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Ahoy has come out with a new video that gets you thinking about what game actually qualifies as the first ever "video game".


While I disagree with his definition and qualification (personally, I think that Cathode-ray Tube Amusement Device should be counted), it's another very well produced video that's well worth a watch! :peace:

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Sega Lord X with a video on The Nintendo 64 - An Unexpected Journey which features some fantastic titles in there. :D

Speaking of the N64, my collection has had a bit of a rejig recently, as I've been going through my collection I have decided to part with at least nine titles.

There are other games which I could also sell if I really wanted to but I've now got it down to just under fifty titles which are either games I've grown up with or that mean something.

Plus I do have an Everdrive 64 Version 3 so that I can play all the homebrews and titles we never got over here, so there's that to consider. :smile:

I tried to do the same with my GameCube collection but I just couldn't do it, I have nearly double the amount of GC games as N64 games but It's another system I really like. :heart:

I've got to have a good look at my Sega games next, starting with the Dreamcast collection which I'm mostly very pleased with but there are maybe a few titles I don't need.

All of my Sega Saturn games feel pretty well curated overall, I just need more space for them, although I don't have that many overall, plenty of gems though.

I might have gone a bit overkill with Sega Mega Drive games just before the Analogue Mega SG came out though but I did grow up with it and the Mega-CD so it's fine I think.

Has anyone else been looking at their game collection and started pairing things down, or even building it up?

I know @Happenstance you got your collection down to just 16-bit consoles mostly didn't you? Have you found that better in the long run rather than collecting for many platforms?

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2 minutes ago, S.C.G said:

I know @Happenstance you got your collection down to just 16-bit consoles mostly didn't you? Have you found that better in the long run rather than collecting for many platforms?

Yeah I’m much happier with my collection now. It’s a bit sad that all the SNES carts have to sit in a drawer but they are just so hard to display. The Mega Drive ones are all out in the bookshelf though.

I still have the majority of my consoles, even the ones I got rid of the games for but they sit piled up in my wardrobe. One day I’d actually like to have the space to display those.

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10 minutes ago, Happenstance said:

Yeah I’m much happier with my collection now. It’s a bit sad that all the SNES carts have to sit in a drawer but they are just so hard to display. The Mega Drive ones are all out in the bookshelf though.

I still have the majority of my consoles, even the ones I got rid of the games for but they sit piled up in my wardrobe. One day I’d actually like to have the space to display those.

I'm glad to hear that :smile: currently with all of the systems I've collected for, it can feel like a bit much at times but I just know that they are mostly game I want to play... one day.

I can relate to that, the one bookshelf I have is now "The Sega Shelf" which has mostly Mega Drive, Master System and Mega CD games on the shelves, then on top of the shelf that's where I have most of the Saturn games, in their own wooden shelf frame type storage, then on top of that is where I made a bespoke storage system out of perspex pieces which is where most of the Dreamcast collection is, with the overspill in some of those stackable Game storage towers.

When it comes to the SNES games though... I had to put most of those in strong storage boxes, along with videogame OST's etc and more niche stuff like Neo Geo Pocket.

Then in the big boxes, I've got all the videogame books I backed on Kickstarter but want to get around to reading, the bookshelf would be the best place for them but... :p (Sega!)

Controllers and peripherals are an entirely different issue... this is after getting rid of a load of stuff as well, it's mad really. ::shrug:

I was sitting here last night, looking at what few anime and sci-fi dvd's I have on another small tower unit and thinking how many SNES games I could fit in their place.

Gaming is still something I very much enjoy but now that I have the time to really look at everything critically, it has really made me think about what's worth keeping and what isn't.

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Going forward I'm considering doing this for my modren games:


This is basically my blu ray and DVD collection now. I put them all in plastic sleeves and created custom cd sized cardboard covers for each movie so it looks good when I'm flicking through them. I keep track of what I have by using the Blu-Ray.com app as a library I or anyone else (I think @goafer tried it once) can search through and choose something to watch. Before this I had everything in 4 big cd wallets and they just sat in cupboards never getting touched. This (along with the projector and screen) has completely revitalised my movie collection. Plus as you can see it's also become my cats favourite spot.

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I like your cat and your storage solution very much @Happenstance :D

My younger brother who has a film collection around the same size as my game collection started doing something similar with some of his films and it seems like a great idea. :smile:

The idea of putting modern games in a similar storage solution is a good one, I don't know if I could do it but I do recognise that game packaging is becoming less special.

