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GoldenEye 007

Ren of Heavens

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"Activision is working on a James Bond: GoldenEye title for Wii and DS that should be released this November.


The new title may be a remake of the classic Nintendo 64 first-person shooter, originally developed by Rare, and according to our source the publisher intends to unveil it at E3.


Development duties have been split between UK-based Eurocom and US-based n-Space."




Great franchise, mediocre developers...

Edited by Ren of Heavens
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Great franchise, mediocre developers...


I wouldn't call n-Space mediocre. They've done some fantastic work on the DS, specifically with the Call of Duty games and managing to get them both playing and looking really good and on a stable engine. With home consoles, yeh they haven't been particularly great. So in that instance, I'd like to see n-Space handle the DS version. That is if it all turns out to be true.

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This is old news.


1up -

Activision's Goldeneye registration from a few months back may prove to be the first hint of a remake of the N64 classic. GoNintendo received an anonymous tip of a survey showing off supposed box art for the remake, along with a paragraph detailing the game as a revival of the N64 game. It promises familiar locations and enemies, with Daniel Craig stepping into the Pierce Brosnan role. Of course, since the tip is anonymous, this part of the story falls strictly in the rumor category.


A few things are known for certain, however. Eurogamer reports that the Wii and DS Goldeneye game is set to hit this November, which means we're very likely to see it unveiled at E3. We also know that, whatever form this new Goldeneye takes, it won't be handled by the original developers. A Rare spokesperson told CVG, "I can confirm that currently Rare are not working on a new Golden Eye game."


We had heard that an Xbox Live Arcade release was in development limbo due to various licenses belonging to different companies. Activision is nothing if not wealthy, so it may have found a way to take care of the licensing issues over the past few years. We'll see if the rumors pan out, but it couldn't hurt to practice being suave while you wait for official word.

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Given the state of MGM, the general conundrum about the license and more, here is my response to a possible "remake":


I think the big problem is that everyone is reporting it as a remake.


In my opinion this will simply be a new game based on the film GoldenEye, and not based on the N64 game.


Through this scenario, there are no licensing issues because they're not using anything from the original game and it makes sense given MGM's situation - they have a contract with Activision and with no new Bond film Activision need/want to make a Bond game based on something else. GoldenEye is simply the easy choice as they know it'll sell well as a game.


Put simply: This is a cheap cash-in because Activision can't make a Bond game based on a new film.

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I honestly can't see this being a remake - there are too many interests involved and I think the amount of money needed by Activision to pay off certain groups would be too much to make the game worth it. I imagine it's either a big con or they're doing a Goldeneye: Rogue Agent jobby again. And if they are remaking it, where the hell is Pierce Brosnan!?!?! Don't get me wrong, I like Daniel Craig but it'd just be so out of place to have him. If they were to have voice-acting then I think quite a lot would be lost, given that Brosnan certainly had that witty charm to him.


Besides, (as someone posted earlier I think), didn't Activision make a near fully-working remake of the game for Wiiware/XBLA but it got shot down before it amounted to anything?

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I don't think its impossible. Remember, that while Rare worked on the game, Nintendo owned all the rights, Rare were nothing more than contractees - I would guess Rare/Microsoft owns bugger all (but then again, Perfect Dark XBLA does contain GoldenEye multiplayer levels). Although its been some time since I saw the copyright notices on the game... Either way, after 15 years I bet the rights have reverted back to MGM.


Reggie has stated several times he would work to get Goldeneye on Wii, so perhaps this is the solution?


Would it sell? The original was using cutting edge tech (not possible on Wii); it was arguably the first to nail the control scheme on a console. It would be as successful as Activisions other FPS, but I can't see the core buying it in droves; and i doubt the expanded audience would go mental for a game based on a 15 year old film.

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I don't think its impossible. Remember, that while Rare worked on the game, Nintendo owned all the rights, Rare were nothing more than contractees - I would guess Rare/Microsoft owns bugger all (but then again, Perfect Dark XBLA does contain GoldenEye multiplayer levels). Although its been some time since I saw the copyright notices on the game... Either way, after 15 years I bet the rights have reverted back to MGM.


Reggie has stated several times he would work to get Goldeneye on Wii, so perhaps this is the solution?


Would it sell? The original was using cutting edge tech (not possible on Wii); it was arguably the first to nail the control scheme on a console. It would be as successful as Activisions other FPS, but I can't see the core buying it in droves; and i doubt the expanded audience would go mental for a game based on a 15 year old film.


I think that the core would be thrilled by a modern remake of a classic, with better graphics, better cutscenes and online modes. Basically, this can become what the Rare crew dreamed of in the mid 90's.

