... I'm sensitive about the classic sonic titles and know them inside out. So when I see Sega TRYING to make another 2D sonic... I always see something wrong.


Difference is though, I get the feeling a lot of you haven't played OOT in some time. especially when you don't see a difference in the graphics. It's quite a change.. In my opinion they could have gone further but it's certainly leagues ahead of what the N64 could do.


I've said this from the beginning, but I think Majora's Mask would benefit FAR more from a remake. No matter what they do with OOT, some fans will think it isn't as good as the original and that'll be because they remember the original being better than what it was.

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but I think Majora's Mask would benefit FAR more from a remake. No matter what they do with OOT, some fans will think it isn't as good as the original and that'll be because they remember the original being better than what it was.


Shit would be awesome, it's perhaps more worshiped than OOT around here, the amount of hype it would get when it's announced, to the pics of disappointment *Popcorn Gif*

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Shit would be awesome, it's perhaps more worshiped than OOT around here, the amount of hype it would get when it's announced, to the pics of disappointment *Popcorn Gif*


What an obnoxious tool you are. Don't you get it? Everyone on this topic seems hugely excited for OOT 3D, and with good reason. I know you want to believe people are whining about the game, so you can point at them and laugh from high above, but no one is. A few issues here and there, but that's common for such a popular series like Zelda when the standards are so high.

Still bitter TP is the least popular 3D Zelda?


riiiight, just like how you guys never went on about how awful the temple of time surroundings were, or about how awful they put Link and Epona in the boxart was. Or going on about the green water.


You never went on about that, I truly believe you.


Learn to read. I said no one is 'going on' about the logo. Because no one was. To me and a few others on here, the temple of time surroundings do look awful, couldn't give a fuck if you have a problem with that. The way you get so wound up about people who DARE to say the slighest thing negative about an aspect of a Zelda game, is highly amusing.

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Shit would be awesome, it's perhaps more worshiped than OOT around here, the amount of hype it would get when it's announced, to the pics of disappointment *Popcorn Gif*


Actually MM looks great on its own, most of its remade features would have to be alterations to the gameplay. There is no static 2d screens like in OOT. Unlike some people I want gameplay improvement and extra features, rather than merely a graphical update.


This is why Resident evil remake is an excellent remake and the Twin Snakes is a smeh one.

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riiiight, just like how you guys never went on about how awful the temple of time surroundings were, or about how awful they put Link and Epona in the boxart was. Or going on about the green water.


You never went on about that, I truly believe you.


and as I keep saying...the logo will most likely be on the bottom, there will be enough 3D effects going on up the top anyway, take in the beauty rather than have a big logo covering it up.


When a game is remade the differences between it and the original are discussed. Some people like the differences, some people don't. Nobody is saying anything is a deal-breaker, you just get way too wound up.

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This thread is funny.


It is, I have forgotten what this thread is about. Are Zelda fans that easily hot tempered? It's making my day enjoyable, which I thought it couldn't get any better with all the awesome stuff that's happening in my life already. I Purely enjoy Zelda for what it is and what it isn't. All these 'worries' people are having is just funny for me. It's a game people, it ain't your whole life. Or is it?


The moaning about moaning far outweighs any original moaning there may or may not have been.




You forgot about the moaners that moan about the people that moan about the people that moan about the people that moan about the game.

Edited by killer kirby
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It's making my day enjoyable, which I thought it couldn't get any better with all the awesome stuff that's happening in my life already.

lol? New 'Tales of' game arrived in the post? That's it, crawl back to your fanboy cave, son, we're not buying it.

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Few weeks ago, I started playing OoT again, still has the same impact as when it came out. Ok, the graphics are dated but the game is still as enchanting and haunting as ever. It's just like reading your favorite book or watching your favorite movie. Bringing it to 3D is a brilliant idea, now my kids will enjoy it too cause they like their hip console better than the bulky N64 controller or the outdated cube. Bring on the Zelda magic!

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I'm sitting in my garden in my tree, which is a replica of the Great Deku Tree, dressed as Malon, throwing Deku Nuts at passing birds.


