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Would you like to lose half a stone in 2 weeks?


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I've only ever had porridge once in my life and I absolutely hated it. >.>;

I might lower my bread slices to two, and cut down on the tuna heh.


When I did a diet last year, I would have two slices of bread in the morning (with anything light on it), and then either two for lunch or a small salad.

For dinner, try not to eat too much pasta or rice. Stuff like cooked potatoes with vegetables is better. Limit the meat, eat more fish.

And as for snacks, fruit, yoghurt, that sort of stuff.

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I'd probably end up eating more if I took up this diet... I currently do at least 16 hours a week of walking aboot (I get mah sweat on!), mostly skip breakfast and have a sandwich for lunch, but finish with a hefty dinner and -- oh yeah, massiiiv weekly alcohol intake. There's no way I can go cold turkey on that mofo. I'd probably need rehab for that -- and I'm sure that'll turn me into a skinny freak all by itself. I think I'll just try smoking more to curb the hunger craving.



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I'd probably end up eating more if I took up this diet...

I'm feeling this too. But I need something more than riding to/from work, ankle weights at work and the Devil's Workout... I suppose I could try some soups for lunch or something.

Skipping breakfast is a cardinal sin Jayseven. A plague on your house. Or something. :heh:

When I wake up a cup of tea normally makes me feel full for a good 3 hours. Just in time for lunch, where I sometimes have just another cup of tea.

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So basically this revolutionary diet is "eat healthy food and exercise a bit"?


It's about quantities too. People tend to eat too much (I'm very guilty of this), and since they don't exercise enough they gain weight. I mean, I'd have to change my diet from 3-4 slices of bread to 2 to make a difference... and 2 slices isn't that much for a meal. =P

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It may also help taking on a Vegetarian / Pesctarian / Vegan based diet. Meat is full of fat and generally speaking so are dairy products. My girlfriend switched to a Vegetarian diet and in the two years she has been a veggie she has lost 3 and a half stone. Without doing any additional exercise or any other big life style changes.


It has been said before but the best diet is one that you can keep for a sustained amount of time.

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Nimble bread is diet bread and has half the calories (and about half the size) of normal bread, its not just brown bread..


comparison: normal brown bread (no nuts or oils or anything) has 1 point per slice. Nimble is 1/2 point per slice. So you can have 2 slices of nimble instead of one slice of normal.


I noticed someone mentioned weightwatchers. I find this is the best way to diet because you have to measure everything to a tee. And everyone gets a points scale unique to them, their lifestyle and their weight, which has been researched and recommended by doctors. Weightwatchers has been going 20 or more years, if it was a failure it wouldn't exist anymore.


Yeah, you can gorb a takeout on weightwatchers, but if you work the plan properly you'll find its probably the only thing you can eat all day. :heh:


I'm totally against all diets, anything that changes how you eat forcibly is just never going to work. Or cutting out things completely forever. You just gotta wise up and be sensible with what you eat. Do you really need that extra piece of toast? Do you measure out your cereal and milk according to the box?

Edited by Raining_again
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That plan is crazy, what about the chocolate bars, ice cream and crisps?


You're missing all the good stuff.


You'll all fall off the wagon if you cut out that stuff completely.


And I'll be waiting.


With a Mars bar.


I won't because I could seriously give or take the stuff you mentioned. Now if you said Butterkist toffee popcorn, then that would be different :heh:


But yeah, it's willpower! If you put your mind to it, you can do it! :p

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Nimble bread is diet bread and has half the calories (and about half the size) of normal bread, its not just brown bread..


comparison: normal brown bread (no nuts or oils or anything) has 1 point per slice. Nimble is 1/2 point per slice. So you can have 2 slices of nimble instead of one slice of normal.


I noticed someone mentioned weightwatchers. I find this is the best way to diet because you have to measure everything to a tee. And everyone gets a points scale unique to them, their lifestyle and their weight, which has been researched and recommended by doctors. Weightwatchers has been going 20 or more years, if it was a failure it wouldn't exist anymore.


Yeah, you can gorb a takeout on weightwatchers, but if you work the plan properly you'll find its probably the only thing you can eat all day. :heh:


I'm totally against all diets, anything that changes how you eat forcibly is just never going to work. Or cutting out things completely forever. You just gotta wise up and be sensible with what you eat. Do you really need that extra piece of toast? Do you measure out your cereal and milk according to the box?


I've never heard of nimble bread here so I take it it's a brand?


Also, this diet is pretty sensible I think. You don't -have- to cut out every "unhealthy" snack from your diet, just as long as you don't eat it too often (like once a week as a treat would be fine). This diet quite resembles the diet I had last year, which was set up by a dietician. So it really can't be bad; it's all about moderation and checking what you eat.


My family did the weightwatchers diet years ago, but it never really worked for me. It just got super annoying to check how many points everything was heh. =P

A good way to check if you're eating well is to write everything down. That way it's easier to keep track of what exactly you're eating, as we often forget what we ate during the day hehe.

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Nimble bread is diet bread and has half the calories (and about half the size) of normal bread, its not just brown bread..


comparison: normal brown bread (no nuts or oils or anything) has 1 point per slice. Nimble is 1/2 point per slice. So you can have 2 slices of nimble instead of one slice of normal.


I noticed someone mentioned weightwatchers. I find this is the best way to diet because you have to measure everything to a tee. And everyone gets a points scale unique to them, their lifestyle and their weight, which has been researched and recommended by doctors. Weightwatchers has been going 20 or more years, if it was a failure it wouldn't exist anymore.


Yeah, you can gorb a takeout on weightwatchers, but if you work the plan properly you'll find its probably the only thing you can eat all day. :heh:


I'm totally against all diets, anything that changes how you eat forcibly is just never going to work. Or cutting out things completely forever. You just gotta wise up and be sensible with what you eat. Do you really need that extra piece of toast? Do you measure out your cereal and milk according to the box?



Yeah it was me who mentioned weightwatchers...it works I spent the first few days eating bot all and then realised I wasn't scatching my points total and you actually realise you can eat more than you think. Their website even has typical values for meals out if you wanna treat yourself. It does really work if you stick to it and document all your eating etc... honest. As for measuring stuff out I didn't I'd have a bowl of cereal with just enough milk...


I've been trying to watch overeating the last few weeks and lost about 5lbs so even not going hardcore on it can still work.

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