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That's... actually really awesome. I definitely would've gotten the PC version if they'd said that was possible. Assuming each person can have a different resolution.

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That's... actually really awesome. I definitely would've gotten the PC version if they'd said that was possible. Assuming each person can have a different resolution.


I presume it's not an advertised feature as they can't create a simplified way to do it.


I doubt you can have two resolutions. It'll be ATi Eyefinity/Nvidia 3D Vision Surround with two monitors of equal resolution acting like one large one. If it's two 1920x1080 monitors you get a 3840x1080 resolution. Set the splitscreen to vertical and each player will get 1920x1080, which should put them both on separate screens. If you want to use different resolution monitors you'd need to set them both to the same resolution. AFAIK running one application across two separate screens isn't possible, they have to act as one for it to work.


Yeah I hadnt read into it and figured you might be able to launch two instances of the game. That's still ok though, I could output through my TV and monitor at 1600x1200 I think. Used to have twin monitor setup but no more.


Loving this game, but now wishing I'd got the PS3 version with free PC version :/

I may be remembering things wrong here, but is the reticule a little different this time?


In the first game, I was sure it faded out when you were aiming at a surface where you couldn't plant a portal. This time it does it when you have no portal placed of that colour.


Not sure I like it like this as sometimes a surface looks placeable, but it's not and vice versa





Posted (edited)

Actually just checked and yep that was the behaviour in the old game.


I've not really struggled to identify proper platforms though in Portal 2. And that would make it easier to find the high up platforms, you could just move around and watch for the crosshair to flicker.

Edited by Shorty

Just completed the game. Not sure if I prefer it over the first Portal but thats probably because playing the first game was such an awesome, unique experience.


Looking forward to playing through the co-op this weekend and the single player again with the commentary on.

I've not really struggled to identify proper platforms though in Portal 2. And that would make it easier to find the high up platforms, you could just move around and watch for the crosshair to flicker.


After finishing the game, the decision seems to make a lot of sense.

Posted (edited)

Just completed it. Under 7 hours as well, I thought I was taking way too much time, especially on one bit.


pr0 game.


Merchant was a fuckload better than I thought it'd be, but with my surname at his side he couldn't do wrong.



Are the overgrown portions in the co-op only? Because I keep seeing screens/videos with vines and shit all over the place, but didn't really encounter any, except when GLaDOS said she saw a deer*



*How does one pronounce her name? Glad-os, Glay-dos?


Game is simply brilliant, and wouldn't be surprised if it got goatee. The only other contender would be Uncharted 2.......or Arkham City........or Mass Effect 3........or...

Game is simply brilliant, and wouldn't be surprised if it got goatee. The only other contender would be Uncharted 2.......or Arkham City........or Mass Effect 3........or...


I know Uncharted 2 is stunning but I don't think it can warp space time.


Wouldn't put anything past Uncharted 3, though.

Posted (edited)
Are the overgrown portions in the co-op only? Because I keep seeing screens/videos with vines and shit all over the place, but didn't really encounter any, except when GLaDOS said she saw a deer*


Did you skip the first chapter of the game?


I've completed it again with the audio commentary. Still a lot of fun. Then went through a few chapters just looking. Found a hidden room in a ceiling and another room with some


Singing turrets



I also played though three sets of co-op levels (with PSN down, thank God that the PC version came free) and they're brilliant. Although there does seem to be a lot of cases where someone does have a harder job.


Also, once you've done the game once go back to


That part where he kills you, when he's saying "come back" go back to him and just listen. It's brilliant.




GLaDOS: This is the part where he kills you

Wheatley: This is the part where I kill you


Achievement: The Part Where He Kills You


Was also brilliant.



Actually, most of the dialogue was brilliant.


I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! WITH THE LEMONS!


Edited by Cube

The best bit about the game for me was the dialogue; so funny.


When Wheatley wants to kill you and asks for you to come back. the amount of stuff he says to get you to just jump to your doom, and then if you actually do it.


The same with the metal spikes where he's asking you to just kill yourself now, again, if you do it.


It's awesome!



Will eventually have the game this afternoon. This is due to HMV now using HDN couriers instead of Royal Mail. So to clarify - fuck you HMV I will never buy online from you again.


Finished it! My only quirk/complaint about the game is how there seems to be less portalable surface than in the first game. In the first game there was more surface available than non-surface, so the rooms felt more open and gave you more options. However the increased difficulty in this game means that having limited portal space does help a little when working out a puzzle :heh:


Merchant was, indeed, brilliant. I have a feeling the next time I see a Barclays ad all I'll be thinking is "Wheatley!!"


Picked it up yesterday afternoon and I'm really enjoying it. Think I've put 4 and a half hours into it, maybe a little more, and I'm up to Chapter 8 so I think I'm pacing myself well.


Definitely noticed a nice little increase in difficulty over the original which has been good and some of the new 'toys' they've included are brilliant. The Aerial Faith Plate is definitely my favourite.


Also liking the gels they've put in. They've definitely been the cause of some head scratching on my part on a few instances. Although I will admit, it took me about 10 minutes to figure out what the Conversion Gel did. Was stuck in a large room and could see the exit high up but for the life of me I couldn't see how to get there. Only by randomly firing portals did I realise what the Conversion Gel did so I could get passed :laughing:


So yes, really good game so far. Don't know if or when I'll get a chance to try the co-op (bought the 360 version and have people to play with but I've got exams and revision) so I'll see.


Got it yesterday. It's still very good, but I preferred the first one (even though I only aided Happenstance instead of actually playing it). The first one just had more stand out moments. It was like there was too much going on in this one. The first one felt unique, whereas this one felt a bit more like a "normal" game. Probably due to the story and extra characters. What I liked about the first was that it seemed like it was just a bunch of puzzle levels, which made the end part (the escape) come as a nice surprise.


The second is still a great game, but I don't think it's as good as the original.



Easily my favourite bit (not really spoilers, but might be better waiting till it comes up in game):



Im in the middle of playing the game through again with the commentary on, its a bit annoying that you cant have a seperate saved game for that. Just had trouble remembering where I left off last time and if you finish in the middle of a chapter then you have to do the levels again to get to where you were.

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