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So its coming up to a year since I finished my degree and im still not any nearer to having a proper job or knowing what I want to do in life. I did a degree in business studies and decided to move back home for a bit last summer as I had a few festivals my band were playing at etc as well as just wanting to chill out a bit, got a well paid bar job and finish learning to drive. Im still kind of at that position still though, I mean ive passed my driving test but im still not sure what I want to do....was planning to just work for a bit and go travelling and then try and figure things out but imk not sure. Anyone else in the same boat?

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It's coming close to a year for me too. Tis fooking scary how easy it is for life to pass by without really noticing it; i've spent kinda wasted a year through being content with what i've got rather than having some get up and go and trying to better myself.


Recently though I decided to look at my options (my degree is in Electronic Systems Engineering) and was a bit put out to find that the decent money would only be acheived through design work, aka shitty office work. No offence to anyone in an office job. each to their own :smile:

I've since looked at much wider options and am now part way through the application process (it takes 9 months) to become an Engineer Officer in the RAF.


I now have something to work towards, and if I get in will have the perfect career for me: varied job, plenty of sporting oppourtunities, see the world for very little cost, good money e.t.c.


My advice would be to look at what you want to do (career wise) before going travelling.. especially seeing as there's a new group of students fresh out of uni ready to take up what few jobs are available (thats kinda what spurred me into action). Also as i was saying earlier, its too easy to get stuck in a rut and let life/opportunities pass you by, so if you do want to go travelling start doing something towards it now else it'll probably never happen :)


I hope none of that seems condescending, i'm just talking from my own experiences of putting things off :grin:

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I've got less than a month to suddenly be able to afford £55 a week rent (plus food plus booze plus cigarettes plus rent etc) if I want to stay up here. But really i have less than that as I need to sign some sort of contract pretty damn soon if I want to move in there, so, like... yeah. I think I really badly need to talk to CAB or something. Or hump dan 'til he lets me live in a tent in his garden. Or his mum, whomever's choice it is.

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I finish on friday! Im meant to have been looking for a job but trying to keep up with the group project Ive gotta do means I havent really had the time to, and most of the engineering jobs are gone now, so im looking at doing nothing for 12 months until next years intake of graduates, unless I get lucky in the meantime :(

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I finish on friday! Im meant to have been looking for a job but trying to keep up with the group project Ive gotta do means I havent really had the time to, and most of the engineering jobs are gone now, so im looking at doing nothing for 12 months until next years intake of graduates, unless I get lucky in the meantime :(


Sucker train, I'm looking for jobs, too. I applied to one in Neath two days ago, and looking at one in the Rhondda!


I've been home for 3 days. 2 Application forms sent out, one more on the way here tomorrow, and printing off two tomorrow. It's haaaaard work.

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Well I finished Uni last year and since then have been working to earn money (currently doing 2 jobs at the same time). I'm starting a masters this September/October at Manchester and that costs quite a bit...as do all the science-subject research masters, unfortunately. A degree isn't worth all that much these days, and with people being able to graduate in beauty, sports and whatnot, it seems like almost everyone has one.


I do enjoy studying so I'm looking forward to doing the masters, and hopefully I'll be able to undertake a PhD afterwards.

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FLiNk: It seems like you know what you want to do and you've got the motivation to achieve it. Fair play, and best of luck to you mate.


Sheikah: I graduated from Manchester. I don't know if you did your undergrad there, but it's a great city. I absolutely loved it (maybe too much).


I do enjoy studying so I'm looking forward to doing the masters, and hopefully I'll be able to undertake a PhD afterwards.


I didn't really enjoy the studying aspect of my degree... I liked learning things and then putting them into practice, but more often than not I just seemed to be learning random concepts for the sake of leaning them rather than for any practical application. I'm better at doing things rather than writing about them.

I think I would be ok with doing a masters (having talked to a few post grads at Manc), but when I came to the end of my degree I was more than ready to escape from the education system. The undergrad teaching just didn't suit me.


