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Oh god, I don't even want to press a play button in here. All I had to do was watch EEVIL's video and drag the seek button across, watching him slump more and more, check his watch and hold his face. Did stop and listen a couple of times aaaaand it sounded awful. But, eh..whatever makes you happy Rez!

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Oh god, I don't even want to press a play button in here. All I had to do was watch EEVIL's video and drag the seek button across, watching him slump more and more, check his watch and hold his face. Did stop and listen a couple of times aaaaand it sounded awful. But, eh..whatever makes you happy Rez!


You're missing out on a treat to be honest.

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Haha thought it was one of the best so far. That intro thing you did for me was great, picked two of the worst pictures from my facebook :D

The Doctor Wu bit at the end and you raging over lack of comments were my personal highlights for this ep. Couldn't make out the joke with the chewing gum over the sign though. I know some hate the puns but I personally enjoy them like I'd enjoy a cheap prostitute in a thorny park bush: VERY MUCH.


Also tbh, if you're not even gonna bother watching it then take your negativity elsewhere!

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Yeah I'm the same as Giz. While it isn't the best 9 minutes you could spend, it's fairly entertaining.


Sometimes it's just interesting to see what makes you tick to be honest Rez, to see a forumer in video form is interesting in a weird way. Plus your methods of getting around a completely amateur video set-up is funny in an awkward sense.

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But there are a few grams of funnyness in there. That's what I'm saying. I do believe people overstate the badness (though I have only seen 2 episodes) - I can understand why they think it is poor, but the extremity of the opinions is quite bedazzling, even harsh.


The humour is obviously better suited to a forum but I won't discourage you from making these because there is slight portent for a properly good episode.

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Yeah I'm the same as Giz. While it isn't the best 9 minutes you could spend, it's fairly entertaining.


Sometimes it's just interesting to see what makes you tick to be honest Rez, to see a forumer in video form is interesting in a weird way. Plus your methods of getting around a completely amateur video set-up is funny in an awkward sense.


Dr Wu-man continues to be completely rubbish.


Other than that I tend to enjoy it more than most other people who post on here.


ya i gotta admit. I gotta go with the its so bad its good thing :)


I enjoy you like I enjoy watching john and edward or the friday the 13th movies :D

I appreciate the comments folks. I know its not ground breaking stuff, but its nice to know that some people actually get something positive from the videos. :)

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ReZ's tantrum was my personal favorite. I can't remember much else of the episode to be honest. I watched it yesterday and my mind erases most of my memories in my sleep. It only stores the important stuff. ReZ is lucky I remember his name to be honest.

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I have to admit, it was better than 9. The "Nien" clip was something i was hoping would crop-up (as i thought of it myself a couple of months ago).


Lol, yeah it was actually going to be the second one I did, but I just got sidetracked. Came up with 99%(neinty nein) of all the Nein gags at the very start of it. Nearly getting to the end of the list now too.

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Lol, yeah it was actually going to be the second one I did, but I just got sidetracked. Came up with 99%(neinty nein) of all the Nein gags at the very start of it. Nearly getting to the end of the list now too.


I'll be looking forward to seeing the remainder "Nein" clips.

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It was the worst so far.


I didn't even smile (I usually do, at the shiteness/ridiculousness of bits), until when it zoomed in on "No comments have been posted on this video".


It's just...






I still don't get how "Nein" is meant to be funny. (to pick out one bit)

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10? :o Already.


Wait did you miss out on an oppertunity for...




ReZ, disappointment eminating your way. :p


That would have been most lulzful newman.


My friends said exactly the same thing lol! They actually said they were 100% certain thats what it would be so were thrown when it wasn't in Episode 9. Lol.


It was the worst so far.


I didn't even smile (I usually do, at the shiteness/ridiculousness of bits), until when it zoomed in on "No comments have been posted on this video".


It's just...






I still don't get how "Nein" is meant to be funny. (to pick out one bit)


Interestingly, I've had three people say its the worst one, and others say its the best. I certainly think its a step up from Episode 9.

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It's coming soon.

And it is here.


"I don't know if you've heard...": I hadn't heard. I wish I hadn't.

Smoking: I thought that was blu-tac to begin with. Wank gag though, I'm quite disturbed as to how proud you seem of it though.

Cold snap: I'd prefer a salt sketch compared to this shit.

Jonny: :blank:. Simply :blank:.

Toucan: This is the worse play on words I've ever heard.

Irish: No.

Cooking: Your hair looks fucking awful. Couldn't see your signature that well either.

Phil: "Check out my bullshit fake acting!" The sad thing is the breaking down and laughing at the end. There was potential.

3DS: You see obsessed with penis. I'm having doubts as to whether you have one of your own.

Breath: Your hair is really fucking awful.

Wu-Man: Did you get the theme from a Mega Man game? Plus, even worse acting that Phil. If you're going to make a comedy sketch where you're meant to be pushing buttons on a phone, at least put some fucking effort into it. Predictable too, you can tell you got your inspiration from those "FAST" stroke adverts.

Fish Pie: I'm begging you Michael. Enough.

Nein...: Everyone's opinion on these is well documented.

Stiff: Old.

CD's: You can do better than this. I think.

Penis: Boring. What was with the accent?

Scare Claire: You two aren't really together. It's impossible. No one could take this much bullshit from you and live.

Doc WU: Kudos on showing the sexy Amy Pond, that's it.

No comments: There is good reason.

Outtakes: Leave the cat alone!

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