Going forward, the compromise I think is for all future platforms which have physical media is to have cases the size of Switch game cases or smaller, I think this would help.

This is definitely why I've gravitated towards collecting Switch games more than any other modern platform recently as you can fit a tonne onto a shelf or storage cube. :)

I'll try and share some of my storage solutions when I can get things to a more photo-taking worthy state as I've been using some neat methods for storing portable games.

It's just the rest of it I really need to work on. :blush:

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Stop Skeletons From Fighting with a video all about Kenji Eno who I knew nothing about despite owning both D and Enemy Zero  on the Saturn for many years now.

I feel like I should play through them both properly soon in his memory as it seems like he was a real force in the industry at the time. :smile:

Maybe I should see about picking up an NTSC copy of D2 on the Dreamcast at some point... I wish I'd picked it up years ago, it's kind of rare now.

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Sega Lord X  with a video on Streets of Rage Remake has anyone else played this one PC? I'm pretty sure I have at some point and I remember it being really good.

Seeing it in this video just makes me wish that it would get an official port from Sega in an almost Sonic Mania style fashion.

Well, at least we are getting Streets of Rage 4 which I also can't wait for but if this ever got an official port, I think it would sell loads. :D

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3 hours ago, S.C.G said:

Sega Lord X  with a video on Streets of Rage Remake has anyone else played this one PC? I'm pretty sure I have at some point and I remember it being really good.

Yeah it was excellent, honestly I wish Sega had stepped in and released it officially it was that good. It's like a mixture between a love letter to the originals while adding enough to it to make it even better. A lot like how Sonic Mania is to the original 2D Sonic games.

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On 06/10/2019 at 9:26 PM, S.C.G said:

Has anyone else been looking at their game collection and started pairing things down, or even building it up?

Yeah, I think I'm going to start getting rid of some games I either haven't played or am unlikely to play again. Problem is I'm not sure what to do with some games that don't really have much value, like Tetris on the 3DS. Donate to charity maybe?

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5 minutes ago, Ike said:

Yeah, I think I'm going to start getting rid of some games I either haven't played or am unlikely to play again. Problem is I'm not sure what to do with some games that don't really have much value, like Tetris on the 3DS. Donate to charity maybe?

It's a tricky one, I've been going for a mixture of selling some myself online, selling some of the things I probably wouldn't get around to sorting to someone who deals in games and collectables while getting a bit back for them but not as much as if I'd sold them myself and charity but only if the items are really not worth the time and/or are only worth less than a few pounds, although we do give other stuff to our local charity shops that might be worth a little bit but that just aren't worth us selling ourselves as a household.

You say that Tetris on the 3DS doesn't go for much though, I just checked and you can still get £8 - £10 for a good condition boxed copy. :)

If you ended up with a few 3DS games (or for any platform) which  you feel aren't worth selling then I'd gladly take a few off your hands and give you the money for postage if that's something you'd feel comfortable with? There might be some titles that I'm missing from my collection and I'd never throw away any cases or anything, I make sure that they're all reused if they can be in the case of empty boxes and I can usually find a new home for them. :peace:

Mind you, that's kind of how I ended up with too many games in the first place :blush: I'd pick them up here, there and everywhere and if anyone was offering games then I'd usually buy them off them if offered them, I don't mind taking on a few games here and there as I have the time to now and being that Im in the process of going through all my collection by format, systematically it's the best time while I'm in that frame of mind. :D

Equally someone else on here might want some of the titles as well, you never know? And if you were looking for any games in particular on any platform then I might be able to help you out with some games I was thinking of parting with anyway as a trade.

Let me know what you think but if we can help each other out then that can only be a good thing. :smile:

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On 06/10/2019 at 9:26 PM, S.C.G said:

Has anyone else been looking at their game collection and started pairing things down, or even building it up?

I've been recently looking into building up my PSONE collection some more. The console is pretty cheap to buy games for and there is a bunch of stuff that I either want to replay or play for the first time. I'm also in the process of getting PSONE games that never got released over here. I already posted a while back that I had picked up Xenogears and a few weeks back ( don't think I posted it ) I picked up the original Parasite Eve. I'm looking to buy Chrono Cross, Brave Fencer Musashi, Legend of Mana and Einhander at some point but not before pick up a modded console to play them on, again which are pretty cheap.

I'm also thinking about picking up the DS Castlevania games some point soon. Having played through the GBA ones a few months back I would love to play the DS series, especially as some of them are rated higher than the GBA ones. 

