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So the new season started last night in the US with a double length episode.


It was awesome, as is to be expected.


I thought it was a great episode. It was good that it was a 2hr long episode, as they really couldn't have wrapped up the Psychiatric Hospital any sooner without it feeling flimsy, but stretching it over a few weeks would make it dominate the series. As it was, the characters were great. I'm betting we see more of alot of them. Lydia will be back before the end of the series, and House's psychiatrist I can see becoming a bit of a semi-regular. Also would expect to see Alvie again at some point, he'll probably be released and end up as a case for House or something.


I was half expecting one or more of the characters to have been a delusion, either Freedom Master, Lydia or the doctor near the start who "messed up" Freedom Master. Also surprised there was nothing of Cameron or Wilson coming to visit, but I thought it was good that they kept them out of it. The phonecall to Wilson pretty much shut out the previous characters for the duration of his stay at the hospital.


Looking forward to the next episode, no doubt House will be back as a doctor. The reactions of the characters to his return should be interesting.



I only really started watching House a few months ago, and just blitzed through from S1 to the end of S5, so it's all relatively fresh in the mind. I love this show though, can't believe it took me this long to start watching it really. Any other House fans around here?

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Love House. :)


Watched the first season in German but after watching the first episode in English I haven't been watching a single episode in my native language. Hugh Laurie is just hilarious :D


I'm hanging behind because the 4th season has been released a few months ago and I couldn't afford it until now. Watched the first 4 episodes...they are awesome. =)

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House is amazing.


Same bloody thing every episode but I still can't get enough.

It just never gets old. It's the Peter Pan of television. Or something.



I have millions of episodes in various seasons to watch before this, but I'm still happy there's another season, woo.

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So the new series is starting over there while the previous (current!) one is just winding down on Sky? I feel so far behind the times. :weep:


Yeah, I totally spoiled the end of Season 5 to my friend the other day.


Him:"You seen the latest House?"


Me:"Oh, it's restarted? Thought it wasn't on until next week. Has *spoilers* happened?"



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Just watched Season 6 double episode premiere. Watched it with Dan Dare, Jayseven and Nami (in HD, just felt like adding that) and it was awesome. I don't want to give anything away but I thought it was brilliant, it was a refreshing new angle for the series without really changing the feel of the series. The end of season 5 was so damn epic and brilliant that it needed something similarly epic to conclude it and it delivered :)


So the new series is starting over there while the previous (current!) one is just winding down on Sky? I feel so far behind the times.


pretty much all TV shows are a season/year behind in the UK to the US. They always have been.... You seriously didn't realise that? The only ones I can think of that are close or the same are Heroes and Lost, and that's only in recent years where British terrestrial TV stations have fought and paid extra for the shows so that people will watch them and bring in the ratings instead of downloading them a year earlier. You can buy import a full season of a show on DVD before it has even started airing here.

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Yeah, I totally spoiled the end of Season 5 to my friend the other day.


Him:"You seen the latest House?"


Me:"Oh, it's restarted? Thought it wasn't on until next week. Has *spoilers* happened?"




Haha, you wee bollocks. :heh: I'll avoid this thread from now on then!


pretty much all TV shows are a season/year behind in the UK to the US. They always have been.... You seriously didn't realise that? The only ones I can think of that are close or the same are Heroes and Lost, and that's only in recent years where British terrestrial TV stations have fought and paid extra for the shows so that people will watch them and bring in the ratings instead of downloading them a year earlier. You can buy import a full season of a show on DVD before it has even started airing here.


I do realise that. Didn't think it was a complete years difference with House though.

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I think OP had it covered -- We'll see some of these folks again, maybe as patients, or maybe with House as an outpatient returning from time to time. I can see the next few episodes being humorous due to the Old Krew not really knowing how to take House being happy and stuff, but I'm almost dreading the shift back to Patient Of The Week. Hoping they can mix-it-urp.

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but I'm almost dreading the shift back to Patient Of The Week. Hoping they can mix-it-urp.


This! Oh god this, I really hope this is the start of them shaking up the series a bit. It got real stale in season 5 (aside from the end). And yeah, I'd love to see House make a regular out-patient appearance at the psych ward.

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Nice episode to reintegrate the rest of teh cast, with house providin comic relief until his emotional heartstring-tug was required at the end. I guess we'll see house come back, with foreman as boss again? Back to diagnosis-of-the-week but with a heartier centre-piece of drama with 13/foreman than we had last season, and I guess either new doods joining the team or - more likely - chase and cameron reclaiming their bronze and silver thrones.

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Nice episode to reintegrate the rest of teh cast, with house providin comic relief until his emotional heartstring-tug was required at the end. I guess we'll see house come back, with foreman as boss again? Back to diagnosis-of-the-week but with a heartier centre-piece of drama with 13/foreman than we had last season, and I guess either new doods joining the team or - more likely - chase and cameron reclaiming their bronze and silver thrones.

It's technically episode two, the first was feature length, but still only one episode.


I hate when TV shows pretend some ridiculous unrealistic, futuristic thing is reality. That game stuff was really crappy, but the rest of the episode was cool.

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