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Meteor Shower!


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Hmmm, too much light pollution near my house so couldn't see anything. The shooting stars should be coming out of the Persius constellation so look at the area between the Ursa Minor (the big dipper) and Orions Belt as they're pretty easy to spot. The best night for them is meant to be tonight, but it looks as if it might be cloudy everywhere except for the east of England, northern Ireland and part of Scotland, which is crap. I'll try again though a bit farther afield tonight.

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I ended up seeing 9 bright ones yesterday, and will definitely try again tonight if the weather permits. =)


Also, I did see them in about every direction so don't just focus on one spot in the sky. Just lay back in a place where you get a clear view of the sky. For people trying to figure out where the North-east is, if you know where the sun sets and rises, it shouldn't be too hard to figure out. =P

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I went back to it at 4 am and saw another two really bright ones, one of them kinda scared me even, it must have been a pretty big chunk because I saw it burning rather than just a trail of light, it reminded me of what this things actually are.


Overal 8/10, will watch again.

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Didn't see any on either night. Cloudy on Tuesday night so no chance of seeing any and last night, the sun was still peaking it's head out when I was looking so I didn't get anything. Shame really, but then I've seen meteor showers before. Saw some in Portugal a few years back while lying in a hammock. Thought it was my mind playing tricks on me but no, 'twas real. Very pretty.

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