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There is absolutely nothing healthy about the BNP.


He's right though, in times of crisis (Like now with the economic downturn) they swoop in and pick up votes. It's ridiculous how people manage to fall for all their bullshit. Actually sickens me how people think voting for them is a good descision.

Edited by Slaggis
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Well colour me disgusted with my fellow countymen. Fuck.


We jsut voted in a fucking fascist. A fascist. In 2009. Jesus Fucking Christ. I want to emigrate.


Was going to be picky and say technically the BNP is not a fascist party I'm pretty sure they are far right but not fascist as fascist are quite specific.


However after doing a bit of research on the guy he seems to be part of the National Front! So I guess he could well be Fascist.

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Well colour me disgusted with my fellow countymen. Fuck.


We jsut voted in a fucking fascist. A fascist. In 2009. Jesus Fucking Christ. I want to emigrate.


Suddenly the south doesn't look quite so bad, eh?


On a more serious note, the BNP and the 120,000 people who voted for them can go fuck themselves. Idiots. Stupid, small minded idiots.


What's annoying is that the BNP voters are concentrated, whilst Green/Lib Dem's are more dispersed - the Greens, for example, got a higher percentage of the vote, but no seats!

Edited by The fish
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Could BNP win two seats?


I haven't been following this closley but this is worrying is it not?


Nick Griffin Asked about his own chances of winning another seat in the North West region, he says it is "too close to call".

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Could BNP win two seats?


I haven't been following this closley but this is worrying is it not?


Nick Griffin Asked about his own chances of winning another seat in the North West region, he says it is "too close to call".


This is worrying indeed.


However, I just saw this on the BBC website, and Kudos to the Tories:


"EURO ELECTIONS: Tories vow to 'expose what the BNP believes in' after the BNP wins first seat"


EDIT: Just saw this, too - lol:


"EURO ELECTIONS: BNP leader says his party won because the media ignores problems of 'indigenous people'"

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No, but it's healthy that people can vote for what they belief in (no matter how awful it is).


But the fact they believe in what the BNP belives in is amazingly unhealthy for the majority of seemingly sane people living in the UK.

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No, but it's healthy that people can vote for what they belief in (no matter how awful it is).


In that sense, you're right. I guess it does still ensure that...freedom of speech is still being upheld. Still, saying that, you yourself know that it is awful, but I never thought anyone was going to jump on you as some kind of BNP-lover of some kind. :)


I'd wager that most of those votes are from people who don't actually believe what the BNP truly do.


I'd wager the opposite. There are some horrible, horrible people out there.

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In that sense, you're right. I guess it does still ensure that...freedom of speech is still being upheld. Still, saying that, you yourself know that it is awful, but I never thought anyone was going to jump on you as some kind of BNP-lover of some kind. :)

I'm not a BNP lover (considering they're pretty fucking disgustingly racist and homophobic), but I'm a democracy-lover.

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To be fair, it shows the signs of a healthy democracy.


And we're in a time of crisis, so more extreme parties will do better than usual.


Although how healthy is it to vote in a party who call homosexuals 'AIDS monkeys' and deny that the holocaust happened?


EDIT: I see from an earlier post that you clarified what you meant, sorry I misinterpreted what you were saying!

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Although how healthy is it to vote in a party who call homosexuals 'AIDS monkeys' and deny that the holocaust happened?


EDIT: I see from an earlier post that you clarified what you meant, sorry I misinterpreted what you were saying!


I'm sorry but I actually just cracked up reading that! I'm not saying I agree, quite the opposite, the BNP are a bunch of twats, everyone (well obviously not) knows that, but I've never heard anyone say that and it just had me in stitches.


Personally... well I didn't vote, forgot all about it until I was driving to work and saw a sign for a polling station, by that time it was too late. I don't actually know who I would've voted for anyway since I never paid any attention to the policies.

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Although how healthy is it to vote in a party who call homosexuals 'AIDS monkeys' and deny that the holocaust happened?


EDIT: I see from an earlier post that you clarified what you meant, sorry I misinterpreted what you were saying!


Nick-racist-Griffin got in. Fuck.


I know, I can't believe it. I'm actually really glad I stayed up to watch this. What an eye-opener.

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