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[SPOILERS!!] The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword


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The game didn't live up to it. I assumed it would be one huge open world (like in WW) and a scenario of war where Link's endeavour are the key to victory. The game didn't feel quite as epic then.


I completely agree with that. Looking back at the trailer I can see why we were all so hyped for the game and why some of us felt a little let down by what we got. On the plus side I think TP killed my hype-drive. I was anticipating that game for so long, all of my avatars and stuff were screenshots of the game (they were so unbelievably beautiful for the time).


Then it took years to come out and although it is a good game it just didn't live up to the image it made for itself.


Although I am still anticipating Skyward Sword, I just don't feel the excitement for it like I did with TP. I suppose that's a good thing. This artwork is still great though:




I currently have my desktop background set to scroll between the 3 poses of this image. I love it.

Edited by The Peeps
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Stunning artwork, hence my avatar :)


Don't understand what you mean about the trailer having better graphics Grazza? Looks identical to me.


Yeah overhype killed TP, well, that and lazy storytelling and execution, so it's definitely no bad thing that the hype for SS is so low. I suppose it was quite low for Wind Waker as well.

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Don't understand what you mean about the trailer having better graphics Grazza? Looks identical to me.


Maybe it's just me, but the lighting looks better and Link seems to be more detailed. When it was remodelled for the Wii, it went all "bloom".


As for hype, Twilight Princess was the last game I was hyped for too. I'll be honest, I'd like to feel that excitement again. I believe if the game is good enough it can live up to the hype.

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Maybe it's just me, but the lighting looks better and Link seems to be more detailed. When it was remodelled for the Wii, it went all "bloom".


As for hype, Twilight Princess was the last game I was hyped for too. I'll be honest, I'd like to feel that excitement again. I believe if the game is good enough it can live up to the hype.


Sorry I thought you meant the Wind Waker trailer looked better than the actual game.

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Sorry I thought you meant the Wind Waker trailer looked better than the actual game.


Oh, gotcha, I can see why you thought that. To me, Wind Waker's finished graphics are better than the original trailer, whereas Twilight Princess is the reverse. If only Nintendo could give us "The Legend of Zelda 2004" as a free WiiWare download to play about with..


Hopefully the finished Skyward Sword graphics will blow away both trailers we've seen so far...

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I'd like to see a proper direct video of the latest trailer, rather than the washed out stream version, hopefully one will appear somewhere. But in any case I think the E3 trailer will be 'the big one' to get us all excited

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I'd like to see a proper direct video of the latest trailer, rather than the washed out stream version, hopefully one will appear somewhere. But in any case I think the E3 trailer will be 'the big one' to get us all excited


If you look a few pages back (3 or 4?) Dante posted one which is of a much higher quality than the first one. It looked a lot better.

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I hate the blue text on the logo. It's so cut & pasted and suits a cutesy mini-game. It doesn't integrate with the rest of the design at all, subtle and cool like OoT is the way to go.


Totally agree, the Skyward Sword subtitle is fugly as hell, doesn't go at all and looks really amateurish. I'm still fairly certain this is only a temporary logo though.

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Because of Mahito Yokota and this:



I'm pretty sure I heard recently that Kondo actually done that trailer, not Yokota.




He composed music for the "demo scene" anyway.


Makes sense anyway, it does tend to be that the tracks that stand out most in recent Zelda/Mario titles are the very few that are composed by Kondo.


I hope he has a bigger part in Skyward Sword in TP, where as far as I'm aware none of the ingame music was by him. Hopefully the fact he had more tracks in Mario Galaxy 2 than in Galaxy 1 is a good sign.

Edited by James McGeachie
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AFAIK he only had 3 tracks in Galaxy 2. I need to find that source to verify.


I said more, not MUCH more. I think he only had 2 tracks in Galaxy 1.


In 1 it was Good Egg and the Observatory theme (and variations).


In 2 it's Yoshi Star galaxy or whatever, the Bowser Jr level theme and Starship Mario (and its variations).


This seems confirmed by Dante's link as note that although he's listed as "composing" more tracks, all the others are the tracks he originally composed for older games.


Anyway Dante I'm aware Mahito Yokota has some good work but he actually has a lot of absolute tripe as well, he's pretty hit and miss. Some of the midi tracks are really poor. I notice too that looking down the link, it seems that most of my favourite non-Kondo tracks in Galaxy 2 are actually by Ryo Nagamatsu too, such as Puzzle Plank, Melty Monster and the final battle theme.


I remember that apparently before Galaxy one Yokota was originally trying to compose themes and they were considered too kiddy and inappropriate for Mario, then Kondo made Good Egg and Miyamoto instantly felt that was how the game should sound, so Yokota followed the lead from there on.


Basically what I'm saying is, I see this Mahito Yokota getting a fair amount of credit lately, for example on Neogaf people asking if he'd be scoring Skyward Sword, but I think people are giving him credit mostly for things he didn't actually do.

Edited by James McGeachie
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He says the 25th anniversary celebration will be different to what they did for mario... but what did they do for mario? I remember a special edition GameBoy Advance SP and a re-release of the old games, was that for the anniversary? And was there anything else? I have a bad memory :S

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The slightly concerning thing was Reggie said something along the lines of... 'we're not doing the same thing we did for Mario, but we are doing something equally great!'


... :blank: Mario's was shit!


Yeah but they're never gonna say "Mario's was shit".

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Combined with Iwata's hints about new content in Ocarina of Time 3DS, I wouldn't be surprised if the thing to celebrate Zelda's 25th anniversary and to "allow all Zelda lovers to celebrate together" was an online mode in OOT. As Ronnie suggested, perhaps a "Force Gems" sort of game.

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