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Wii Party!


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I too enjoyed the Mario Parties (4 is my personal fav' :D ) and when info is actually distributed out on this title then I maaaaay even decide with myself whether or not to grabs it.


Isn't the Donkey Kong we have now the son of the original who is now Cranky Kong?


The Kong's family tree is so complex it's tough to know.


Maybe you could do the DK rap with your band on youtube to educate me on the DK family tree :geek:

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Cranky Kong is apparently the first Donkey Kong that kidnapped Pauline which is why he is always moody, to go with his evil past and in the intro to Donkey Kong Country, Cranky Kong is even on the building site. Also, I'm pretty sure one of the many things Cranky Kong moans to you about includes his past as being the Kidnapping ape he once was.



The Donkey Kong we know now is what was known back then as Donkey Kong Junior I believe!

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Why do Nintendo hate Donkey Kong so much?! :(

Well, he got his own set of DK minigames and DK spaces in the latest Mario Party titles, so he is actually getting a special treatment. :smile:


It has been some time since the last Mario Party came out, so they just could've created a part 9 instead. But seen how MP8 is still selling quite good, I guess they can try their chances with a new IP.


Not a bad decision in my opinion, the last MP games were getting really dull due to the lack of improvements. Even the Wiimote didn't really add anything to it.

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Not a bad decision in my opinion, the last MP games were getting really dull due to the lack of improvements. Even the Wiimote didn't really add anything to it.


This is where I also stand when it comes to MP. MP8 was awful - none of the innovation that the first two N64 outings had. Plus it really wound me up that they got rid of Toad as the host of the whole thing, that dude in the hat is creepy and lame.


So I'm all for a new IP and this looks like it could be quite fun! I find the whole Mii thing to have a very endearing aura to it. Plus if the games are as inventive as some of the awesome ones found in Wii Fit Plus, then it could prove to be a top drunken multiplayer game in my view!

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  • 3 weeks later...

New details :-


- Wanwan Karuta

4-player game, each Wiimote speaker makes a different sound, figure out which sound matches the on-screen animal


- Remote Control Hide and Seek

Hide your Wiimote within the room you're playing, and other players must find it based on the sound it makes


- Sensitive Bomb

Pretend the Wiimote is like a bomb, and pass it around without shaking it in order to keep it from being set off


- all these games are part of the 'living party' mode

- three modes of play

- six games in this mode altogether

- over 80 mini-games in standard mode

- Bingo, Roulette and more

- Wiimote bundle confirmed





80+ games! That's a hell of a lot more than all those third party, party games that are on the market, which tend to only have up to 20 games, plus looks like the Wii remote Speaker is being used for a change. The ultimate party game?

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Sensitive Bomb

Pretend the Wiimote is like a bomb, and pass it around without shaking it in order to keep it from being set off

...bomb indeed


I will remind you that super monkey ball had about 40+ games each about as involving as these and it turned out to be complete shite..

This game COULD be awesome maybe if they got nintendo characters in there too..

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
get on ustream.tv and stream it live lol


Maybe I should have, because that really was one of the most fun evenings of multiplayer gaming I've ever had! I was a huge sceptic about Wii Party before, but having put five or so hours into it now, I've been totally converted.


It's so much better than just Mario Party with Miis - clearly a lot of thought has been put into trying to make each of the modes different. Even the two modes that feature a board don't really even feel like Mario Party, to be honest. Globe Trot, though initially confusing, was probably my favourite of them all (partly because I ended up winning it, perhaps!), and the only real dud was a mode where each player takes a turn to spin a wheel to win coins, Wheel Of Fortune style, and there are hardly any chances to play a mini game.


Speaking of the mini games, they were a real blast to play. As with Mario Party, there are 4 vs 4 games, 3 vs 1, 1 vs 1 and even some 2-player co-op games. I've played Mario Parties 4, 5 and 6, but almost all of the minigames in Wii Party seemed new to me. This is partly due to the fact that many of them have well-implemented motion controls, but even some of the games that are played by a few simple presses of the d-pad were great fun. In fact, one of the simplest games to control, where players try to climb a flight of stairs by secretly choosing to climb either 1, 3, or 5 steps each turn, had all four of us literally crying with laughter (you only move if no other players choose the same number of steps as you, and at one point, all four of us chose exactly the same number, five rounds in a row!).


Mention must also go to the hide-and-seek game, where one person hides the remotes around the room, and other players have a set time to find them, listening carefully to the sounds that play from the remote speaker every ten seconds or so. (Too bad I was terrible at both hiding and seeking!). As for the other games in the 'House Party' section, they're all a bit so-so, to be honest, and can't see myself playing them again. The pass-the-bomb games were particularly dull.


My only other complaint is the presentation. Although I love the inclusion of the Miis, I'm just not a fan of the bland Mii world they populate. Although I wouldn't have wanted a return to the Mushroom Kingdom, a little more personality and detail would have been appreciated. Similarly, menus look as plain as in most of the other Wii-X titles, and the sound is nothing special. In fact, the British English voiceovers almost sound like they've come from the Doshin the Giant school of voice acting.


All in all, though, Wii Party is an excellent party game. Definitely not for single player gamers, and there are some modes I won't play more than once, but that doesn't really matter, as it's something I'll only ever crank out every so often when people come over anyway.

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I got a copy of this today. :) Haven't had a chance to play it yet, but I've already arranged a Wii Party party for some mates on Saturday night!


Jealous! This is gonna be a dark horse i think! Reckon it'll be the ultimate party game..cause it uses the remote in some brilliant ways!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just played this multiplayer with some people and as a multiplayer game it's a lot of fun! The mini games are really good and the coop ones can be hilarious.


It's also really good value for money. I was told it was bought for £32 from Tesco which is good money considering how many games are on it plus the wiimote it comes with. Compare that to when i bought Wii Play when it was just released in 2007 at that price or higher and it knocks spots off it quantity wise.

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