I have converted my actual house into my favourite temple which was really difficult since my favourite one is Jabu Jabu's belly, I now have a dead whale crushing my house.


My house is ruined, my family has left me and it stinks of sweaty fish...


...but I love Ocarina Of Time.



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I'm sitting in my garden in my tree, which is a replica of the Great Deku Tree, dressed as Malon, throwing Deku Nuts at passing birds.


I have converted my actual house into my favourite temple which was really difficult since my favourite one is Jabu Jabu's belly, I now have a dead whale crushing my house.


My house is ruined, my family has left me and it stinks of sweaty fish...


...but I love Ocarina Of Time.




As it is mine. Although my situation is a little different...


I've been sitting here all day with my hand stretched out, hoping someone will pass me some toilet paper. Auuuwww!


What's this? Title deed? That'll do...

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Killer Kirby you really need to chill with your posts man, it's a FORUM. Just because someone leaves a post or 2 like 'ah the water could be better' doesn't mean they are 'going on about it' (100 posts might be though). It's a forum, if you want everyone to come on and just give Canand like responses of 'this looks great i cant wait to play this' then you're not going to get it, sorry.


Seriously reading the last 2 pages is literally hell; it's like someone stating an opinion before being accused of being an idiot. Jesus.

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Killer Kirby you really need to chill with your posts man, it's a FORUM. Just because someone leaves a post or 2 like 'ah the water could be better' doesn't mean they are 'going on about it' (100 posts might be though). It's a forum, if you want everyone to come on and just give Canand like responses of 'this looks great i cant wait to play this' then you're not going to get it, sorry.


Seriously reading the last 2 pages is literally hell; it's like someone stating an opinion before being accused of being an idiot. Jesus.


You are my hero


Forget a chip, killer kirby has a bag of king edwards on his shoulders about Zelda fans.

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People going on about nostalgia and rose-tinted glasses just aren't paying any fucking attention. Nobody's saying the new 3D graphics don't look better than the originals. Nobody is saying the new game looks worse over all. The only things I have read are a few concerns about the choice to oversharpen the odd texture or make some colours very garish and bold. The only people turning this into a big argument are the ones with their 3DS down their pants.


Not everybody is going to be bowled over by the same things you are. Multiple people may point out their disappointment with certain aspects of a new game, without necessarily condemning it on the whole. That does not equate to "going on about it". Only if one person repeats themselves without taking into account what anyone else has been saying (eg: you lot going on about nostalgia), are you considered "going on about it".


So unless you can actually take on board what people are saying, and give it a moment's comprehension before responding so heatedly, just do us all a favour - shut up and get out.

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You are my hero


Forget a chip, killer kirby has a bag of king edwards on his shoulders about Zelda fans.


Tbf I completely agree about the water, it could definitely look better. That said, I know the gameplay is going to be solid so I can forgive that, especially as I think some of it has to do with the 3DS' screen and it might look much better when we play it.


Graphically the game looks good; not amazing but it's not like Nintendo's first team are behind it and it's basically somewhere between an enhanced port and a remake. Either way, that's all I need, because anyone who knows anything about this game knows that playing the whole adventure in 3D at 30fps is going to be fucking sweet.

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If you don't want to deal with trolls and other people's opinions, valid or invalid as you may consider them, get off of forums in general.


Like I asked earlier, please ban me from this thread until release. Discussion no longer feels productive and we're back and forthing over the same small matters repeatedly. I'll chat about the game when I actually have the game. Any contributions of mine until then will likely be detrimental. Thanks.

Edited by Guy
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I've said this from the beginning, but I think Majora's Mask would benefit FAR more from a remake. No matter what they do with OOT, some fans will think it isn't as good as the original and that'll be because they remember the original being better than what it was.


But remember, MM used extra RAM, so technically was already running on better hardware than just an N64. What sort of improvements would you like? I think they could perhaps tinker with the owl statues, so that you don't lose your save. I'm still in favour of a remake though, especially now we know Grezzo, not Nintendo, did OoT 3D.

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