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Guys I need some serious help!


I just got the foam grenades in the factory level (very cool, actually) and now it's telling me to go to some other factory section to my extreme top left of the map to find some 'Omega Armour'

Only I seem to be totally under-equipped to get there. Everywhere I turn I'm penned in by blue crates (Speed boost, I suppose?) and red doors (rockets)


I have neither.


On top of that, I don't seem to be able to go back the way I came either. I'm trapped!






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Have you looked around everywhere with the Torch to see what areas light up Purple?

I'm guessing as soon as you got that power up you

Destroyed those stamper thing by firing the foam into the little funnel things, there was 6 of them.


If you're not stuck there then I've forgotten what you have to do.

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Have you looked around everywhere with the Torch to see what areas light up Purple?

I'm guessing as soon as you got that power up you

Destroyed those stamper thing by firing the foam into the little funnel things, there was 6 of them.


If you're not stuck there then I've forgotten what you have to do.


That was the last thing I did. I told my lady friend that I shut off the factory and then got this new objective. Now I'm totally stuck.

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Where abouts on the map are you and I will go and have a look and see if I can remember what to do as im way past that part...



Here's a much better map. Before you click is spoilerific there.

It's a guide from Joystiq, but this guy has also done a crap load of videos showing you how to get items in each place and whatnot. I uesd it to find out how to get the final Gold Bars.


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I do not. Maybe if I find a similar deal as the one on the other thread.


I do love me my 360, but time to be honest, the 360 only really wins in because of the XBLA and the controller, as far as software goes they're now equal but I predict the PS3 will be better when this generation is over. However, the controller really is much better on 360.


Either way, whatever suits you better. ^^ (get them both when they're down to 200, lol). Or just wait till january and go and check out the deals at amazon uk. that's how I got my 360. (250 euros, uma elite de 120Gb com 5000 pontos live, headset sem fios, bateria para o comando e universal remote com o gears of war... agora que a libra está mais baixota, os "deals" de Janeiro são awesome para nós, mesmo)

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eurgh. Not even going to admit how dumb I was being when I was stuck.


At least I taught myself a few tricks. I got seriously creative in trying to find new routes.

I love you can combine things together. Quite a few times though I've totally forgotten that you can shoot a load of foam and then stick a grenade in it if you need to get through places above you which needs a grenade.

That's the only way you can get back to the purple bit on the right after you've completed the game.

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I've just finished it on hardcore. Didn't go for 100%, just wanted to beat it first.

Now I'll be playing it on insane and go for total completion.


Good game. Had a lot of fun :) Getting all the items and exploring the whole map will be great. :yay:


a fools errand if you haven't already got 100%. Insane mode switches off the item markers on your map.

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a fools errand if you haven't already got 100%. Insane mode switches off the item markers on your map.


Hm, no problem. Might make this game more interesting :) Althoug I need to get better at fighting first...it is truly insane...


Before the final boss a room explodes and you need to escape. The debris left doesn't let you return through the same way you escaped...is there a different way to this area?


Edited by drahkon
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Metroid Series A Major Shadow Complex Influence


Chair co-founder Donald Mustard has been telling Gamasutra why Super Metroid, the "pinnacle of 2D game design", was the major inspiration for making XBLA hit Shadow Complex.


Talking to Gamasutra as part of a larger interview discussing the design and creation of Shadow Complex, the downloadable Unreal Engine-powered title from the now Epic-owned Advent Rising creators, Mustard explained:


"For Shadow Complex to be its optimal design -- it's a side-scroller. Then sweet, be a side-scroller and embrace what that genre has to offer and just kind of move it forward. Super Metroid, to me, is the pinnacle of 2D game design, and there's no reason we shouldn't be pushing that pinnacle forward and see what else we can do with it."


Since the Chair team was working on a 2D title, it was important that they really knew their background, and Mustard outlined the research that went on at the project's start:


"I don't have a ton of time to play games. But certainly, when we said we're going to make a game that builds off the open world adventure side-scroller design, we made every single person on the team...


Because a lot of guys, they maybe played Metroid or Super Metroid, but they hadn't played Metroid Fusion or they hadn't played Zero Mission or they hadn't played [Castlevania:] Symphony of the Night -- we made every single person on the team play through each of those games multiple times.


The first month of development on the game was no development. It was just playing those games to get the language of those games just solid in everyone's head. I think that was critical to the knowledge base of the company.


That's what I mean. I don't think you have to be running out to the store every time a new game is coming out to digest it, but just like any kind of learning, you've got to focus you're learning where you need it."


Finally, further on in the interview, Mustard outlined just why Nintendo's classic 2D sidescrolling action series -- especially the acclaimed Super Nintendo version -- were particularly important in his formulation of Shadow Complex:


"Even long ago when we were doing Advent [Rising], a lot of times I'd say to people that I thought the best story ever in games was Super Metroid. And people would be like, "What? What are you talking about? There is no story in Super Metroid." I'm like, "No, you have to understand."


To me, it's almost like the ultimate form of storytelling. It did so much through just the mood, the pacing, and visually what they were telling you that it didn't have to rely on the traditional forms of narrative like dialogue. It had a great story to it. And so we certainly looked to Super Metroid, and we also looked at Fusion a lot -- Metroid Fusion, which had a more traditional narrative -- to see what the evolution of their thinking way and incorporate some of that."


You can now read the full interview with Mustard, discussing many things including getting a 2D game to work with contemporary technology; how to design a classic-style title but remain relevant to contemporary audiences; and how paper design trumps mucking about in Unreal for prototyping.

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I thought metroid was a already known influence.



!$#!%$#^%&$% I'm missing one Damn Passkey!!!, One Passkey form 100%. Problem is even though I'm past lvl 20. my map doesn't display diddly, and the gamefaqs map isn't useful since my laptop(broken screen) and my 360 share a monitor. Also no printer.

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