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Starfox 64 3D


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Yeah, it's a fair point that they have other stuff in development as well, and thus limited resources...Still, outsourcing or not, seems like a waste of energy and time to rehash these classics, when you could be making something totally new instead... :/


But well, at least some of you are excited for these!

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Still, outsourcing or not, seems like a waste of energy and time to rehash these classics


Putting a slightly brushed up port of OoT on a handheld in 3D can never be a waste of time! :p


I'm not much a fan of this myself, though. Neither of the 40€ price tag these games are likely to have. I'm still hoping they'll also be available in the "classic games in 3D" section of the eShop (what's it good for otherwise? 3D-ified Gameboy games? Bullshit!) for a less steep price, but it's Nintendo...

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Is it wrong I'm more looking forward to this than I am Zelda?!


No. Lylat Wars is just as brilliant as Ocarina of Time and, unlike Zelda, we haven't had a decent Star Fox game (except Adventures, but that's completely different) since the N64 game.

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Use the boost to get through!


If I ever bought a DS they would have to do moar than give the same campaign because it is easily completed in 40-45 minutes whatever route.


Yeah, get to Andross whatever, piece of piss.


The fun part is getting the Gold medals on every level.

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When a game is this fun to simply play, length and challenge aren't an issue for me. This will be the game to use when showing people how fun the 3DS can be. Also, you can kill Slippy and accidentally pop a few shots into Falco.

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I think this is one game that wouldn't have been as fun if the internet was as big then as it is now. A lot of the fun was working out/accidentally discovering the "Mission Accomplished" way of completing a level. I must have completed the game at least 15-20 times before I got to the final level the "good" way and defeated the real Andross.


I personally don't want a level select (unless it has massive requirements like getting a gold medal on every level) to be available in this. A "pause and quit" option would be useful (i.e. like Majora's Mask where the save file is removed when you continue).

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When a game is this fun to simply play, length and challenge aren't an issue for me. This will be the game to use when showing people how fun the 3DS can be. Also, you can kill Slippy and accidentally pop a few shots into Falco.


The one thing I miss, that unfortunately wasn't available on the Virtual Console, was rumble.


I remember playing Lylat Wars on the N64, with the rumble pack and the framerate would drop considerably when there were big explosions and the controller would be in a spasm.


Good times!

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The best thing they could do with this, is improve on the multiplayer. The one-player was pretty excellent as it was, I just don't think it's long enough to justify the purchase on it's own.


Just needs a lot of modes and unlockables and it would be an excellent remake.

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The best thing they could do with this, is improve on the multiplayer.


Cracking point that. Never thought about the multiplayer mode.

It was "ok" on the N64 but with online and a but of fleshing out it could be pretty decent here (and the ability to run around from the off).

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Could you have four people in the same vicinity playing this game though? Not likely IMO.


Online seems a given. If not they may take out the multiplayer mode?

Be good to see some extras like in Super Mario64 DS. Like the Yoshi game where he plucked flower leaves - but it could be Falco plucking slippys fingers off.

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Could you have four people in the same vicinity playing this game though? Not likely IMO.


Online seems a given. If not they may take out the multiplayer mode?

Be good to see some extras like in Super Mario64 DS. Like the Yoshi game where he plucked flower leaves - but it could be Falco plucking slippys fingers off.


I think with super mario 64 ds though the game wans't going to be as good as the N64 original right off the bat because of the lack of analogue control. With starfox 3ds there is no reason why it couldn't be just as good and now they have the added 3D element.


They probably won't add much, but it REALLY should have an on-line multiplayer mode. It has crazy potential.

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I think with super mario 64 ds though the game wans't going to be as good as the N64 original right off the bat because of the lack of analogue control. With starfox 3ds there is no reason why it couldn't be just as good and now they have the added 3D element.


I agree, apart from the rumble, of course.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Urgh Nintendo. This is just lazy. And with the game having been finished for a bit, they've had time to add it in. No reason why they couldn't.


Makes me wonder if they're holding off their online games for a better online system. But I doubt that though :(

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It's not as if we were expecting it... :blank:


Deep down I knew that they wouldn't include online because quite frankly, what would be the point? The battle mode for the N64 version really wasn't that great and if they aren't going to dramatically improve that component then why waste time making it online... it just doesn't make any sense.


People can complain all they want but the simple fact is that Starfox is mainly a single-player game and one of the best at that so you can't really blame Nintendo for focusing on the single-best element of the game. :p


Yes I can still understand the disappointment because Starfox multiplayer certainly has potential and I'm sure that one day that potential will be properly realised though I doubt it will happen on the 3DS as it's more likely to be a feature in the next home-console iteration.


Let us not forget that however nice this title will be - even without online multiplayer - that it's still a stop-gap until the next main entry in the series owing to it being a remake.

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Battles were always fun and got some good memories of some awesome fights. Have a picture of your Mii as a picture for when you use voice chat, add some new maps/on foot sections. Not to mention a co-op mode.


Lots they could've done for it if they actually put in the effort. Starfox: Assault has fun multiplayer, could've even added something similiar. No reason to keep it single player only, especially when they added in local wireless play.

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