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3DS Console Discussion


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I got the Zelda 3DS...it's pretty awesome. Could have saved around £20 if I had went for a plain 3DS but I'm not too fussed - always wanted a ltd edition console and now I have one. Good times.


I'm quite liking the 3DS in general as it happens, although I tired of making Miis back in 2007 or so :heh:

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Now that the 3DS sales have started to pick up enormous momentum which has completely smashed my early pessimism regarding its success, I think it's time to talk sales figures and projections!


Now I know most of you guys hate business talks because of the famous douchey analysts that surround the Nintendo scene, but if you all remember, the expected sales figure of 3DS hardware by the end of this fiscal year (31st March 2012) is 16 million units. You should care about this as third parties are going to be weighing up the potential against the Vita which is due in Feb.


VG Chartz is currently recording 3DS sales figures at 7.9 million units sold as of the 19th of November. With Thanksgiving and Black Friday (which is now becoming quite big in the UK) just passed, the 3DS will most likely grow in sales by another week. Then of course we get Mario Kart 7 worldwide this week which will probably blow up the sales again..


With money as tight as it is, I can imagine a lot of the Black Friday purchases of the 3DS will be to put them away for Christmas. But I can probably imagine Christmas sales worldwide would probably push the 3DS over 10 million units.


But what about Q1 2012? The final push to the end of the fiscal year. Not a lot has been confirmed yet but I think first party wise there's Luigi's Mansion 2 and Kid Icarus definitely coming out early in the year. Resident Evil and Sonic & Mario will definitely help push the 3DS more in the hands of those yet to buy the system..


But I'm just not sure whether it will reach 16 million unless there's some surprise early 2012 releases or I've grossly underestimated the Christmas sales.

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Eurogamer are reporting that Mario Kart 7's community features were originally included in 3DS firmware.


So, rather than later updating the firmware with said community options, they put it in Mario Kart 7? How frustrating are Nintendo being?


They just don't get this online communication thing at all do they? It's great to see it included in Mario Kart 7, don't get me wrong, but the system itself could have benefited greatly by having it in the firmware.


Any way, isn't this the second out of both major firmwares revealed by Nintendo that has ended up getting delayed? I guess in future I'll take the date specified and add a week or two onto it.. Doesn't fill me with hope about those GBA games!

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The community thing was originally planned to come part and parcel of the 3DS. Its not that they had it up and running and thought they would cut it just to make us wait - they ran out of time and so have ended up including communities with MK 7, instead of it being an out of the box 3DS feature.

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The community thing was originally planned to come part and parcel of the 3DS. Its not that they had it up and running and thought they would cut it just to make us wait - they ran out of time and so have ended up including communities with MK 7, instead of it being an out of the box 3DS feature.


You have a point about how it was only planned and time restraints leading it to be included with MK7.


But I still think they could have benefited by including it with the latest firmware instead of just a game. It just seems so.. restrictive compared to having it as a feature you could sort from your friends menu that would work across all games in the future.

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The community thing was originally planned to come part and parcel of the 3DS. Its not that they had it up and running and thought they would cut it just to make us wait - they ran out of time and so have ended up including communities with MK 7, instead of it being an out of the box 3DS feature.


But why limit the whole thing to just one game? Make it system wide. Heavens, if they were planning it and eventually coded it - would it have killed them to pop it into a firmware, rather than into MK7? We could've forgiven a half-arsed start to online if we got system-wide community features at this point. Bonkers.

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I'm considering purchasing a 3DS, as and when i do so depends on finances. I've saved money from last months pay, which is nice. As soon as i've bought everyone's Christmas pressies (1/2 done) i'll see whats left and may make a purchase.


It's a good time to get involved, what with Mario Kart, Mario Land and Pokemon Rumble all out. You can also pick up the likes of Pilotwings, Dead or Alive and Zelda OOT.

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