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Sonic the Hedgehog 4 (XBLA, PSN, WiiWare)


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Some of those pieces of artwork are stunning.




I'm not dissapointed by the way the game looks in the alpha build, if anything I'm impressed, at least the special stage is now confirmed :D my only gripe - along with seemingly everyone else - is the running animation, it's not bad and I could live with it but I mean... they could/should just make it like it was? Can't be that hard surely...


Four Zones per episode doesn't seem bad but they will need to make it at least three episodes long to make it substantial... also when the other episodes come out and if you download them all will there be a way to play them in their entirity without having to change game?


That's basically what I want to know... plus I wonder how you'll be able to access the special stage, if it'll be starposts or... giant rings maybe? Whatever emeralds you collect will need to be carried over obv so I'm guessing that the first episode is the 'Game' and the subsequent episodes will update the first with the new levels maybe? But what if people - foolishly - decide to just download say part 2?


These questions still need answering...

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Honestly, I think it looks pretty good. Even if the first part of Splash Hill is a near-copy of Green Hill.


What I like about this game, is that they're starting from where the Megadrive left off, instead of diving headfirst into new elements and mechanics (read: gimmicks).

It certainly looks like they're trying to do something good here, which is more than I can say for many of the recent Sonic games.

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is the running animation, it's not bad and I could live with it but I mean... they could/should just make it like it was? Can't be that hard surely...


It's not his proper full speed animation, for some odd reason SEGA seems eager to hide it. The full animation is in the video but only very for a second (watch around 1:08). Looks like Sonic's 8 dash thing from Sonic CD


Honestly, I think it looks pretty good. Even if the first part of Splash Hill is a near-copy of Green Hill.


It's nice little nod to Green Hill, again SEGA re showing Sonic 4 is going back his roots. Can't get much further back than Green Hill.


The physics look a bit dodgy in the video so I hope that was a very early build.

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in case anyone has yet to see it. here's some leaked footage of act 1.



Posted it on the page before, but thanks ;)


I'm not sure if I'm happy that the Rush team is behind this. They were good Sonic games, no doubt, better than their three dimensional counterparts too, but they didn't feel anything like the mega-drive games.

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Leaked video of alpha version




I'm quite liking it! At least 4 zones with the return of the Sonic 1 special zone!! The music on the first zone also sound catchy.

ok while ill except its an alpha version I hope they improve on everything.


The game actually looks too slow. It looks like he's jumping on the moon. His running was awful and well just ugh...


I gotta say though I have my big doubts about this. Oh and the sonic 1 bonus stage really sucked don't let nostagia fool you. Sonic 2's bonus stage was where it's at.... sonic 3 had a few different bonus stages too.


from destructoid

The video shows off a game that looks like it could have been released in Sonic's Sega Genesis heyday.


Edited by mcj metroid
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Sonic 2's Special Stage is my least favourite part of the Mega Drive games.



I used to really like it when I was a kid due to its different graphics, but lately I can't stand its pseudo 3D depth.


I really like the sonic 1 special zone, its like I'm on LSD.



The game actually looks too slow. It looks like he's jumping on the moon. His running was awful and well just ugh...


I think people overstate the speed thing of the original games, they were actually moderately slow games.

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My favourite special stages were the ones from S3 & S&K, i thought they were ace with some challenge to them! Espically a few if u wanted to get a 'perfect' on them as well!


They were awesome. Having 4 different special stages with different ways to achieve them was great.


the chaos emerald special stage is one of my favourite special stage in any..


Actually while i think about it sonic cd is one of the worst I've seen in a while. Anyone play it? HOrrendous.



I think people overstate the speed thing of the original games, they were actually moderately slow games.


They weren't this slow it looks. Now I'll admit I'l wait for proper footage because A) it's early footage(hopefully) and B) the guy playing it is shit.


but from what it looks they seem to be trying to make sonic's animations realistic..It's making it feel weird. Like some people don't like how mario handles in new super mario bros, this is like that but well....worse.


The original games were slower but it had a better sense of speed. This looks clunky so far. Hope it's ironed out.


I'm trying not to condemn this before it even comes out like I do with every sonic game mind you.

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They were awesome. Having 4 different special stages with different ways to achieve them was great.


the chaos emerald special stage is one of my favourite special stage in any..


Actually while i think about it sonic cd is one of the worst I've seen in a while. Anyone play it? HOrrendous.


Yeah, i can remember with the lamposts if some of the stars were orange it ment it was the ring making one and if some of the stars were red it ment it was the shield one (thats how i remembered them in my head, im sure u know what i mean!). I also liked the idea of finding the large hoops for the chaos emerald stages, some of them were very cleverly hidden!!!!


Yeah i played Sonic CD, i liked it but the special stages were bit naff, jumping about to destroy some flying space ships!? wtf!

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Honestly, I think it looks pretty good. Even if the first part of Splash Hill is a near-copy of Green Hill.


What I like about this game, is that they're starting from where the Megadrive left off, instead of diving headfirst into new elements and mechanics (read: gimmicks).

It certainly looks like they're trying to do something good here, which is more than I can say for many of the recent Sonic games.


The identical nod to GHZ really reminds me of how NSMB DS and Wii both started off with the same layouts as World 1-1 from the original game. I love it.

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Aww no I liked Mushroom Hill music, it was slower sure but it was quirky and different. Perfectly fit the strange, alien like atmosphere of the zone.


I fear that the music will be closer to that of 1 & 2, as much as I love it I thought 3 & Knuckles was a step up.

