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Miyamoto's Roundtable


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He would like to make it compatible or even exclusive to WM+. Says in the mean time to think of Zelda while playing some of Wii Sports Resort, like sword fighting or archery. The reception of WSR may influence development of similar features in the next Zelda.
Skydiving Link off the back of a giant Eagle/Dragon ftw!! Only to be collected on the back of said animal, before you hit the ground.


Oh and give Link a dog and a frisbee!

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I am pretty sure TP is cel-chaded. The misunderstanding stems from the fact that people think WW's art style is "cel-shaded". Cel-shading is, like the names implies, a shading technique, often used to give characters a cartoony look, though not limited to that. The art style itself is not what is cel-shaded, though, it's simply very cartoony. The game did indeed USE cel-shading, but so did TP, I'm pretty sure.


Anyway, I've kept pretty much quiet about E3 this year for the same reason as last year. People, when are you going to learn to keep your expectations realistic? For crying out loud, we got several new excellent looking Mario games and a new Metroid, not to mention Golden Sun, Crystal Bearers (which I personally think looks awesome), Kingdom Hearts etc. When will you be satisfied?


Regarding this hardcore/softcore gamer thingy, the terms aren't really valid. We can talk about "hardcore" and "softcore" (and I'm puttin' these in quotation marks, 'cause they've almost become swear words) games, but not gamers. There are the casual, entertainment games like Wii Sports and Wii Play. And there are the deep, story-driven games like Metroid Prime and Twilight Princess. And heck, there are even games that cross the border, establishing a bridge between the two worlds. And when talking Nintendo - yes, they've certainly switched a lot of focus to the casual market - but it's thoughts like Miyamoto's ... and I'm gonna copy and paste it here again ...


Miyamoto's idea is.. to give the player a more impacting experience and really feel Link's journey through the game, by creating memories of the characters you meet and things you face along the way. These would be things that would differ for each person as they play their own way through, so everyone would have unique memories. How you approach a dungeon, solve a puzzle, or complete a side quest all add to this.


Right now, for each game they are mainly iterating on variations of controls, level designs, etc.. so he wants to see the series evolve in more meaningful ways.


He wanted to show a new Zelda for Wii today, but they want to focus on development before announcing or showing anything. Instead he brought an illustration to prove they are far into development of a new game, because it contained characters that are deeply involved even into the later stages of the game. He's hoping to release next year, but may take a "little longer" (laugh). Illustration was Link with one smaller whitish character, looked a bit like a female relative of the Zora.

... it's thoughts like these that confirm loud and clearly that Nintendo still cares about deeper - "hardcore", if you will - games.

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I am pretty sure TP is cel-chaded. The misunderstanding stems from the fact that people think WW's art style is "cel-shaded". Cel-shading is, like the names implies, a shading technique, often used to give characters a cartoony look, though not limited to that. The art style itself is not what is cel-shaded, though, it's simply very cartoony. The game did indeed USE cel-shading, but so did TP, I'm pretty sure.


I assure you it is not. Twilight Princess uses the more traditional shading techniques. All cel shaded games have one thing in common, and that is that they all use ramp shaders.

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Whilst people complained about Wind Wakers Toon-like cel shading which compliment young Link,


Surely people wouldn't object if Nintendo went for a more gritty style of cel-shading for this older Link's world...





Obviously those examples couldn't be achieved on Wii, but you get the idea.

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I'm sure I read that TP was cell shaded in an interview somewhere, I can't seem to find it, but I'll keep looking. It certainly looks it if you look closely.


It doesn't really matter if it was or not, you're being a bit pedantic. We're referring to the art style. Twilight Princess may have been cel-shaded, but it looked nothing like Wind Waker.

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I'm sure I read that TP was cell shaded in an interview somewhere, I can't seem to find it, but I'll keep looking. It certainly looks it if you look closely.


No it does not look like it unless there is something wrong with your sight.

If you can find this interview, I would love to see it myself. Who ever said TP looks cel shaded really does not know what he's talking about.


Twilight Princess uses standard hand painted textures, and the graphics engine is rendered using traditional methods. There are no ramp shaders used, and most importantly there's interpolation used, which is fundamentally the one thing that cel shading never uses.


Prince of Persia uses standard hand painted textures, but it uses 3 different shading, so that's 3x the textures, with there is zero interpolation.

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IGN: At your developer roundtable this week, you showed off a single piece of artwork from the next Wii Zelda game. This piece of art has not yet been released publicly, but we noticed that Link appears to have grown to full adulthood. He looks older than he did in Twilight Princess. Is that a correct assumption?


Shigeru Miyamoto: Well, the story setting for this Zelda is, of course, in a completely different era and Link is older than he was previously. More approaching adulthood. There is one hint. Maybe from the art work you can see that he's not holding a sword.


IGN: Has he lost his Master Sword?


Shigeru Miyamoto: [Laughing] I just wanted to make sure that you understand we are making it. That's all I'm going to say on that subject.


If theres a gun in the next Zelda I am selling my Wii.

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It also seems the same age as in TP to me. Don't know why the editors said it looked much older than TP.


And since no one said it yet. The character in front seems to be a Queen of Fairies from Wind Waker and is also Link's Master Sword, as illustrated below, or so it seems:


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He will use his sword... but maybe it will float around independant from him in a Navi sort of way or something until he needs to fight with it, and maybe you can throw it in a Lightsaber-esque way?


I'm a bit dissapointed Link looks SO similar there. I thought we'd be getting a more rugged Link this time round.

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He'll use a sword, but with a twist like above. Maybe he'll have the master sword but it'll be alive!(sprit wise or something) Or be the same fashion as Midna. Still, it's got me interested.

Edited by ShadowV7
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