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Comedy Rainbow


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Liam Neeson was part was cruel.


The Evian part was rubbish.


Wu-man was looking hot ;)


You should have caught several crabs, only one means you've caught a crab not crabs :p


The use the force segment with the other guy was probably the most "..." part of it all ReZ!

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ReZ I always lol/snort when I watch comedy rainbow, but i still groan when you ignore the advice about time-limiting the episodes. Be tighter with it! You have good humour but you need to just... squeeze it in to a bam-bam-pow thing.


Also; I nearly always lol at dr. wu-man duh-duh-duuuh-ing past the cancer = bad, being alive = good thing.

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I thought it was quite good.


I face-palmed at every pun though (except the actual fun with a pun one).


Phil the person... if you had left out the star wars bit and just had him show his arse and move on it would've been funny / surreal?


I don't think it was as bad as the others are implying. It didn't feel like it went on too long for me like some of your others have.


Nein up was good. Oh and that one at the start were you use the internet for faeces porn, that made me laugh.


Abortion water was good. At the end when you reached for the bottle, you should've grabbed at the air but then got the clean water... then spat it out in disgust :p

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Thanks for the feedback guys. :)


Abortion water was good. At the end when you reached for the bottle, you should've grabbed at the air but then got the clean water... then spat it out in disgust :p


Damn, that actually would have been amazing.


Please invest in a higher quality camera and sound recording equipment.


One day. One day. :(

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Phil the person... if you had left out the star wars bit and just had him show his arse and move on it would've been funny / surreal?

Word, possibly have some more cause and effect going on, having some shooting/things crashing into the sides of the trench and then cutting back to Phil going "Ow."

Abortion water was good. At the end when you reached for the bottle, you should've grabbed at the air but then got the clean water... then spat it out in disgust :p

I expected this too, what did we get? ReZ drinking. That's it.

Damn, that actually would have been amazing.

I thought I was your self appointed Creative Director for a reason Godammit!

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Thanks for the review. :D


Your reaction to Evian Waters of the World is priceless. The only problem is,.....I really don't see how I can get much more offensive than that. I'm gonna have to really try though.

I would suggest something, but you've milked the Fritzl angle for all its worth.



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The thing is comedy rainbow flitters from lighthearted "lol i said a pun" to "punching a pregnant woman in the stomach is fun" type jokes. That sort of format is always going to get mixed reviews, which is why daily rez is better - more streamlined.

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