While all of this is good in theory, even though I get through a crazy amount of games, I still have quite a backlog to get through and I keep trying to clear a bunch of those games before I buy any other games, both new and old. Whether I get around to actually picking up any of the games I mentioned is another matter. :D 

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18 minutes ago, S.C.G said:

You say that Tetris on the 3DS doesn't go for much though, I just checked and you can still get £8 - £10 for a good condition boxed copy. :)

CEX only gives £2 cash or £3 trade in. Probably after buying the envelope and eBay fees I'll probably only get about that anyway. :laughing: 

I've noticed GAME's trade in checker doesn't give prices for 3DS games so it looks like they don't even expect it either.


Let me know what you think but if we can help each other out then that can only be a good thing

Yeah, maybe. I need to work out what I want to part with though. It's kinda hard, but feels a shame for some of them to just be sat on my shelf unplayed. I don't think I have the time or energy to play everything.

Want to get rid of some One Piece DVDs I imported from America, but not sure how easy they are going to be to sell since we got the large sets and they are region 1 DVDs.

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2 minutes ago, Ike said:

CEX only gives £2 cash or £3 trade in. Probably after buying the envelope and eBay fees I'll probably only get about that anyway. :laughing: 

Yeah, maybe. I need to work out what I want to part with though. It's kinda hard, but feels a shame for some of them to just be sat on my shelf unplayed. I don't think I have the time or energy to play everything.

Yeah, when it comes to CEX they can be useful for getting rid of a load of titles worth £3 - £10 or so, I did that initially just to get some of the volume of games I had down, I had boxes of PS2 games etc before going down to CEX a few times but now that I've got to the other stuff in my main collection it's tougher because say a game is worth £30... traded in to CEX they'll maybe give you £12 and then they make that £18 back or sometimes more when they routinely put their prices up after checking eBay every month or so.

If you put that £30 game on eBay, especially at a time when there's £1 maximum valuation fees, then you'd still make back £27 after ebay fees, paypal and your postage (which you often put down as an extra cost to the buyer anyway) I have a little bit of experience with eBay, mostly just from selling stuff from my collection and while I don't know a lot, I have learned a bit since having to use it a bit more following me leaving my job earlier in the year, it has certainly been a learning curve and it makes you really go over what you have and what you really want to keep or don't, it takes a lot of time but I feel it's worth doing. :peace:

Anyway, I just thought I'd mention it in case you did end up with a load of titles you really didn't want as I'd gladly cover your postage costs and whatever envelope or box you might need to buy in order to post them. only if it was a help to you though, no pressure. :D

I understand that it's hard to go through your collection as well, recently I took all of my DS and 3DS boxes out from where they were to make more room and to go through them, I saw games in there which I hadn't played in years but some of them I just thought I might as well keep as I never know if I might want to play them again one day, same for GBA and GBC/GB games, I've got all the carts in a display rack so that I can play them easily now if I want to but all of the boxes are in a large plastic box at the moment.

It's hard to know what to do with a lot of games that you love but maybe haven't played in a while, I know that if I decided to then I could probably make back a reasonable amount by selling a lot of my collection, not a fortune or anything but enough to carry on living reasonably well and this is always in the back of my mind as I feel that if I really needed to sell games in an emergency then I could but until then if/when that happens, I'll just prioritise and enjoy the games I have while I have them. :smile:

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11 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

I've been recently looking into building up my PSONE collection some more. The console is pretty cheap to buy games for and there is a bunch of stuff that I either want to replay or play for the first time. I'm also in the process of getting PSONE games that never got released over here. I already posted a while back that I had picked up Xenogears and a few weeks back ( don't think I posted it ) I picked up the original Parasite Eve. I'm looking to buy Chrono Cross, Brave Fencer Musashi, Legend of Mana and Einhander at some point but not before pick up a modded console to play them on, again which are pretty cheap.

I'm also thinking about picking up the DS Castlevania games some point soon. Having played through the GBA ones a few months back I would love to play the DS series, especially as some of them are rated higher than the GBA ones. 

While all of this is good in theory, even though I get through a crazy amount of games, I still have quite a backlog to get through and I keep trying to clear a bunch of those games before I buy any other games, both new and old. Whether I get around to actually picking up any of the games I mentioned is another matter. :D 

If you’re planning on buying those US PS1 games purely for the purpose of playing them (and not for the purpose of having a physical collection); I would consider getting them from the US PSN store on PS3/Vita.  They would be substantially cheaper on there and much easier to get a hold of.  The PSN store has almost all of the big name US exclusives (though Einhander is only available on the Japanese store... the JPN version is almost entirely in English anyway though).


