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Oh no, what'll she keep in her handbag now?! :wtf:


Who needs a handbag when you have Annyong?




Annyong: Okay, Mom want someone to come with her to my soccar game. She don't want other soccar moms think she single. She old school.


Michael: I liked it better when he just said Annyong.

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An assortment of lefties, treehuggers, anarchists, Marxists and general troublemakers called the Trades Union Congress are having their annual get-together in Liverpool this week.


High on the agenda is the banning of women wearing high heels in the work-place. Apparently this is sexist as it puts women who wear flat shoes (that is Labour supporters) at a disadvantage.


I mean really the country is in melt down and this is what they want to talk about, not the fact there are over 2 million people with out jobs, but fucking shoes. Im so glad im not aloud to have these morons represent me.


These dickheads should concentrate their efforts on something more useful like throwing themselves into the River Mersey.

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see, thats just stupid. im fairly left wing but i respect the right's opinion, i certainly wouldent insult some one for being right wing.


just because i masterbate to churchills speeches dosent make me a bad person.



How have i insulted anybody apart from the mongs at the TUC? Who deserve being insulted.

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Thats bassicaly just diasgreeing with someone. Thats about the most least insulting thing i have ever said. I do think the left is a bad thing. Thats not really an insult though. I woudnt be insulted if someone said that being a tory is a bad thing.

And before you say it again Dan i said i would consider voteing BNP as a protest. Not because i believed in everything they stand for. And im not getting in to that again.




any way, hear about the new drugs pollocy? apparently buying heroin will get people off it. im not convinced but it may cut crime rates so who knows?



Making theft legal will lower the crime rate. It does not mean its the right thing to do.

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Creating a law to ban something isn't very liberal at all. Surely they should simply ban any compulsory high-heels, but allow women to wear them if they wish. It's harsh to prevent people who feel that they need to wear high-heels from maintaining their confidence in this way.


And voting BNP as a protest? That's the most ridiculous idea ever. If you really aren't happy with politics then get involved with it. Start your own local party, get interested. If you're passionate that things are being done wrong, then do something about it. Don't sit and complain and be an idiot like that.

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And voting BNP as a protest? That's the most ridiculous idea ever. If you really aren't happy with politics then get involved with it. Start your own local party, get interested. If you're passionate that things are being done wrong, then do something about it. Don't sit and complain and be an idiot like that.


Em i cant that would be illegal.

Like i said i dont want to discuss it. It was something i know many people were planning to do. Nobody wanted/beleived they would gain power, its a finger to the main stream partys who arnt listening. Any way there view on gurkhas was the final straw for me.

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Thats bassicaly just diasgreeing with someone. Thats about the most least insulting thing i have ever said. I do think the left is a bad thing. Thats not really an insult though. I woudnt be insulted if someone said that being a tory is a bad thing.

And before you say it again Dan i said i would consider voteing BNP as a protest. Not because i believed in everything they stand for. And im not getting in to that again.


so if i said i thought being black was a bad thing, is that an insult? im pretty sure some people would be insulted.


i find the whole "left is a bad thing" more insulting because its such an utterly stupid sentence. its like a letter in the sun.



Making theft legal will lower the crime rate. It does not mean its the right thing to do.


once again, anouther pear of wisdom. the majority of crimes commited by heroin adicts are thefts to feed their addiction. surly you must see the logic of taking away the need for that theft, there for less people get stolen from. meanwhile, the dealers get more money, and there are less problems from dirty needles. the cost of the program is lower then the cost of prison, which incidently, rarly solves the problems of drug addiction.

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so if i said i thought being black was a bad thing, is that an insult? im pretty sure some people would be insulted.


i find the whole "left is a bad thing" more insulting because its such an utterly stupid sentence. its like a letter in the sun.





once again, anouther pear of wisdom. the majority of crimes commited by heroin adicts are thefts to feed their addiction. surly you must see the logic of taking away the need for that theft, there for less people get stolen from. meanwhile, the dealers get more money, and there are less problems from dirty needles. the cost of the program is lower then the cost of prison, which incidently, rarly solves the problems of drug addiction.


Right well be insulted or grow some thicker skin, wotever.


I do know all about addiction. I do see the logic. but that does not mean i think the state should be giving people drugs just because its the cheapest thing to do. I dont really know what the solution is. But i dont think this is it. If the state was giving people drugs suerly they are failing these people. Even if it is improving life for everyone else.


What? How is it illegal to run for a council position?


Im not allowed to be a member of a political party, a council or a member of parliment.

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Right well be insulted or grow some thicker skin, wotever.


*Grows some thick skin*. Nope, still sounds like an insult.


Or, admit that you were indeed being insulting by saying such a thing, rather than sounding like a bit of a douche and saying "wotever". Just saying...

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Right well be insulted or grow some thicker skin, wotever.


or maybe you could stop insulting people? its not so much being insulted that bothers me, its the nature of it. the insult is one based on ignorence and has a protentaly damaging nature. if there was some one on hear preaching that all right wingers were bad id call them up on it to. its just ignorance and theres no excuse.


Im not allowed to be a member of a political party, a council or a member of parliment.


a collective "thank fuck" sweeps across the forum.

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