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Yep, I unlinked my Club Nintendo Account by going into the eShop settings menu on the far left.

And make sure to delete any saved Credit Cards if you have any.


I kept all the Ambassador Games on it yeah; there is an option to erase your eShop or Downloads or something; so don't do this... but seeing as you've unlinked your Nintendo Account and cleared everything else it no longer has any association with you.


I also changed my Mii into the first option in each of the customisations menu's to create a generic Mii, but that's just my preference.


And be sure to erase any music/photo's off your SD card. And I also erased my saved Wi-Fi settings.

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Dahym, early 2013 is looking amazing for 3DS!


Fire Emblem Awakening, Devil Training, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, Castlevania Mirror of Fate, Animal Crossing Jump Out, Luigi's Mansion DM...


This Xmas looks crap in comparison! :o


Kind of glad they are coming out next year now, the WiiU is going to hit my wallet so hard, so hard one would think Captain Falcon himself falcon punched it :D

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Holy shit, I need to remember to take my 3DS out with me more.


Within an hour, just after sitting down for something to eat, I pulled out my 3DS and noticed I had already maxed StreetPass Mii Plaza hits. Couldn't do anything about it to reset it cause I was with a friend, but I just got back after nearly 5 hours in central and pretty much everything got maxed out (Except for Kid Icarus, only got 5 hits).


Shame I didn't bring along some of these games with me D=

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It's getting bad here in Liverpool. On a very crowded day in town yesterday I went around shopping for a good few hours and called in to ALL the game stores, including CEX and the like, searching for the cheapest copy of Pilotwings Resort I could find (after completing it I foolishly traded ages ago, but I've had desperate pangs to play again on the XL!)... one streetpass hit. ONE! =/


On the positive side, this was the first time I'd mustered the courage to take the whopping XL out and about, and you know what? It wasn't a problem at all. Fitted in my inside coat pocket fine.


I also picked up a new copy of Kingdom Hearts DDD. Looking forward to getting stuck in!

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