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Kid Icarus Uprising


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Shots narrowly avoided mission complete!: :bouncy:



My advice to anyone struggling with it, is play on intensity 2.0 (as you wont be spending hearts that way) and just do the air battle section of the chapter. That's right, you don't need to finish the chapter. :) You can quit at any time, and any shots that you've narrowly avoided will still be recorded.


A really good chapter to do this on is...

...Chapter 24, as you get lots of shots coming at you right from the get-go.

But it works on pretty much any of 'em, will just take a bit longer.

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I saw an advert on the TV for this today, the opening voice over described Pit at the "newest Nintendo hero"... Newest? Guess NoE are totally sweeping the original NES game under the carpet then :heh:


Also... I'm broke at the moment... anyone want to buy the game for me :heh:

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I saw an advert on the TV for this today, the opening voice over described Pit at the "newest Nintendo hero"... Newest? Guess NoE are totally sweeping the original NES game under the carpet then :heh:
Yeah, I saw that ad the other day too. Couldn't believe my ears! :nono:


Also... I'm broke at the moment... anyone want to buy the game for me :heh:
If I could buy it with hearts I would, got a lot of those at the moment. :hehe:

:idea: You should just quickly make a load of YouTube vids, and let Google buy it for you. :heh:

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How's the online going for everyone?
Light vs Dark wins = 54/92

Free-for-All wins = 76/125

Opponents defeated = 1602


Not too bad considering how mental the vs play is. :grin:


I havent changed my weapon in a while mainly because it's very good, but it's flaws are holding me back a bit.


these are what I'm waiting for!





Not seen the second one before, but I do have a Palutena's Blade. :cool:

My online weapons are:


Beam Claws

Ranged: 2.5

Melee: 3.5

Value: 323

Overall defence +1

Health +2

Weakening +1

Walking speed +1

Melee combo +4

Item attack +4


which I use for Free-for-All play.


Royal Blade

Ranged: 0

Melee: 0

Value: 187

Overall defence +2

Petrification +2

Shot range +1

Forward-dash ch. shot +3


which I use for Light vs Dark. It's low value means the team I'm on takes less of a hit if/when I get killed, plus the Petrification comes in very handy for immobilising opponents. ;)


For Solo mode I'm currently using this:


Pheonix Arm

Ranged: 3.5

Melee: 2.5

Value: 271

Knockback defence +1

Shaking +1

Running Speed +1

Melee combo +1

Full-health boost +3

Heart bonus +3


doesn't seem that great does it? But the important stat on there is Heart bonus +3.

That, combined with the Heart Booster power = :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:! etc...


That weapon has actually been about 3 or 4 different ones before, can't remember what the original weapon type was now, I just noticed the Heart bonus, and made sure that I fused it into something which retained that particular stat.

I'll probably fuse the Pheonix Arm soon too, again making sure that I keep the Heart bonus. :love:

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Light vs Dark wins = 54/92

Free-for-All wins = 76/125

Opponents defeated = 1602


That's really good! especially your FFA Wins.

that's a 60.8 win percentage!

I mean winning (1st Place) FFA's aren't easy.


Also that's a pretty sweet deal with the +3 Heart Bonus, awesome stuff.

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You should just quickly make a load of YouTube vids, and let Google buy it for you. :heh:


If I knew every new video was gauranteed about 10,000 views minimum that might work.... at the moment what ever Partner cheques I get are going towards my Wii U savings :D

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Those are amazing beam claws, RedShell! How'd you get them? Fusing or in-game weapon drop?
I bought them from Palutena. :grin:

Can't remember how many hearts they cost me, but yeah... they definitely weren't cheap. :hehe:


at the moment what ever Partner cheques I get are going towards my Wii U savings :D
This game is sensational, but saving towards Wii U is a very smart plan. :)
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I am enjoying this game. Wish it had Dual-Stick support really, but alas...it's still good even though the targetting controls occassionally mess me about


We're in the same boat. Make sure to fiddle around with the sensitivity in the control options, it made ground based controls that little bit more bearable for me.

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Absolutely loved how Chapter 9 ended.


And I thought that Palutena's voice sounded familiar - it's Liara T'Soni.


*checks Wikipedia*


It's true! :o


Mind = blown.


Only makes me love the game even more though :grin: I've been playing it a fair bit today, which shouldn't be a problem but I really should be finishing the review.

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Didn't start this game as soon as I got it as I was finishing up a previous game, plus I've had to put DQMJ2 down for a little rest. Absolutely love this game.


I love Pit/Palutena's chit-chat. Controls don't exactly wow me, but they're nowhere near as bad as everyone makes out.


NOTE: Make sure you set the reticule to stop as fast as possible after you flick the touchscreen. This makes ground level turning so much tighter/easier. Plus, increase the reticule aiming speed. It's simply too slow at default and you'll be hitting the side of the screen with the stylus long before the reticule does.


Only at Chapter 9 as I've been going back for hearts/weapons/achievements. Also played quite a bit of Light VS Dark. My only problem is; I realised I wouldn't be able to get all the achievements. Since I don't know anyone with another copy of the game to get nearby local play achievements.

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