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The Last Story (24th February)

killer kirby

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So I don't really know anything about this, but I'm almost tempted by it just due to the hype surrounding it. How would one best describe it?


Not that I have actually played it, but what I gathered from importers in other forums, is that plays a bit like "Gears of JRPG". It's supposed to be rather linear, as you have no overworld to explore, but a hub-town where you take on quests, which transport you directly into a dungeon. Story is supposed to be nothing special. Combat is said to be heavily action oriented and fun. People seemed to finish it in 20 to 30 hours, although online multiplayer was said to be competent.


It's supposedly a very different beast compared to Xenoblade.

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I'm buying this exclusively because of the hype, but I was wondering if I have to buy it at launch to secure a copy?


Nah, I don't think so... I would imagine shops to be well stocked... I mean the creator is in UK to promote the game! They seem to want it to do well!

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I was interested in this until Burny said the story wasn't any good.


Oi! I thought I made clear that I can't speak for myself here, as all i have to go by, are people on neogaf who played this. ;)


I'd suggest you read this post and the thread from there onwards for impressions.


As with everything, impressions vary and I don't have my own yet... I wouldn't take one person's assessment of the game as gospel before actually playing it myself. But while that post paints some aspects of the game in a negative light, others make me think that I personally won't be bothered by the story too much.

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I did do some research before posting, but only because you said the story wasn't very good. :p


I was expecting something more akin to Xenoblade Chronicles (good story, plenty of exploration), and all these comparisons to Gears of War don't exactly fill me with confidence.


I'm not saying I definitely won't get it, but my interest in the game has dropped significantly.

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@Magnus I just wanted to make sure. ;)


I feel that linearity or a standard fare JRPG story aren't going to put me off. That is, as long as "standard fare story" doesn't revolve around 12 year olds (at least visually), being pseudo-philosophical while saving the world. :heh:


I'm not sure, I'll get or play it immediately when it's out. Finally finishing my studies and finding a job is more pressing at the moment...

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To quote some guy who reviewed GoldenEye back in the day: "no one buys games just for the multiplayer".



I feel that linearity or a standard fare JRPG story aren't going to put me off. That is, as long as "standard fare story" doesn't revolve around 12 year olds (at least visually), being pseudo-philosophical while saving the world. :heh:

I don't really mind linearity, but being teleported to dungeons and going through the same areas several times sounds kind of boring.


And I can live with a mediocre story if the gameplay makes up for it. Sadly, combat does not. :heh:


Oh well. It's not like I was that interested in the game to begin with. *Waits for Mass Effect 3*

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I played the first hour or so of this today, without really knowing anything about it, and, well, it's certainly no Xenoblade, that's for sure. I've never really played any JRPGs besides Xenoblade, so I've got nothing to compare it to, but it's not gripping me yet. Characters aren't really likeable, graphics are dull and brown/grey, but I'm sure it'll get better if I give it a chance. Voice acting is pretty good though - a nice range of British accents! (And I did have a bit of a giggle that the first spoken line in the game was a character with a northern accent shouting out something like 'Where are those scaly bastards?')

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I’ve just been informed via Twitter that UK video game retailer GAME are currently switching The Last Story limited edition copies to the standard edition, and they aren’t actually notifying people that they’re doing it.

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Should have a direct response from GAME soon enough. My pre-order with them still says it's the special edition under 'My Orders', but the link goes to a non-existent page.




I'm afraid we will no longer be stocking The Last Story Special Edition - sorry for any inconvenience caused.
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