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1 hour ago, S.C.G said:

That's a good find @Hero-of-Time 

Yeah, I just happen to be check the site after getting a Black Friday sale email off them. As soon as I seen it I had to snap it up. It looks like a lovely set. I also snapped up these as they were on sale, both of which I have been after for a while now. 




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2 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

@Goafer I know you love the game as much as me so I figured I would give you a heads up just in case you are interested. The Sega UK store are selling the Skies of Arcadia soundtrack boxset.


It looks lovely and i've just ordered myself a copy. They also have the vinyl if you're into that.


Damn it, so close to Christmas and with my savings in tatters after my car died. WHY?!

If it was a bit cheaper or my money situation was better, I'd be all over that. Literally my favourite game of all time (although a few others are quite close).

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Sega Lord X with a video on Early Sega Master System Games which has some interesting titles in there, along with some not so interesting ones.

I only have a few Sega Master System games, definitely a few that I'd like to check out some day such as Ninja Gaiden and Danan: The Jungle Fighter amongst others.

I know the latter of those two games isn't supposed to be that good but I am curious about it, also check out this Mean Machines review of Danan from back in the day...


I really like the captions under the screenshots :D something we've tried to keep going across many N-Europe reviews, it definitely adds to the enjoyment of the reviews. :smile:

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That was quick, that Skies of Arcadia OST turned up this morning, I'll likely give it a listen this weekend as its been a while since I listened to the soundtrack. :D

I just checked and they still have four copies on the Sega Store, it's weird... the store seems really well setup but not that many people know its there.

Will keep a look out on the site from time to time now, as I forgot it was there as well, probably the best things I could see on there at the moment were the console pin badges.

I bought the Mega Drive version elsewhere and didn't know they were available on the Sega store... they might not have been at the time, didn't know there was a DC one.

Anyway, I don't need any more stuff, even if it is cool Sega stuff and I can't really afford it in any case but that OST was worth going for. :smile:

*hides credit card from self* :p

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30 minutes ago, S.C.G said:

That was quick, that Skies of Arcadia OST turned up this morning, I'll likely give it a listen this weekend as its been a while since I listened to the soundtrack. :D

Sweet! I wonder if my copy shows up today as well. I know they shipped it super quick so hopefully it will arrive soon. 

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Had no idea that SEGA did a new printing of the SOA soundtrack, let alone that the SEGA store was selling it!

Will have to go and cop that...

Edit:  Aaaaaaannnnndddd done! Thanks for the heads up guys! Would've totally have missed it otherwise!

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Sega Lord X with a video on Nintendo Switch Sega Ages Fantasy Zone which looks like another fantastic port from M2. :D

Well worth supporting these titles, also as a heads-up I'm pretty sure that most of the titles have gone on sale in the US so I'm hoping that we should get the same deal next week... at least I think that's the way that it works, I hope so as I want to get the rest of the Sega Ages titles that I'm currently missing.

Hmm, it looks like that sale was just for Black Friday  until December 4th on the American eShop for both Sega and Atlus across Switch and 3DS though they should really cut the prices here as well because they'd do pretty well I reckon.

Edit - Nope... looks like we got some Sega Ages titles on sale this week... all the ones I already have of course. :indeed:

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OK, this seems like the best place to put this because it's nuts.

OK, so have you ever thought to yourself, "Man, I enjoy Half-Life, but I kinda wish I could play it as if it was a Spyro game"?

What's that? No? Well, tough cookies, because someone is doing just that.

It's a mod for Half-life, but instead of a FPS, it's a platformer with the mechanics of a Spyro game.

It's still a work-in-progress, but I feel like this GIF was made for this moment.

Ryan Reynolds GIF

Don't get me wrong, it's really cool, but who asked for this?

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2 minutes ago, Happenstance said:

So what do we think, will we see an N64 mini next year from Nintendo? There did seem to be various leaks hinting that they were working on one but nothing has come of them yet.

My guess would be probably not. You wouldn't really see a lot of games on it for the same kind of price as the two previous mini consoles. Also, 4-player was a big selling point of the N64, and I just don't see something like an N64 Mini containing 4 custom made controllers. (Remember NES and SNES Wii controllers already existed back then, so it was easy to just reuse them)

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Hmmm, I don't really see that as a reason not to release one. I can see them releasing one with 2 controllers and then make other controllers available to buy. These things sell so well that they'd know there would already be a shit load of controllers out there to bring round a friends house to play 4 player. It may never come out but I just don't think worry about not providing 4 player easily would be the reason why.

