Will Posted January 31, 2011 Posted January 31, 2011 To be fair, the bulk of the reason profits are down is because their research and development costs were higher BECAUSE of the 3DS. The rest due to slightly lower sales (still kicking everone else's ass) and the exchange rates. You must have read a different financial report to the one I got. Sales are massively decreased, R&D has barely moved on last years.
IAmMarti Posted February 1, 2011 Posted February 1, 2011 I am sooo hyped for the event me and my mate are going to take Bento boxes and everything. People that are going to Bristol what ds games you wana play? I have Tetris (both), Mario Kart, not sure off top of my head what has local wifi. I am reluctant to take my pokemon games out the house, but I dont mind battling on tourny rules.
Cube Posted February 1, 2011 Posted February 1, 2011 Some (blurry) footage of the Friends List Menu (available from the home menu when playing any game): Also, it looks like I won't be able to get an invite for the event in Manchester.
Happenstance Posted February 1, 2011 Posted February 1, 2011 Im back to being tempted to put a preorder in for the 3DS but with no confirmed lineup im just not sure.
Adthegreat Posted February 1, 2011 Posted February 1, 2011 Once I experience the 3DS with my own eyes at the event I will make the choice if it is: Worth getting at launch (albeit without any 3DS games). Worth getting once there is a 3DS game that I actually want. Worth waiting for the 3DS version 2. Ocarina of Time does look very tempting but so far that is the only title that has really interested me, and it will be a while until it is available.
IAmMarti Posted February 1, 2011 Posted February 1, 2011 Hmm ONM have just put out a link to register for the event, with the club nintendo emails at least it was random, and now more people register, and now we have to go through ANTOHER RANDOM PROCESS TO GET A TICKET? this is a fucking joke now. If I dont get to go >=( cause of stupid random tickets...even AFTER registering... I got my Flip camera ^_^ its pretty
Cube Posted February 1, 2011 Posted February 1, 2011 Hmm ONM have just put out a link to register for the event, with the club nintendo emails at least it was random, and now more people register, and now we have to go through ANTOHER RANDOM PROCESS TO GET A TICKET? this is a fucking joke now. If I dont get to go >=( cause of stupid random tickets...even AFTER registering... You're already ahead of the ONM process - the "winners" of the ONM thing will likely get sent to the form you were also sent to by the Club Nintendo invite.
IAmMarti Posted February 1, 2011 Posted February 1, 2011 You're already ahead of the ONM process - the "winners" of the ONM thing will likely get sent to the form you were also sent to by the Club Nintendo invite. i clicked the link and its a different form, and also says along the lines 'if you are succesfull in your application you will recieve an email with your ticket the wed before the event' = two random processes ¬_¬
Ximikal Posted February 1, 2011 Posted February 1, 2011 If anybody wants my Club Nintendo invite, PM me and I'll forward you my invitation.
ShadowV7 Posted February 1, 2011 Posted February 1, 2011 We need more Scots on this forum. *starts a petition*
Goron_3 Posted February 2, 2011 Posted February 2, 2011 To be fair, the bulk of the reason profits are down is because their research and development costs were higher BECAUSE of the 3DS. The rest due to slightly lower sales (still kicking everone else's ass) and the exchange rates. No not at all, it's because sales are massively down (hence why Nintendo have AGAIN lowered sales estimates for the second time for the quarter). Besides R&D for 3DS would be the costs around 2008-2009; the tech will have been finalised for a long time and R&D leading towards that would have taken place in the years leading up to it. Remember Nintendo's R&D costs in 2003 were massive, mainly because of DS AND Wii, even though the latter was years away.
ShadowV7 Posted February 2, 2011 Posted February 2, 2011 Didn't they lower sales by like, 1.5 mil on the Wii and DS somewhat similiar? Wouldn't say it was massive unless i've missed something.
Goron_3 Posted February 2, 2011 Posted February 2, 2011 Didn't they lower sales by like, 1.5 mil on the Wii and DS somewhat similiar? Wouldn't say it was massive unless i've missed something. That's a pretty large amount in the business world, especially as their shareholders probably would have hoped for some growth.