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I think the gameplay in general will be closer to 1 and 2. sonic 3 and knuckles had some very mild puzzle sections and I felt it was the best sonic game ever.( even though it was 2 but you get me)


puzzles like:

the drum part, missiles in flying battery battery zone, a switch that lowers water and few others.


But you know these things happen. New super mario bros on the ds and wii is more like super mario bros 3 instead of the superior super mario world.


Baby steps I'd say sonic 1 and 2 were great games too. Great starting point.

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Hm, funny you should say that. I don't think New Super Mario Bros felt anything like Super Mario Bros 3 or Super Mario World. I think it was much more like the original Super Mario Bros, which it clearly tried to emulate. For example, it had a simpler overworld with less items, it had fewer complex levels and no flying ability. Not to mention the obvious features like the flag/castle/fireworks level endings and a white costume for Fire Mario/Luigi.


I see a similar thing in the leaked footage of Sonic 4. It looks like they're trying to drum up some nostalgia of Sonic 1, instead of S3/S&K.

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Sonic 3 level designer working on Sonic 4



So, is it just Dimps? Just Sonic Team? The answer is a bit of both: Yes, Dimps is working on the game. But there's actually more to it than just that: at the same time, we also have members of Sonic Team, including the original senior level designer from Sonic 3 & Knuckles on the SEGA Genesis working alongside them. It is most definitely a partnership, and the result of this teamwork is something many of us are excited for. - SEGA of America Community Manager RubyEclipse




Makes me feel a lot better.


also kombo links to a guy who claims to have plattested the game this is his post


Okay. I don't even know how to start. But, here we go.


Early in the morning today, I, and a other few (un)lucky people, had the opportunity to playtest the X-BOX 360 version of the game. In fact, any of you could do it as well, provided you own a Developer's Console, or a J-TAGed system.


I'll try to give a very briefely analysis of what were my thoughts about this game.


Graphically (and artistically, I must say), the game is very beautiful, even thought I can't really eat that celshading effect they put in Sonic's model, to make it look like a differed shaded Genesis sprite.Something important to notice is that, the 3D models are not really 3D models, instead, they are sprites of pre-rendered 3D models. SO we are pretty much dealing with a 2D game here. That goes for everything else but Sonic, since I'm not sure as if Sonic is really a sprite itself, but I pretty much think it is. THat might explain the akward animations.


The level design. I played through Splash Hill Zone entirely up until Casino Street Zone. Splash Hill ZOne is pretty much Neo Leaf Forest Zone (for those who don't know, Sonic Advance 2's first stage). Everything about it looked like Leaf Forest. Hell, even the level art itself reminds Leaf Forest some way or another. The level design pretty much encourages the player to keep going to the right, except when the levels abruptuly decides to force you to go in the opposite direction by inserting unexpected walls, making you jump, jump to the left, jump to the right, keep running to the right. It is especially strange, considering the level layouts encourages you to keep running right. The acts are actually considerably huge in size, but quite short in time, much like Sonic Advance 2 stages. I don't remember any level especific gimmick on the first stage, which is pretty unfortunate. You gotta love Casino Street Zone, since it's freaking Casino Night Zone. It's exactly identical. The colors, the tiles, everything. The level layout however is much like Music Plant Zone from Sonic Advance 2. A level that right encourages speed. Ha, about the Special Stages, they are quite fun actually, it is Sonic 1's Distorted Dimension, but with a new twist: instead of controling Sonic, you control the stage itself. So yeah, my oversight was right after all. In terms of difficult, I found it harder than Sonic 1's Special Stages (and provided, they were rather easy). I belive they are going to be even fun/harder with the motion controls of the Wiimote/Six-axis/DualShock3, since you have to rotate the stage using the trigger buttons in the X-BOX 360 version (RT rotates to the right, LT to the left, etc). Looks like a pinball of sort. Oh, don't let me get started on the bossfight. You might already imagine how it is by now.


The gameplay is pretty solid, actually. Which is a great thing. However, the game pretty much have the physics of Sonic Rush. I hate I hate I hate I hate I hate, I can't stress enough how I hate the jump! Fucking jump! It's the worst jump I've ever seem in a Sonic game to date. Apparently they tried to mimic the 'the longer you hold down the jump button, the longer you accent' mechanic of the classic games, but as a result, they fucked the freaking cake with it. The jump is all over the place: if you rapidly tap the jump button, Sonic almost don't jump; if you hold a little and release, Sonic starts accending, but he breaks to the floor as soon as you release the jump button. If you hold the jump button all the way down, Sonic jumps like if he had touched a spring, he jumps so high and almost no gravity, it's like you are jumping on the freaking moon. And I thought the jump in the Rush series were bad. This one is even worse. The jump is so bad that I preffer to keep running right to win really. Don't let me get started on the spin dash. THe spin dash don't have enough power, no matter what. It behaves much like Knuckles' Chaotix spin dash. Running rewards you with much more speed than spindashing.


My final remark of this game? It's freaking Sonic Advance 2! It's written Sonic Advance 2 all over the place. It is Sonic Advance 2 all over again. In fact, they could have named this game Sonic High Speed, and I wouldn't mind it at all. But it is supposed to be Sonic fucking 4. To be honest, the name Sonic High Speed would fit this game better.


I am afraid to say that we are actually dealing with the very final product here, folks. Since the developers already sent the software for the Microsoft Evaluation Proccess. Additionally, the game's software was sent to ESBR game content analizys team. Considering the game is already been analized and rated by ESBR, the development team cannot overgo any significative change in the game, visually or otherwise, which therefore pretty much means that this is what the game looks like.


I'm in a hurry here, and I'm sorry to not give a better insight on the game, but I'll make sure to edit this post or whatever, whenever I have the time.



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