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Greedy Gamers


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Maybe I like more longevity in my games than you Daz. You are more the person to want an instant buzz once you've loaded the game in rather than sit there getting down to the knitty gritty.


Tell me if that's not the case, but let's just say we're very different.


Yes!! At last you've accepted that you're two different people with different tastes! Finally we can move on...


I think in a way you're limiting yourself by buying more games if anything, only delving onto them if it's a big hitter like a Zelda or whatever...



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Yes!! At last you've accepted that you're two different people with different tastes! Finally we can move on...





I'm saying Zelda is a big hitter... Stop trying to act like the mature judge figure, I'm saying that because I think Daz only plays the big adventure stuff the Wii offers rather than getting stuck in with these sorts of games on other consoles.

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I'm saying Zelda is a big hitter... Stop trying to act like the mature judge figure, I'm saying that because I think Daz only plays the big adventure stuff the Wii offers rather than getting stuck in with these sorts of games on other consoles.


Hmmm. I was going for 'comic troll' figure.


OK, tell you what. I'll stop acting like a mature judge when you stop acting like a religious convert.


The problem with buying games is that there's always newer ones around the corner but if we did all take a step back and went through our game collections then we might not go out and buy new games so much.


Spot on for me. I almost always complete every game I start. And some to their absolute limit. Take Metroid Prime 3. I completed it, then completed it on a harder mode collecting 100% and I still intend to complete it again on the hardest difficulty at some point. I like to er, milk my games for all their sweet tasty goodness.


I still intend to finish Zelda I on the VC, so it will be a long time before I admit there is nothing on the Wii to play.

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Maybe I like more longevity in my games than you Daz. You are more the person to want an instant buzz once you've loaded the game in rather than sit there getting down to the knitty gritty.


Tell me if that's not the case, but let's just say we're very different. I think in a way you're limiting yourself by buying more games if anything, only delving onto them if it's a big hitter like a Zelda or whatever. I think you need to give MGS4 an actual chance, even Fallout 3 maybe.


Very few people complete Fallout 3 and don't find it awesome. Probably my favourite game this gen in fact.


To an extent I think you're right. It's something that's changed in me as I've got older, when I was younger I used to beast games, but then I didn't have as many. Now, I don't play too much, so it has to be ultra special for me to play through it. Usually I like games I can play bits of and go through them. Even Okami Wii didn't get played because it was too epic. I WILL play all these games, but I have to have a quiet moment in my life (my job is all consuming). But that's the thing, it's not like it's just PS3 games I avoid; the thing is, it is Wii games too; I have more unplayed Wii games than anything else; but what I love about the Wii, is that it is has some amazing games that are pick up and play, and thus my preferred console.


Tapedeck: as for Fallout. I hated Oblivion too, just the world of Fallout is infinitely better!

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Damn, Fierce_LiNk, you deserve a medal for that post.


As for me, I would say I'm relatively greedy. I say how amazing Madworld is, despite the fact I never bought it. And I feel guilty renting games like Okami, House of the Dead, and Deadly Creatures instead of purchasing them.


Personally, I buy a lot more titles then I did during the Nintendo 64 era. But for god sakes, I was a complete moron back then. I never bought a Zelda game. I never bought Super Mario 64. I never bought Banjo Kazooie. That being said, I'm sure at the end of this generation I'll kick myself for having no bought Punch-Out or the likes.

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I'd like to know what constitutes a 'Greedy Gamer'? Does a collection over 20 games mean this or a collection of over 50, 100 or 500? If you went into someone house and saw that they had a large collection of books, DVD's... you might be impressed by this but I wonder if this is the same for video games.

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For me it's the first generation where I prefer handhelds to consoles.

The ds for me is one of the best systems ever. It has everything you could want?( well everything I want anyway)

the psp is fantastic also, with stunning graphics.


for consoles, I am disappointed with wii.I just don't there are enough GOOD games,especially from nintendo. Now I enjoy wii sports and fit but they won't hold me for long. I wish nintendo would have found a way to revolutionise the way hardcore gamers play but I guess we have to rely on sony and microsoft to do this for them.. What happened there. Sony used to be the casual one.


oh well but with 360 and ps3. My experience is limited. 360 is good if you like the type of games it offers. but smeh mostly I dont.

Ps3 had a rocky start but really picked up and I seriously think will start to give wii a run for it's money and will catch up dramtically this christmas.

but on the whole are gamers being greedy?


some are yes but you know hear the complaining from nintendo fans.. and always about wii. This is because the ds delivers on all fronts invluding first party. I think third party wii support has gotten better but where the hell are nintendo?

