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But...nothing similar to Regigigas appeared in the writeup. I'm still not confident.

Well, I've never managed to find myself in the write-ups, either. And I know the powers may seem "evil", but please don't judge me on that. We've seen good silencers in ReZ's games before, for example.


And in fact, is silencing really a power that townies have? Feh. The odds are against me here but I don't want this to be left alone in case you really are a mafioso with a powerful night power.


And it seems silly to have a townie that can't be killed unless it's by lynch, unless your power can only be used every other night.


I dunno. For now I'll Change Vote: No Lynch but I'm not confident that you're all you say you are.

ReZ's roles don't always make perfect sense, though, to be fair. (No offence, ReZ. :heh:) And please note that there have been good silencers in past games. About the role's powerfulness, you have to remember I'm an Ãœber.

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I have noticed Dannyboy post "steel" in italics a couple of times and did think that it may have been a similar scenario to Deoxys in the last game so I don't think he's made it up.


He's obviously telling the truth about his character, but I have a feeling he's, at best, neutral.


Vote: SPAMBOT4000


I'm getting that familar feeling.

Posted (edited)

Can I ask how this mafia thing works?


I'll take that as a no...


Nevermind, someone else told me.

Edited by Diageo
Vote: SPAMBOT4000.


Perhaps a bit harsh, but....


Why do you want a protector to come forward? They can't help us with anything.


To be honest I've not played many mafias and got confused between protector and roleblocker. Paj, you were quick to target me after somebody else had and without giving a reason... That sounds like mafia behavior to me...


Vote: Paj Meen Ah


I've not been active much lately (on N-E in general), but I just read through the thread and I don't really know yet what's going on. I do believe (for now) that Dannyboy is speaking the truth though, but who knows.


Anyway, I won't be voting now as I have no idea who to go for. Also want to say I won't be here the next three days as I'll be in Parisssss, so I'm sorry about inactivity!


Weak defense there by SPAMBOT. Instead of preaching innocence he tries to shift the blame. Definitely screams guilty to me.


Change vote: SPAMBOT4000

To be honest I've not played many mafias and got confused between protector and roleblocker.


Sounds like a viable reason.


Withdraw Vote

To be honest I've not played many mafias and got confused between protector and roleblocker. Paj, you were quick to target me after somebody else had and without giving a reason... That sounds like mafia behavior to me...


Vote: Paj Meen Ah


Get a ViceGrip for once, Krabby!


I considered it all, and you were the best choice at the moment. Plus I don't buy what you say just because you used Confuse Ray on Cube.

The second time Cube has caught my attention relating to voting patterns.


But it does sound like an honest mistake for someone who hasn't played many games.

But it does sound like an honest mistake for someone who hasn't played many games.


Maybe. You seem a little too easy to convince though.


Okay I've been getting rather vague information over the past two nights but was wandering whether to post what I have or not. :)


It's kinda the point of the game to share vague info to see if others can put it together. Plus, now you've said you have info that you haven't shared, making the mafia more inclined to killing you to prevent info from being released.


Time for some pr0 speculation, might as well try to get involved in this.

A mysterious Pokemons eye lit up bright green and it witnessed what it would not normally be able to see.



A huge Pokemon was shining brightly in light of the moon. Drooozm. Droooozm. Drooooozm. The light glared as several Pokemon squinted, confused.

Something's saying Lugia perhaps.

The hungry Pokemon just couldn't quench its never ending hunger.

Snorlax or Munchlax?


A blue and orange Pokemon swam by an artistic Pokemon.

Sounds like a Swampert swam past a Smeargle.


Elsewhere a Pokemon with a sinister mouth stealthily attacked the blue and orange Pokemon as it got back from its task. An egg Pokemon appeared as if by magic and stopped the attack, with a large flash of light and a squeak.

Something attacked Swampert [Could be a Spiritomb/Haunter/Loudred/Exploud, and many more] and a Chansey/Blissey/Happiny saved the day?


I think the egg pokemon is probably Togepi, the large flash of light being metronome, the squeak being self explanatory. Probably a "random power each night" role.


I'm wary of EEVIL and Danny-boy. Danny what powers have you used so far? I want to see if it shows in the write-up.


EEVIL if you don't mind saying, what is your power? I know its not the best in case it reveals it to the mafia but right now, from the information I've worked out I believe you are mafia.


Gizmo, if I was truly mafia, why the hell would I reveal that I could use Rock Tomb? It makes no sense to use that as an argument.


Regarding SPAMBOT, the fact that he is new is a pretty good excuse for his behaviour. This is exactly why I don't trust lynches based on voting patterns much - because people don't always act "like they should".


Ellmeister, I have so far only used Reflect, hence why I've posted steel a few times. I've used it on night 1 and 3, but didn't on night 2 because I forgot to post steel in the day phase. I've since learned from ReZ that I stay in steel mode until I change mode, meaning I don't have to post steel every day to keep using it. I haven't quite worked out when my other powers would be good to use. I don't see why I silencing anyone would help the town, and a silence + roleblock is a pretty harsh deal for a protection, I find.

But I was the one who started the vote...


First to vote = less chance of accidentally killing off your mafia mate before he gets his defence posted, distancing yourself from him should one of you be found out.:indeed:


Arranging little things like that is easy on the proboards Mafias use.


Not an accusation per se, just pointing that out. It did seem a little quick. But not incriminating.

First to vote = less chance of accidentally killing off your mafia mate before he gets his defence posted, distancing yourself from him should one of you be found out.:indeed:

So trigger-happy to vote = mafia, but reluctance to vote = mafia? You just can't win, can you? :heh:

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