I've got to add though, going to uni was a great experience :)

Edited by DuD
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So its coming up to a year since I finished my degree and im still not any nearer to having a proper job or knowing what I want to do in life. I did a degree in business studies and decided to move back home for a bit last summer as I had a few festivals my band were playing at etc as well as just wanting to chill out a bit, got a well paid bar job and finish learning to drive. Im still kind of at that position still though, I mean ive passed my driving test but im still not sure what I want to do....was planning to just work for a bit and go travelling and then try and figure things out but imk not sure. Anyone else in the same boat?

Pretty much, trying to get a decent job whilst trying to figure out what the hell to do... fact is there's fuck all happening round here and I'm not rolling in monies.


Plus the Student Loan People thought it would be nice to send me a reminder about the interest on my student loan mounting up... roughly £13,500... twats.

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I think the key thing in a lot of these situations is to work out where you want to be in 5 years time (easier said than done) and work back from there to get a rough idea of what you need to be doing now.


My gf is just finishing uni and it really does seem to be a terrible time to not have something set out for you. When I was finishing I was one of the only people not to have a job lined up, with her friends most of them seem to be in the position I was.


More than ever you need to have some sort of action plan and work very hard to make it happen.

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I'm in the situation now. I finished Uni in 2007 with a degree in Media Production. I didn't fancy moving to London therefore that cut my chances of a job striaght away.


I decided I would try to go the design route. I ended up working for Hallmark, but I had to travel over 100 miles a day, it became to much. I then moved to Lincoln to take a job as a graphic designer, worked there for 7 weeks, the company went under, I never got paid and had to get any old job.


So at present im on minimum wage and apply for every suitable job that comes up. No Luck as of yet. It's been 6 months now and it sucks. I really don't know they best way out. Or to try and go down another career path.


You're not alone

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I didn't fancy moving to London therefore that cut my chances of a job striaght away.


I think this is one of the problems many people will face, and not just with London. Anyone looking for jobs straight out of Uni, or indeed in your position, needs to be as flexible as possible and be willing to go where the work is.


I ended up moving to London within a few months of leaving uni and have to say it was probably the best decision I ever made. Much more happening here and I'm doing a job that simply wouldn't exist in most other places.

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I think this is one of the problems many people will face' date=' and not just with London. Anyone looking for jobs straight out of Uni, or indeed in your position, needs to be as flexible as possible and be willing to go where the work is.


I ended up moving to London within a few months of leaving uni and have to say it was probably the best decision I ever made. Much more happening here and I'm doing a job that simply wouldn't exist in most other places.[/quote']


Yeah, I was also open to moving from where I was and I think it really played in my favour (ended up moving from Nottingham to Macclesfield). It was also good going to an interview and being able to say that I was available almost immediately because I only had a four week notice period on my rented house.

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FLiNk: It seems like you know what you want to do and you've got the motivation to achieve it. Fair play, and best of luck to you mate.


Thank You, dude. But, to tell the truth, it's fucking hard. Job hunting has never been my friend. I remember the first proper job I ever had in a call centre was when I walked past it and saw an advert in the window. And, another time was in a post-office where my brother did a paper-round. Apart from that, when it's the whole "printing out/completing/filling applications, sending them off, waiting for a possible call back before you even get an interview"...it's very soul destroying.


It doesn't really help that some of the schools here are asking for awkward things. One job I was looking at wanted me to play the piano, as it was an "essential skill" for that post. Another load want me to speak Welsh as a second language. I'm not sure if they realise, but Welsh was pretty much neglected in South Wales schools during the 90s. So, I don't have much luck there. Have a GCSE in it, but it's only at D grade.


Although, that one which I was waiting to get here is now here, so gonna fill that out today. Then got the other two to fill out. So, at least 4/5 applications by the end of the week is...not bad. But, they all come with some sort of catch. I'm confident something will come, and I guess I've just gotta grit my teeth and keep applying.

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I didn't fancy moving to London therefore that cut my chances of a job striaght away.


So at present im on minimum wage and apply for every suitable job that comes up. No Luck as of yet. It's been 6 months now and it sucks. I really don't know they best way out. Or to try and go down another career path.

Yes on both counts. Wanna go to London? We can find something Media-related together.

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Ok, maybe there is a God out there, after all. Just checked the Newport Council website, and three Key Stage 2 jobs have all been added today! I know of two of these schools, and have a vague idea of the third. This could be my break. :) The closing date is a way off, around the 19th, so I've got time to fill these in whilst still looking around.

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