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N-Europe Summer Meet


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Lol yeah, we were all mightily confused as to what a collared dove was(or I was at least, anyway).


(Came in the house, flew around a bit, banged against all the windows, dave shooed it with a silk cushion and it...relieved itself on said cushion before flying out.)


Anyway, the meet looked fun guys, good work. Same time next year, I'm sure I'll be free and pluck up the courage to be there!

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Are the videos rated 18?

Well me and Villan did a pr0 Predator scene. I think someone filmed me rolling down the hill.


Someone must've, and if noone did they bloody should've done, filmed the nice group convo we had regarding shock sites, with our experts of the day Moogle and thirtynine telling us all about the various sites out there.


And based on their recommendation, I have seen 1 guy 1 jar, and was quite shocked.


This is genius. Have a Fanta which might get warm because there is no ice? Also have a Calippo in the other hand which you can't properly play around with because you're holding a Fanta in the other hand?




Letty has a nice image involving this also.


Who engineered this?


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Someone must've, and if noone did they bloody should've done, filmed the nice group convo we had regarding shock sites, with our experts of the day Moogle and thirtynine telling us all about the various sites out there.


And based on their recommendation, I have seen 1 guy 1 jar, and was quite shocked.


I was amazed at just how many they'd seen. I still havent seen 2 girls, 1 cup yet!

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Well me and Villan did a pr0 Predator scene. I think someone filmed me rolling down the hill.


Someone must've, and if noone did they bloody should've done, filmed the nice group convo we had regarding shock sites, with our experts of the day Moogle and thirtynine telling us all about the various sites out there.


And based on their recommendation, I have seen 1 guy 1 jar, and was quite shocked.


I heard about that. The video where the jar smash inside his arse hole?

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dyson; dont worry! we hadn't bought any food or anything so it was all ok :smile:


SCG; you're SO welcome. thanks for calling/PMing us afterwards too. was a pleasure to have you and you make pretty awesome coffee!!


villan; the words "please" and "thank you" might be good to learn for next time someone lets you stay at their house. for free.

you're welcome by the way. :blank:


everyone else; nice to meet you + THE SAME BAG?!?!?!?!111

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villan; the words "please" and "thank you" might be good to learn for next time someone lets you stay at their house. for free.

you're welcome by the way. :blank:


A: I think I did say please and thank you.


B: Even if I hadn't, you've caused reverse psychology and have caused me to NOT say please and thank you just to make sure. :heh:

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A: I think I did say please and thank you.


B: Even if I hadn't, you've caused reverse psychology and have caused me to NOT say please and thank you just to make sure. :heh:


I'm sorry man but you are the most ungrateful and miserable guest that I or Becky have ever had. Entertaining you was like bleeding a rock and I think most people expect more than single syllable answers during conversation.


I mean shiiiiit.... who else here wouldn't LOVE someone who made them a bacon sandwich when staying over at their house.

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I'm sorry man but you are the most ungrateful and miserable guest that I or Becky have ever had. Entertaining you was like bleeding a rock and I think most people expect more than single syllable answers during conversation.


I mean shiiiiit.... who else here wouldn't LOVE someone who made them a bacon sandwich when staying over at their house.


bacon sandwiches?! you had bacon sandwiches?!

im now hungry and i have no bread and no bacon :(

uploading like all the pcitures i took - damn i took a lot o pictures!


oh and bluey + jamba it was really nice to meet you - you really "broke the ice" cause i know greg and me felt really awkward for a while...


.. and it was also nice to meet s.c.g, coolness, ellmeister, + rummy (as you were the only ones i really talked to!)

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have to admit i liked london but i much prefer being on irish soil!

ill post more about our holiday later =)

Stop lying. It was a rapid pain in the arse.


:( I even walked the wrong way for about five mins after leaving the tube.

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