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Lost: The Final Season


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Woooo Lost is back on UK tv!


Flame the temple folk are just the rest of the others, Ben told them to go there a while ago. Jin has been on the outside of it by the hole when he met the French and was time travelling


ok I yeah I remember the bit about Jin now! I also vaguely remember Ben telling em that to.

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Ive got a feeling that I'm not going to enjoy this season. I think it will lack the suspense and mystery of the fiction, and ultimately less exciting to watch. Season 4 and 5 were great for me, I couldn't wait for the episodes each week.

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well if it's an alternate timeline then he wouldn't have been on the island so there's a remote chance out of all the other places he could have been he ended up on Oceanic 815


he was there before the oceanic flight crashed although yes I guess that he would never have stayed on the island as the hatch didn't exist....hmmm...but it of course still does...


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he was there before the oceanic flight crashed although yes I guess that he would never have stayed on the island as the hatch didn't exist....hmmm...but it of course still does...


We know this alt universe was made because of the bomb going off by Juliet saying "It worked" as she passes around in times and without the bomb causing problems to the normal time. The new timeline has started in alt universe since 1977 were different things has changed because of island being underwater. Desmond doesn't go on world-trip to impress Penny's father because her father was on the island as it was blow-up and he didn't get to leave the island to have children which in-turn cause Penny not to be born.


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We know this alt universe was made because of the bomb going off by Juliet saying "It worked" as she passes around in times and without the bomb causing problems to the normal time. The new timeline has started in alt universe since 1977 were different things has changed because of island being underwater. Desmond doesn't go on world-trip to impress Penny's father because her father was on the island as it was blow-up and he didn't get to leave the island to have children which in-turn cause Penny not to be born.


yeah that all figures the graphics of the island being underwater were awful!!! just realised something else...shannon wasn't on the plane with boone? correct?!


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Penny would still exist in the alternate timeline. Desmond originally broke off the engagement with her in 1996 and she looks and acts a lot older than 19. You're right on everything else though. Although it's currently impossible to explain where he went when Jack was saving Charlie.

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Penny would still exist in the alternate timeline. Desmond originally broke off the engagement with her in 1996 and she looks and acts a lot older than 19. You're right on everything else though. Although it's currently impossible to explain where he went when Jack was saving Charlie.


if it was some wierd kind of flash that caused the others to return to the island...when they returned...hmmm dunno...perhaps desmond was always meant to be on the island no matter what...and because of his wierd time travelling antics I get the feeling this desmond even in the alternate universe could somehow be aware of the island



one thing for sure is how mental things are and whilst yes questions were answered theres so many new questions.

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Lol! How ridiculous was that.


I must say, I'm enjoying the alternate time line. I like the characters, and seeing them interact (for the first time) in a normal environment is much more interesting than the bull shit island stuff.


Why do the temple-others have no aversion to using guns, but not a flare gun?


Why were they oh-so willing to kill the O6 as soon as they got there, then Hurley said he spoke to Jacob, and they were just as casually as you like "Okay, lets give the Iraqi guy a bath." and they spoke to Hurley later and couldn't wait to hear what he said about Jacob.....why was there no urgency whatsoever earlier when he said he spoke to Jacob?


Black smoke monster development is interesting.

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Because Temple people didn't know them before reading the piece of paper asking their names and they didnt know that Jacob was dead.

The note could said the people in front of you are them and if they had flare gun they might used it.



Lost Ep 1 and Ep 2 Theory Video


when people die they go into the next universe [heaven] with a feeling of deja vu?


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One quick theory:

be jacob? Producers have said quite often that dead is dead in lost, in relation to Locke, so he was dead...



Dante that theory could hold be right, would explain this notion that Locke perhaps knows something and also Jacks mark on his neck sort of. Also goes someway to explain Charlie "appearing" dead and not breathing.


One thing aswell Terry O'Quinn is an incredible actor, just look at the very two different ways he portrayed "Locke" on the island and then juxtapose that with how we see him in his chair and feel sorry for him.

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Sayid had not died but was in a dormant state of revitalization



  1. "LA X"
  2. "LA X"
  3. "What Kate Does"
  4. "The Substitute"
  5. "Lighthouse"
  6. "Sundown"
  7. "Dr. Linus"
  8. "The Package"
  9. "Ab Aeterno" (The Beginning Of Time)



I wonder what episode nine will turn out to be about.

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Sayid had not died but was in a dormant state of revitalization


Seems the most obvious, yet also least interesting explanation. There has to be some repercussions.


I think maybe it'll be something to do with the parallel dimension... maybe Sayid in the other dimension will suffer as a consequence.


Or maybe I'm just hoping that the parallel dimensions will have some sort of relevance..


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Seems the most obvious, yet also least interesting explanation. There has to be some repercussions.


I think maybe it'll be something to do with the parallel dimension... maybe Sayid in the other dimension will suffer as a consequence.


Or maybe I'm just hoping that the parallel dimensions will have some sort of relevance..


maybe both died at the same time and as there souls tried moved into living body but could'nt so went back to there normal bodies.


When Charlie was annoyed that Hurley didn't believe him being alive when he visited him to back him go back to island. He could be alt Charlie but how does he have the power to move cross worlds?


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I enjoyed them but I wasn't thrilled.


I'm not going to get caught up in the theories, I just want to enjoy it! But just a couple of things...I too am intrigued/excited about how the new alternate reality will be relevant to our story. It absolutely has to be, otherwise... no I can't even contemplate it. Kinda feels like black smoke monster/black t shirt man's ''home'' could be an explanation to the big ''Why the island is how it is'' question. Maybe that's optimistic. Oh it was weird how Head of the new Others accepted Sayids ''death'', even though he was completely confident in his massive egg timer.


Incidentally my mother, who's never seen Lost, was in the room while I was watching. She said, and I quote ''So that man is a black smoke monster, a disabled person and a corpse at the same time?''. I just burst out laughing. You just can't explain it to a non Lostie without sounding ridiculous.


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I think my experence of the first two episodes can be summed up by the fact that i watched the first thirty minutes, and then proceeded to fall asleep for the next six hours. Something about it evokes narcolepcy, and I'm fairly sure its down to the shows unwillingness to allow my brain to extract any bloody meaning from the random ass events that occur.

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(To clarify, no need for spoiler box now?)


I'm not going to get caught up in the theories, I just want to enjoy it!


Kinda feels like black smoke monster/black t shirt man's ''home'' could be an explanation to the big ''Why the island is how it is'' question.


Winzalol. : peace:


I just burst out laughing. You just can't explain it to a non Lostie without sounding ridiculous.


You can't explain it to anyone without sounding ridiculous. :p

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Incidentally my mother, who's never seen Lost, was in the room while I was watching. She said, and I quote ''So that man is a black smoke monster, a disabled person and a corpse at the same time?''. I just burst out laughing. You just can't explain it to a non Lostie without sounding ridiculous.



It called awesome acting from Terry O'Quinn.

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Lol :P


RE: alternate timeline stuff. If the island blew up in '77 (or whenever) then surely some other things would never have happened, like that mystic trying to convince Claire to go to LA, thus she never would've gotten on the flight? Hurley's numbers are now 'lucky', but his reasons for going to Oz are now not clear.


In any case, the direction they've gone obviously gives us a lot to talk/think about, and that's what the show's about really.


The whole Jacob/Abel (whatever his name is) side of things is going to be the answer-holding arc, hopefully telling us more about the island and generally giving us some reasons behind much of teh first season.


I STILL want to know why the smokemonster didn't hurt Mr Ekko in teh jungle that time, and if it was him who possessed jack's dad which led them to the caves, and why.

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