david.dakota Posted February 2, 2011 Posted February 2, 2011 Nintendo have games already finished for the system and are deliberatly holding them back. They're making 3rd parties push the launch instead of dominating it themselves. This is set up so 3rd parties will find more success on the console. I'm willing to be a lot of folk will be picking up SF IV now. Speaking as a huge Nintendo fan, I sense they're not as prepared as they'd like to be. Historically, where Nintendo have released a machine they've backed it up - on day one - with big software, maybe not always the killer app, but still big software. I don't see this here, and I can't buy the argument that they're letting third parties get in on the act early - third parties are notorious for delivering sub-par titles at launch. The words 'launch window' feel odd. Traditionally, the launch window games are not the selling point for launch; the launch games are! There were rumours Sharps 3D screens were a late addition to the device; maybe internal teams were developing in one direction for a different type of DS upgrade and have now had to change that direction to incorporate auto-stereoscopic 3D? The use of Steel Diver - a 8 year old game, now with added torpedoes, two remakes of N64 games and a bunch of promo trailers screams lack of software to me. The news that eShop won't hit for 6 weeks after is odd too; people will hold back to trade in, Nintendo would be eager for them to do this - so why the delay, its not in Nintendo's best interests? Thats not to say that I don't think it will be a successful launch - Nintendo know how to launch hardware. It just strikes me ill-prepared
RedShell Posted February 2, 2011 Posted February 2, 2011 Speaking as a huge Nintendo fan, I sense they're not as prepared as they'd like to be. Historically, where Nintendo have released a machine they've backed it up - on day one - with big software, maybe not always the killer app, but still big software. I don't see this hereSo the sequel to the 2nd best selling DS game of all time (over 22 million) isn't big software? Fair play you might not be interested in Nintendogs + Cats, but trust me it's a big deal for Nintendo and it's going to sell, a lot.
IAmMarti Posted February 2, 2011 Posted February 2, 2011 Speaking as a huge Nintendo fan, I sense they're not as prepared as they'd like to be. Historically, where Nintendo have released a machine they've backed it up - on day one - with big software, maybe not always the killer app, but still big software. I don't see this here, and I can't buy the argument that they're letting third parties get in on the act early - third parties are notorious for delivering sub-par titles at launch. The words 'launch window' feel odd. Traditionally, the launch window games are not the selling point for launch; the launch games are! There were rumours Sharps 3D screens were a late addition to the device; maybe internal teams were developing in one direction for a different type of DS upgrade and have now had to change that direction to incorporate auto-stereoscopic 3D? The use of Steel Diver - a 8 year old game, now with added torpedoes, two remakes of N64 games and a bunch of promo trailers screams lack of software to me. The news that eShop won't hit for 6 weeks after is odd too; people will hold back to trade in, Nintendo would be eager for them to do this - so why the delay, its not in Nintendo's best interests? Thats not to say that I don't think it will be a successful launch - Nintendo know how to launch hardware. It just strikes me ill-prepared Yeah I would have to agree with you. I think the launch games arnt that strong and 'launch window' isnt really that great.
LostOverThere Posted February 2, 2011 Posted February 2, 2011 I'm still hoping that Steel Diver becomes a sleeper hit. It just looks so unique and...snazztastic.
david.dakota Posted February 2, 2011 Posted February 2, 2011 Fair play you might not be interested in Nintendogs + Cats, but trust me it's a big deal for Nintendo and it's going to sell, a lot. I quite liked the original, it needed better connectivity, but I spent a while on it. However, this time round Nintendogs seems a pretty good example of how schizophrenic Nintendo is with the 3DS launch - it does not know what to put on the system and has knee jerked. At £120, a DS and Nintendogs would've been at the absolute top end of the present buying budget for average salaried families. So, asking families to upgrade one, possibly more, systems and games while effectively doubling the price on the high street doesn't compute - £250 for a nominal upgrade is well out of reach of families who'd buy into the 3DS. Until the 3DS drops to a price affordable to families, Nintendogs+Cats won't hit the astronomical heights of its predecessor. I'll say 350k in the first month, successful yes, but not the crazy figures of the original.
Retro_Link Posted February 2, 2011 Posted February 2, 2011 Latest GT Bonus Round, discussing Nintendo in 2011, good watch... http://www.gametrailers.com/episode/bonusround/501?ch=1&sd=1
david.dakota Posted February 2, 2011 Posted February 2, 2011 Anyone know ehere the Manchester event this weekend is being held?
IAmMarti Posted February 2, 2011 Posted February 2, 2011 Genius..... all I know is that each location is being printed on the ticket =/ which isnt helpfull
Cube Posted February 2, 2011 Posted February 2, 2011 Awesome! I just got my ticket for the Manchester event.
Dyson Posted February 2, 2011 Posted February 2, 2011 My skeptic assistant manager played this today and walked away wanting one. Sounds good.
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