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45 minutes ago, Happenstance said:



Just came to post the MLIG review! Looks really good!


The Dither Blending option in particular looks very interesting! Very keen to see how that develops!


The Mega CD compatibility issues are disappointing though... Hopefully the can sort them out (or better yet, eventually just integrate everything into one unit some day!)


Hopefully I can get one soon!

Edited by Dcubed
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2 minutes ago, Ike said:

I'm just getting a black screen and a green line going down the right side when loading a cart. Is it because I'm on the default firmware?

I wouldn't think so but I updated mine before testing anything. Have you tried with multiple carts or just the one?

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1 minute ago, Ike said:

Multiple, all the same.

Maybe try the firmware update and then if that doesn't work contact Analogue. From what I understand if you do have a hardware fault then they just send you out a new motherboard and its an easy swap.

Try giving the SG connectors a blow as well. They maybe got dirty with the first cart you tried and its causing issues.

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Ghostbusters glitched out and crashed at first but seemed fine after that.


Made it to Marble Garden with 6 Emeralds in Sonic 3 & Knuckles.

Not noticed any issues with the controller missing inputs (although you only need 1 + the d-pad in Sonic).

Having a lot of fun replaying S3&K, looking forward to playing some more Mega Drive games on it.

Fedex haven't contacted me back, gonna drop Analogue an e-mail just to give them a heads up.

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What's the first game I played on my Mega SG?

Well, I'm glad you asked... ;)



The New Generation 

This is a game which I've had in my collection since 2015, it's not complete but I did manage to get it for £50 at the time, looking back now it seems to have kept its value.

But I did buy it to play and last night was when I finally got around to trying it out and oh my... it's one of the best Castlevania games I had previously never played.

Super Castlevania IV has long been a favourite of mine, but it's best to think of this as the Mega Drive exclusive equivelant to it because it's similar yet different.

For a start, you get to choose from two different playable characters who have varied weapons, which lends an interesting twist to the gameplay.

You can play as either John Morris (a distant descendant of the Belmont and Morris families)  or Eric Lecarde. (whose girlfriend was turned into a vampire)

I've only managed to get to the third stage so far but there have already been some interesting mechanics including breakable statues and a stage involving rising water.

The bosses and mini-bosses are tough and imaginative, the gameplay is well-balanced plus the difficulty is tough but fair, just as it should be.

Some of the music I'm already familiar with as I've heard it from listening to the Castlevania selection CD which came with my copy of SOTN so it was nice to hear them again.

All of the visuals are very nice indeed, showcasing the unique capabilities of the Sega Mega Drive, there are some really nice sprites on display.

So far I cannot recommend this title enough and I can't wait to play more of it, of course I played a few other titles on my Mega SG but this one was worth highlighting. :peace:

Edited by S.C.G
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11 minutes ago, Happenstance said:

They seem fine on the UK Amazon but people on Era have been complaining about those Retro Bit Sega pads having been delayed or just completely cancelled from Amazon.com

Mine got delayed from the 4th to the 11th. They've already been delayed a ton so it's a bit annoying, doesn't seem to have been a great deal of communication from them (from what I'm aware anyway).

Fedex guy showed up without warning, they were supposed to phone, but said he needed a label which I haven't been supplied with so he wouldn't take it. I've not had a response from Analogue, so I think it was Analogue who messed up in the first place and put the wrong label and not Fedex? Could've done without the extra hassle. Slightly tempted to keep but I was worried the person it was supposed to get it is wondering where his order is, or did they manage to sort it already? ::shrug:

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6 minutes ago, Happenstance said:

Keep getting ready to take a proper photo of my Mega Drive shelves and then having one more game about to turn up so I hold off. Power Rangers arrived today but now Sonic Spinball has shipped so i should really wait for that lol.

*nods* Yep, I hear ya... :p

My shelf is more organised than it was but I can't fit all of my Sega games on it... there is more than a bit of "overspill" which had to go on storage towers, mostly MD and DC games.

Then, I got copies of Road Rash and Streets of Rage today, said that was "it" and then won a copy of Altered Beast for a good price as I wasn't sure if I had it boxed.

So, Sega Shelf pictures at a later date but I did take some pictures of my new desk setup, which I was working on yesterday for most of the day, you'll see why when I post them. ;)

Later on though as I have a few other things to do today including sorting and reviews but I hope to get some more Sega games played later as well, see how the day goes. :peace:

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Noticed some audio and graphical glitches, not sure if it's the Mega Sg or the cart, or if I'm over analysing. Might need to clean the carts properly, when I booted it up earlier it just loaded Sonic & Knuckles even though I haven't remove the cart previously.

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15 hours ago, Ike said:



Noticed some audio and graphical glitches, not sure if it's the Mega Sg or the cart, or if I'm over analysing. Might need to clean the carts properly, when I booted it up earlier it just loaded Sonic & Knuckles even though I haven't remove the cart previously.

Now you need to beat it with Knuckles, then Tails :D Then plug in Sonic 1 and play 2000 randomly generated special stages.

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57 minutes ago, Shorty said:

Now you need to beat it with Knuckles, then Tails :D Then plug in Sonic 1 and play 2000 randomly generated special stages.

My old saves where still there, so technically I've already done it. :heh:

Found out you can just set the system to be NTSC and it'll run the games in 60hz, you can do it on the fly so you can tell the difference, it's particularly noticeable in Sonic 1. I had to reboot though as it caused the game to run slower and glitch out. Seemed fine after that.

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