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Since I started to study at the university, I haven't had much money. So for me longevity is key. I get an average of 2400 SEK per month. So a single Wii game for 600 SEK is expensive. So for me it's expensive to buy a game that lasts less than an hour for that kind of money. I expect 10+ hours of gameplay from a Wii game.


A lot of people think that how good a game is solely depends on how fun it is to play. To me how good a game is has to do with for how long I think it's fun. This can be acheived by a long single player campaign, high replayability and multiplayer options. That's how I think that Perfect Dark, Zelda:OOT and Shenmue are the best games from my POV. The counter in Perfect Dark says I've played for two weeks, I've replayed Ocarina of Time maybe eight times and I've replayed BOTH Shenmue games three times (SM1 a few times more). I don't know how many times I've played through Lylat Wars (although I have unlocked everything and the highscore list is full of my initials).


While good multiplayer helps make a good game, it doesen't really make me wanna buy it. That's partially because multiplayer games are allways available at AGES, and partially because I usually have too many friends over to share a Wii (last friday I had a party with about 25 people, my neighbour pulled out Brawl and there was instant fighting over getting to play).

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My Wii collection (48 games):


Another Code R: A Journey Into Lost Memories

Battalion Wars 2

Big Brain Academy


Boom Blox

Boom Blox Smash Party

Deadly Creatures

De Blob

Dewy's Adventure


Endless Ocean

Excite Truck

Grand Slam Tennis

Guitar Hero 3

Guitar Hero World Tour

Link's Crossbow Training

Little King's Story


Mario Kart Wii

Mario Party 8

Mario Strikers Charged

Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

Nights: Journey of Dreams

No More Heroes



Overlord: The Dark legend

Punch-Out!! Wii

Rayman Raving Rabbids TV Party

Rayman Raving Rabbids 2

Red Steel

Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition

Samba de Amigo

Sonic and the Secret Rings

Sonic Unleashed

Super Mario Galaxy

Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz

Super Paper Mario

Super Smash Bros. Brawl

The House of the Dead: Overkill

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Wario Land: The Shake Dimension

Wii Fit

Wii Music

Wii Play

Wii Sports

Wii Sports Resort

Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure


Some are still left unopened, so yeah, I could be a greedy gamer (I own more games than I play). On the other hand, I've never complained about a lack of games on Wii. So is this greedy? I dare to say the exact opposite; I'm complaining that there are far too many fun games this generation (and I don't even own a PS3 nor XBOX360!)


I also don't own any of these (which I would like to some day):


Rayman Raving Rabbids

WarioWare Smooth Moves

Marbles Balance Challenge

Mushroom Men: The Spore Wars

BlastWorks: Build, Fuse, Destroy

The Munchables

Let's Tap!

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Well, as you can see, there are a lot of party/casual/multiplayer games which I normally don't complete (except for unlocking tracks/characters/levels etc)


There still are a lot of singleplayer games which I didn't complete for different reasons:


Another Code R: still in wrap

Deadly Creatures: at around 70% of the game, than it became too repetitive for my likings

Dewy's Adventure: can't seem to get into it

Eledees: see above

Endless Ocean: not my type of game

Little King's Story: got too busy with work/personal stuff, but it's still loaded in my Wii

Nights: Journey of Dreams: still in wrap

Okami: still in wrap

Opoona: same as dewy's and eledees

Overlord: The Dark legend: play it then and again for short bursts, don't really know if I like it yet

Red Steel: crappy controls, don't like it

Sonic Unleashed: still in wrap

Wario Land: The Shake Dimension: great game, I seriously need more time ;)


Problem is, I also own a DS and PSP which are currently heavy-used (Scribblenauts, Layton 2, Loco Roco 2, Patapon 2)

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I have specified myself to NINTENDO handhelds and Consoles. (Got friends who own X360 and PS3, although I Only care for RE5 and Ratchet and Clanck)


I always try to make time for playing awesome gems like Little King's Story or Professor Layton and Pandora's Box. Because games inspire me, I get my music from games and they're just works of art!!!

An hour a day won't kill me now would it :D

Edited by Fused King
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I have specified myself to NINTENDO handhelds and Consoles. (Got friends who own X360 and PS3, although I Only care for RE5 and Ratchet and Clanck)


Hehehe, my first non-nintendo console/handheld is my PSP and I got that as a present from my colleagues.


I currently own four games for it: Patapon 1, Patapon 2, Loco Roco 1, Loco Roco 2. Al four are games which ooze Nintendo ;)

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