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5 minutes ago, Happenstance said:

Hmmm, I don't really see that as a reason not to release one. I can see them releasing one with 2 controllers and then make other controllers available to buy. These things sell so well that they'd know there would already be a shit load of controllers out there to bring round a friends house to play 4 player. It may never come out but I just don't think worry about not providing 4 player easily would be the reason why.

It's also worth noting that some of the more well-loved N64 games are owned by Microsoft now. (Well, except for Goldeneye, but that's a whole different can of worms)

Third party in general had a pretty poor N64 showing because most jumped ship to PlayStation.

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An excellent interview with Jez San, the founder of Argonaut Games, as he discusses his career, his time at Nintendo and the fabled Super Visor VR headset that was cancelled in favour of the Virtual Boy! :D 

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Sega Lord X with a video titled 10 Things Sega Got Very Wrong which mentions quite a few key points including how Sega management effectively tore the company apart in the end near enough which I remember @Dcubed mentioning a few times and while it's deifnitely true, looking back it's still hard to accept how it happened but what's even harder to accept is the things which Sega are still getting wrong like not believing in the Sega Ages range of games which could be so much more than they are now.

I love the Sega Ages titles we have on the Switch but they could so easily expand and either bring some obscure titles such as obscure arcade games which people would surely love to play or maybe even port some of the existing range of games to other platforms maybe in compilation form they'd probably have the best shot at success; although I must admit I do like the exclusivity of some of these games on the Switch but they could be so much more if they were more widely available.

It goes both ways as well, I'm really glad that the Switch is getting that Panzer Dragoon remake and for the second game as well, having them as a timed Switch exclusive (I assume) is a good move but they will have probably even more success once these titles are available on all platforms, not only that though but it would be nice if say... Panzer Dragoon Orta was ported to the Switch, heck I'd buy it even if it wouldn't quite look as stunning as the technically amazing backwards compatible version on the Xbox One which scales up to 4K... just having the game in true portable form would be astounding.

There's plenty which Sega can improve upon but equally there is plenty to look forward to as well, especially when we're talking about games such as Streets of Rage 4 and a possible new 2D Sonic game in the style of Mania which surely has to be happening, I just hope Sega can keep going in the right direction though as there's still plenty on untapped potential there. :peace:

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The Geek Critique finally made a video on Shadow the Hedgehog and I'd say that it was worth the wait. :D

Also worth watching if you want to find out what actually happens at the end of game without having to play through it ten times over!

Even back in the day, I remember getting some enjoyment out of the game but definitely not ten playthroughs worth.

I might go back to it one day just to see but it's not something I'd make a priority as I haven't really touched the game since 2005.

It definitely marked the end of an (edgy) era though and it did give us some classic moments, probably for all the wrong reasons but at least they tried. ::shrug:

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I bet everyone who reads this post now has the rap playing in their head. :D 

Crazy that it's now 20 years old. I remember buying the game at my local Dixons/Currys store as if it were yesterday. I know the game gets a lot of hate but I still love the thing. The final boss fight is one of the craziest in all of gaming. :laughing:

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Just now, Hero-of-Time said:
I bet everyone who reads this post now has the rap playing in their head. :D 

Crazy that it's now 20 years old. I remember buying the game at my local Dixons/Currys store as if it were yesterday. I know the game gets a lot of hate but I still love the thing. The final boss fight is one of the craziest in all of gaming. :laughing:

He-He-Here We Go!


I can't believe it either, Donkey Kong 64 is twenty years old... it doesn't seem like that long ago to me, that's just... bananas! :cool:

Maybe we should all play it again to celebrate this anniversary... then again, maybe not, I don't think anyone has time for that, even a speedrun on that game is probably long. ;)

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Yesterday marked the anniversary of the original PlayStation. Here are a few pieces that celebrated the event.

PlayStation - The First 25 Years

How the DualShock shaped the modern console controller

Crazy to think that what was essentially an act of revenge ended up spawning the most successful home console brand that the industry has ever seen.

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I'll put this in here even though some of the series is current.

Finally getting around to trying out the Legend of Heroes series. I'd always heard they were great RPGs and bought Trails in the Sky years ago on pc but never got around to playing it. Noticed the later ones on sale on the PSN today and thought they looked interesting so figured this was a good time to go back to that first one. Anyone else played them?

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