And about the levels: there seems to be something about the license belonging to MGM, as Rare renamed everything that was reused in Perfect Dark. The PP7 became the PP9i and Facility became Felicity.


However, don't listen to Reggie too much. He wanted to put GTA on the Wii, but failed. And rather than trying to get Mafia 2 or decide to make some Nintendo studio make their own game, he just dropped it.

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Besides, (as someone posted earlier I think), didn't Activision make a near fully-working remake of the game for Wiiware/XBLA but it got shot down before it amounted to anything?


Not quite. It was Rare who made a port (not a remake) - think of Perfect Dark XBLA but for GoldenEye.

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it doesn't need a remake... Honestly, it is dated in controls, level design, sound just about everything. Would it not be better to just make a new game featuring a few of the old ones instead.


Let's face as well storyline-wise goldeneye the movie was great but hardly the best bond ever.

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it doesn't need a remake... Honestly, it is dated in controls, level design, sound just about everything. Would it not be better to just make a new game featuring a few of the old ones instead.

*Strongly Agrees.*


Let's face as well storyline-wise goldeneye the movie was great but hardly the best bond ever.

*Strongly Disagrees*

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*Strongly Disagrees*


really? I even thought tomorrow never dies was a better movie not to mention goldfinger and casion royale but Hey It's not a passionate subject of mine I probably have to watch them all again it's been so long.


but main point is this doesn't need a remake.. Most games don't need remakes.

What about remaking a game with a fantastic concept that didn't quite get executed well. This NEVER happens!

Edited by mcj metroid
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What about remaking a game with a fantastic concept that didn't quite get executed well. This NEVER happens!


Ironicly, one of the studios rumoured to be involved in this (n-Space) has probably one of the best examples of a game with a great concept that wan't executed well.

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I don't think its impossible. Remember, that while Rare worked on the game, Nintendo owned all the rights, Rare were nothing more than contractees - I would guess Rare/Microsoft owns bugger all (but then again, Perfect Dark XBLA does contain GoldenEye multiplayer levels). Although its been some time since I saw the copyright notices on the game... Either way, after 15 years I bet the rights have reverted back to MGM.


Reggie has stated several times he would work to get Goldeneye on Wii, so perhaps this is the solution?


Would it sell? The original was using cutting edge tech (not possible on Wii); it was arguably the first to nail the control scheme on a console. It would be as successful as Activisions other FPS, but I can't see the core buying it in droves; and i doubt the expanded audience would go mental for a game based on a 15 year old film.



Both Nintendo and Rare (so now Microsoft) own rights to different parts of the game. Activision currently has the license to make games based off the Bond IP, which is licensed by MGM. While the rights to the IP are controlled by MGM, and are licensed out through contracts, the rights to the actual game, minus the IP related stuff remain with the developer or publisher, depending on how their contracts were worked out.


An actual remake of the game would end up using things that Nintendo or Microsoft own the rights too (level design, ect.). So they would most likely have to be in on it.


Personally, I'm predicting that this is just another Activision cash in. It'll just be shooter using the "CoD" engine loosely based around the story of Goldeneye, and not having all that much to do with the original game.

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Activision's heavily rumoured GoldenEye Wii remake will release to "underwhelming" sales, respected industry analyst, Michael Pachter has predicted.


Speaking to CVG, the Wedbush analyst argued that a GoldenEye game on Xbox 360 by Rare would have a "better chance" than the Eurocom-developed Nintendo game seemingly leaked last week.


"Given the track record of 'hardcore' Wii exclusives, I would bet that sales are underwhelming," Pachter told CVG.


"It's a funny thought to resurrect a 10 year-old brand - maybe longer - and keep it a Nintendo exclusive. It is unlike Activision to do an exclusive, and I am particularly surprised that they would do it with Goldeneye."


He added: "I completely agree that most of the original audience is pretty hardcore, and think a Rare game on the 360 would have a better chance. Perhaps this is all due to the James Bond license, but... a Wii exclusive is odd."


Last week a bunch of alleged images for the new GoldenEye leaked onto the net, following an internet CV late last year that pointed to 007: Nightfire dev, Eurocom as the studio at the helm.


Apparently the new game's set to include Daniel Craig in place of Brosnan, new graphics and physics, 8-player online matches and - maybe - a golden Klobb Wii accessory.


If it's real (and it looks like it is) expect it to be unveiled at E3 next week.




The Pach lacks faith in Wii consumers buying GoldenEye for Wii.


If it happens and it ends up being mediocre or worse, then theres no harm in it not selling. Its only when we have quality titles go overlooked that people should feel aggrieved.

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