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Following on from Retro Link's post, this could be its own topic really, but what do you think the 3DS game of the year was? Excluding DSi Ware (because it was available on the DSi), my two favourites were:


1) Pilotwings Resort

This is my No.1 because it was really quite original and had a coherent feel and theme. OK, I'm a bit biased, because it introduced me to the 3DS and its stereoscopic feature, but the moment I turned it on and took a tour of Wuhu Island, I genuinely got a feeling I was experiencing something new and high-tech. Very funky music too!


One reason I value this more than other 3DS software is that it truly is a superb tech demo. In many ways, flying round Wuhu Island shows what the 3DS can do more than Super Mario 3D Land or OOT. The gorgeous graphics made exploring all the islands a joy.


2) Ocarina of Time 3D

This is my No.2 because, great as it is, I can't ignore the fact it's a remake. That said, it was such a pleasure to see OOT running smoother and sharper than ever. I enjoyed it more than Skyward Sword in every way - better graphics, better controls, better art style... You name it, OOT 3D was better.


Also enjoyed: SFIV, DOA Dimensions, Super Mario 3D Land and (so far) Tales of the Abyss.


Can't add much to your post @Grazza, in that Pilotwings and Ocarina of Time are the only two 3DS games I've played so far!


I love them both for different reasons.


Ocarina of Time wowed me all over again, it's always been my favourite game of all time, and getting to experience it on the 3DS was amazing, the game looks incredible!

Yes it is a remake, but what a remake!


Pilotwings, is a fantastic game with the perfect difficulty curve! I felt a real sense of achievement 100% perfecting the game, as it's a real challenge and a great gaming achievement! The game also looked great and was a lot of fun to play!

Although I didn't really enjoy completing Free Flight mode having completed the Wii Sport Resort equivalent, and again it's another game that highlights Nintendo's lazyness when it comes to downloadable content! This would have been the perfect game for extra levels!


Got Starfox to look forward to next, and then MK7 and SM3DL!


3DS game of the year for me has to be Ghost Recon: Shadow Wars (this is on the basis that I haven't yet played Super Mario 3D Land which could take it but I doubt it). Totally unexpected and quite frankly a brilliant game (getting Gollop in to make it is the best idea they've had in years) from Ubisoft for a launch title that pretty much everyone overlooked.


OoT is pretty much as it was on the N64, great, but I'd played most of it (I say most as I never finished it first time around so did on the 3DS) and Mario Kart 7 doesn't touch the DS version, especially when you consider the missing modes from single player (Mission Mode I can sort of let slide but there's no single race option. What. The. Hell?) and terrible rubber banding (4 blue shells and 3 lightning bolts on a 50cc race? Yeah, think you need to learn to code some proper AI Nintendo. I shouldn't be penalised for winning a race).


Dead or Alive: Dimensions gets second for me. Feel it was a better game than SSFIV and I just enjoyed it so much.


Do think the DS had the better high quality games compared to the 3DS this year though (Ghost Trick, Okamiden, Pokemon Black/White, Radiant Historia, etc.)

What the fuck is this about? My Mii has been destroyed.


:eek: Woah, I've never seen that before! how did this come about, what were you doing prior to this happening? or did it just turn up when you went to your friends list?


What the fuck is this about? My Mii has been destroyed.


what were you doing prior to this happening?


Clearly something evil... ;)




... jokes, but I agree it is kind of odd to say the least. :blank:


Let's not use VGChartz though. Might as well wait for official Q3 results at the end of the month. Will hopefully get some nice announcements then too. It's also the first realistic shot of 2012 of Nintendo actually starting to talk about Wii U.

Rumor: Nintendo working on 3DS Lite

Japanese publication Nikkei Trendy has reported on two new rumors today. One of them pertains to the 3DS.


The site reports that Nintendo is in the process of creating a “follow-up†of sorts to the 3DS. Specifically, it seems as though the Big N is working on a 3DS Lite. The new system would feature an enhanced battery and would be thinner than the current 3DS.


If Nintendo is going in this direction, it wouldn’t be at all surprising. Both the Game Boy Advance and the DS saw numerous iterations that improved on initial hardware.


For now, this report should be treated as a rumor. Having said that, Nikkei has known to be quite accurate in the past.


heh, there's no mention of an integrated second slidepad:laughing:


Anyways, this isn't really a rumour, we all know it's coming....

All we can do is hope they won't spend a substantial amount of talking about it during this year's E3.


Mmm, someone on NeoGAF who claimed to be able to actually read the original Japanese text said that the tiny Nikkei Trendy 'article' didn't even report it as a rumour - it simply noted that it was a possibility. Maybe someone from here who can read Japanese could give the original source a look over.


But Fused is right. A redesign will annoyingly but inevitably arrive one day. All I'll be interested in is whether it will be worth it for the price they put it at.


I don't want a 3DSlite, I want a 3DXl. More width (for the second another and extra shoulder buttons), bigger scenes etc.


It must must have bett cameras. It's such a great and still unique feature of e console, but the quality is so bad it's not worth using, it needs to be a viable option for someone in all situations rather than just for 3d gimmicks.


They need to release Flipnote studio 3d. And then awesome distributioin platforms for letterbox, pictures, videos and animations and flip note, and it all needs to be hooked up to the social networks.


More and much much better video 3D video content.


All this doesn't even need the console upgrade, for some reason I just got onto it... As this is what is vital. If Nintendo don't do it they'll fall behind AGAIN, they've got ahead, they've had a great first year, but they need to catch up on all this outside gaming stuff, as whether they, or we like it, the gaming public and mainstream do!


Yeah they really need to do something about the Camera actually. Because like you say it's pointless at the moment with the quality being so low, you just don't want to use it for anything other than 'oh look it can also take 3D photo's/video's.


Eh, as soon as I saw it say "thinner but with longer battery life" I knew it had to be bunk. There's no room inside the chassis to make it smaller (unlike the DS, which had loads of empty space to cut down on for the DS Lite)


And a year isn't a long enough time to make those kind of space savings necessary to fit a bigger capacity battery inside (or to cut down on power consumption enough for a substantial battery life increase)

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