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Dragon Age Origins

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Dude you're not making a great deal of headway here. Your argument boils down to: You don't like big words and people who aren't sheep are weird and dangerous.

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I think Sheikah has made sense personally. There may not be a universal scoring system, but most sites do go by the same vague principal of 6 or 7 out of 10 being average scores, with 9s being very good. Now, Metacritic uses a mean score - the mean is used to lessen the effects of anomales, so for those reviews that seem harsh or for those that are too positive, they are ironed out almost because of the high number of reviews that are taken into account. Because the majority of reviewers do use the above, fairly rigid system, you can expect to use the Metacritic score to reflect that system.


I personally use it for the odd game, but only out of interest. As I said previously, videos of gameplay are probably a better indicator. Hard to avoid spoilers this way though.

Edited by dwarf

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I think Sheikah has made sense personally. There may not be a universal scoring system, but most sites do go by the same vague principal of 6 or 7 out of 10 being average scores, with 9s being very good. Now, Metacritic uses a mean score - the mean is used to lessen the effects of anomales, so for those reviews that seem harsh of for those that are too positive, they are ironed out almost because of the high number of reviews that are taken into account. Because the majority of reviewers do use the above, fairly rigid system, you can expect to use the Metacritic score to reflect that system.


I personally use it for the odd game, but only out of interest. As I said previously, videos of gameplay are probably a better indicator. Hard to avoid spoilers this way though.


which is inherently total, unmitigated bullshit.

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Well back to the game DA:O I've been finding it ok so far. I decided to get this thinking it was mass effect in a fantasy setting. How wrong I was. Haven't really been enjoying it so far, but it might get better as it goes along, as I remember not loving Mass effect at first either.


Conversations almost seem one sided as only characters you talk to have speech dialogue but I suppose they would have to record conversations for 8 or so different voices otherwise.


I probably would have enjoyed this more on the PC as the menu systems to me would be more accessible.


RE Gaming mags: I judge a magazine's credibility on what they scored Driver 3 and Army of two.

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What race/class did everyone start off with? I always start shit off with like a melee based soldier class cause I like to hit shit until it falls over, but I went with the magic user, which isn't as satisfying to me for some reason.

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My entire team seem to disapprove every decision I make. Twats.


Even the dog? Christ almighty, that's an achievement.


What race/class did everyone start off with? I always start shit off with like a melee based soldier class cause I like to hit shit until it falls over, but I went with the magic user, which isn't as satisfying to me for some reason.


I'm a human sneaky twat. I believe that's the term.

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Yeah, I'm a human that hits things. I was en elf originally but elves are dumb.


Even the dog? Christ almighty, that's an achievement.


Nah, stopped using the dog. Needed someone with a bit more ooomph.


Edit: Seriously, apart from the dog, every time I talk to someone they negative rep me. I'm not even trying to be nasty!...or nice for that matter.

Edited by Daft

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Edit: Seriously, apart from the dog, every time I talk to someone they negative rep me. I'm not even trying to be nasty!...or nice for that matter.[/color]


I know that feeling. Sten disapproves when I'm trying to be nice. Morrigan just seems to be disapproving no matter what I do. And Alistair...well I want do disapprove with him because he sucks.


Just completed the Warden's Keep DLC and I'm on my way to do the Stone Prisoner DLC.

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What race/class did everyone start off with? I always start shit off with like a melee based soldier class cause I like to hit shit until it falls over, but I went with the magic user, which isn't as satisfying to me for some reason.


My first playthrough was done as a Human noble warrior, for the same reason as you stated, as I prefer to be in the right in the mix of things when the fighting starts.


My current run is with an Elven mage which makes the game feel completely different because of the need to stay away from the trouble. Although I am aiming to develop this one into an Arcane Warrior so that I can get the best of both worlds. Unfortunately, this current playthrough is on a temporary hiatus whilst I do a second run on Mass Effect.


I then plan on doing a playthrough as a rogue because on both plays so far it is the one class I haven't really been able to get a grip on and they always seemed to be the weak link in my party.

Edited by ThePigMarcher

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Yeah, so...anybody heard? The "Return To Ostagar" dlc has been delayed...shame really because I thought I could download it today and complete it... :( Well well, so I just had to play the regular game :D


A "true" expansion is also announced...don't want to post anymore details because I'm a lazy bastard.


It's a shame that I won't be able to finish this game until Mass Effect 2 gets released. That means I'll probably complete my playthrough in 2 or 3 months.


Had to turn down the difficulty because it really is hard on "hard".

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Beat it a few days ago as a Dwarven Casteless Warrior, great game miles beyond Kotor and ME. Started another run through as Human Female Mage, mages do ridiculous amounts of damage, I love it.


I was fairly nice in my first run...excepting that time I desecrated some stuff. Now I'm going to be buy the books self righteous. Like abandoning Sten in his cage, since I hate him and his literalness

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I love this game! I can kind of ignore the not so brilliant graphics because the story/characters/setting etc draws me in. I'm enjoying flirting with the elf assasin ( forgot his name) , he's like the john barrowman of the elf world. The game reminds me of KOTOR which is a great thing. I would like to have seen the evil/hero choice thing implemented though, it's all good and well being angelic or being evil but i'm not seeing any results from my good deeds really-unless it alters the story later on

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I'm pretty sure you end the blight regardless, but you can still be a total dick and ruin other peoples lives.


There are different endings, and the different quests have small epilogues that will change depending on how you handled them.

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This game has kept me coming back for more; it really is quite excellent. I wish Oblivion had used a similar battle system to this, as it had quite a poor one (fatigue, fairly rubbishy spells, equipment breaking). It also seems a lot more tidy in the design of dungeons (fairly non-linear, for a start), and equipment not deteriorating over time and a more developed story make the bulk of the gameplay far more enjoyable. It might not have the exploration of Oblivion (scope, ability to go in all houses) but the rest makes up for that.


I particularly like that there's often a number of dialogue options to choose from, and that it isn't always obvious what the consequences will be. I guess it's a far cry from Fable, where you'd usually have a couple of options which were clearly defined 'good' and 'bad'. That wasn't such a great game, though. I think here they've done well to capture a lot of the good things from Baldur's Gate in this game. It's a shame the console versions don't have the overhead view, though, and I think they could have made the pickpocket tool more useful (it doesn't even tell you what you stole, unless it's money).

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