Also, you know, you get both portable and console versions at the same time too :) 

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2 minutes ago, Dcubed said:

If you’re planning on buying those US PS1 games purely for the purpose of playing them (and not for the purpose of having a physical collection); I would consider getting them from the PSN store on PS3/Vita.  They would be substantially cheaper on there and much easier to get a hold of.  The PSN store has almost all of the big name US exclusives (though Einhander is only available on the Japanese store... the JPN version is almost entirely in English anyway though).


Also, you know, you get both portable and console versions at the same time too :) 

Nah, I want the physical versions (dude, do you not know me at all? :p ). I actually already have Parasite Eve and Legend of Mana digitally for the Vita but it's a pain switching between regions on the thing. Also, I find it much more likely that I will play a game if I have an actual copy of it in hand rather than just digitally. 

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I sat and watched this earlier today.

Dude was on when explaining the impact the game had on the UK. It was stupidly popular and it helped push the PlayStation as a console for the older gamer.

I wonder what it was like in the rest of Europe? @drahkon, was WipEout big in Germany or are you too young to remember?

I never got into the series (dabbled with it briefly) but one of my older brothers was very big on the rave scene back in the day and he absolutely loved the game. 

It's a shame Sony closed down the studio. The team seemed like a talented bunch of people. WipEout's popularity went south along with the rave scene. 

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11 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

I wonder what it was like in the rest of Europe? @drahkon, was WipEout big in Germany or are you too young to remember?

I remember playing it when I was about 10 years old, which means aprox. 5-6 years after its release. Whether it was a big thing...no idea as I wasn't into the industry as a whole back then. I just played video games and couldn't give a fuck about anything else :D 

I would only assume that it did relatively well, since it was a launch title IIRC. Then again, I can only extrapolate from my experience with which games my friends owned back then and Wipeout was in most of my mates' collections.

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3 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

I sat and watched this earlier today.

Dude was on when explaining the impact the game had on the UK. It was stupidly popular and it helped push the PlayStation as a console for the older gamer.

I wonder what it was like in the rest of Europe? @drahkon, was WipEout big in Germany or are you too young to remember?

I never got into the series (dabbled with it briefly) but one of my older brothers was very big on the rave scene back in the day and he absolutely loved the game. 

It's a shame Sony closed down the studio. The team seemed like a talented bunch of people. WipEout's popularity went south along with the rave scene. 

I'm watching this at the moment :hehe:

I never really played WipEout until eventually downloading the original on PS3 a few years ago after a brief dabble with WipEout 64.

I didn't really like the structure of the N64 version as you only selected one track at a time instead of having to race perfectly through several tracks in a row like on PS1.

When I think of WipEout, I only really think about the first entry in the series (and ultimately my favourite) but I did buy Omega Collection on PS4 a few months ago.

I played it for a decent amount but just couldn't shake the feeling that I wasn't enjoying it anywhere near as much as either the first game or the vastly superior F-Zero GX and later sold it..

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Today is the Dreamcast's real birthday a.ka. the European release. It was a long wait for Christmas in 1999. Will play some Sonic Adventure and Crazy Taxi during the weekend. Got a soldering iron so might attempt to fix the reset bug.

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On 10/14/2019 at 7:37 PM, Ike said:

Today is the Dreamcast's real birthday a.ka. the European release. It was a long wait for Christmas in 1999. Will play some Sonic Adventure and Crazy Taxi during the weekend. Got a soldering iron so might attempt to fix the reset bug.

I still remember the day I bought mine, it was the first time I went and bought a console myself rather then my parents buying it. I left my house early, went to Gamestation to buy the console, i wanted to then buy a game with it but they sold out of copies of Sonic Adventure. So I went over to Virgin Megastore and bought it there, but found out they were sold out of VMU/memory cards, so I had to go to GAME (called Electronic boutique in those days).  All of this on a cold morning in Croydon, but it was worth it lol

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It's the Sega Dreamcast's official PAL birthday today?

Hot damn! I just recently got my Dreamcast (temporarily) hooked up to my Framemeister so I could test some games.

I think I might just play it this evening, see if I can find the memory card(s) which (hopefully) have my original PSO characters on and play a bit for nostalgia's sake...

...and then play some more PSO later on PSOBB over on Ephinea which I've been enjoying playing a lot recently. :D

Happy Birthday to the mighty Dreamcast! :yay:

I enjoyed it a lot back in the day but I feel like I'm only starting to truely appreciate its worth now two decades on. :heart:

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