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The loading times on this are stupid. Its ruining the game for me. I also dont think the graphics are that special and overall it has a shoddy unfinished feel for me.


Which is rediculous considering how long its been in production.


The loading times can be a bit problematic at times.


I was expecting the graphics to be a bit better, but when it comes to pure racing, this game delivers in spades!




If you've never even remotely liked the GT games, there's a high chance your not gonna like this one.


You should still give it a rent though.

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Finding it funny that Forza 3 (in particular) and Need for Speed are beating this on metacritic.. the reviews aren't quite as high as I (or anyone else for that matter) were expecting!


Just goes to show that hype does not equal a perfect game. It also does nothing to help a game's image if it turns out to be less than perfect.

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Load times in this almost ruin the game.


The loading times i agree, are still a bit much at times.


Loading seems to install more stuff each time anything is new. Interesting method. Eurogamer did an article on it.


The loading times on this are stupid. Its ruining the game for me.


I didn't have a problem with load times when I received mine on Tuesday - making me think this is more of a server issue. I looked into this and this article from GT5.com clarifies it.


Gran Turismo 5

Notice Regarding the Status of the Online Service


Currently the online services of Gran Turismo 5 (GT5) is experiencing some extreme online traffic congestion.


Because GT5 performs online access not only when participating in online races and using community features, but also when starting the game and during the various screen displays in GT Mode, unfortunately this online congestion is also affecting standard gameplay.


If you are experiencing the following symptoms, we recommend that you temporarily play GT5 without connecting the PlayStation 3 (PS3) to the network.


(A) If you are finding it takes several minutes before being able to perform any actions in the following screens:


- Before the start of the opening movie, immediately after launching the game

- At the top screen after the game has started

- In various screens within GT Mode


(B) Or, when it takes several minutes or more to gain a result when the following operations are performed:


- When entering the open lobby, if it takes several minutes or more before the room list is acquired and displayed.

- When clicking on an ID in the participant list of a room, if it takes several minutes or more before the menu appears.

- When writing on the message boards within "Community", if it is taking several minutes or more for your posts to appear.


* Also, some of the following features have been limited intentionally as a measure to temporarily alleviate some of the network traffic. Due to these limitations, you will find that:

- The viewing and update of the [Log] in the Community section of GT Mode has been temporarily disabled.

- Changes to the Profile may not update in some cases.

- Changes to the Friend List may not update in some cases.


Currently we are simultaneously working on several different solutions to improve the network status and alleviate the network congestion as soon as possible. We are expecting to be able to provide a proper online service again soon.


We sincerely apologize to our customers for the inconvenience.


computerandvideogames.com also reported this:


The torrent of online activity on Sony's Gran Turismo 5 has not only affected the performance of its online component, but also brought the single player gameplay to its knees.


According to reports, GT5's single player experience is suffering slow down and stalling issues due to "extreme online traffic congestion".


Since the game regularly accesses servers for logs, stats and profiles, it often slows the game to a crawl through frequent, long loading times.


Users are being warned that moving through the game's menus can cause delays lasting "several minutes", since the title accesses servers "when starting the game and during the various screen displays in GT Mode".


Sony has cut off access to the logs, and some user profiles in order to "temporarily alleviate" the issues.


GT5 Signature Edition owners have reported that the codes entitling them to exclusive cars aren't being recognised by GT5 as valid.

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Hehe lvl 15. I love how we are finding out about new stuff as I play. The online profiles are like facebook. We have a personal wall, updates, lobby, photos etc. Quite impressed. Got some nice cars now. The rpg system works really well. Only thing is low level events give little xp now. So I have moved on leaving those events behind.


Will post pics soon. Currently on the grand tour of Italy.


I love it personally, i don't understand what people were expecting :shrug:


They are just reviews. They only had the game since Monday (blame sony) and we already know more than them. Plus the graphics are out of this world. No sane person could say it looks weak. Inconsistent yes when standard tracks and cars come into play but the game engine is insane. Try racing nighttime and not be wowed.

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From joystiq.com


Gran Turismo 5 hampered by internet congestion, patch coming Saturday


Sony's advice to those currently having hiccups with Gran Turismo 5 is to temporarily disable internet access on their consoles. Eurogamer reports that the game's constant online connection, even while navigating single-player content and menus, is causing "longer than comfortable lag."


Sony has confirmed the game "performs online access not only when participating in online races and using community features, but also when starting the game and during the various screen displays in GT Mode." This is causing "online congestion" and the publisher is working on "several different solutions" to improve the network.


One of the solutions should come this Saturday, November 27, as GT creator Kazunori Yamauchi says a patch should fix several issues, including "the usability of the game to make it a better experience." He noted the game's data center was "set up to handle 500,000 connections, but the number of connections we received greatly exceeded that amount and there was a high chance of experiencing problems as a result."


Wait, wait, wait. Gran Turismo 5 was designed in such a way that it constantly pings the data center was only set to handle half a million connections... for a Gran Turismo game? It sounds like Sony hired the same consultant Battlefield developer DICE used to come up with its launch day capacity requirements.


Time to post some of my pics!
























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Mine showed up today. Just getting a patch (I fucking hate having to download a patch when the game is less than a week old. Don't send it to print if it isn't fucking finished), then I start the install saga. Might venture to town to buy a wheel during the hour install.

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The trees still look horrendous. And some of the backdrops are gacky.

Still, looks amazing at times!


If you ask me, isn't it about the cars? And my god do they look awesome!

Anyways my copy finally arrived today and rather than play, I have been reading the MAHOOOOOSSIVE apex guide. It's quite weighty too but a real good read.

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But it's the high end cars that get the best treatment. For almost the majority of the game you'll be driving PS2-esque cars. Just saying.


And Caris - I'm just saying the scenery isn't that impressive. It doesn't matter a whole lot when you're whizzing past in the blue machine though ofc.

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HAHAHAHA you can gift cars away. IS it FUCK like I would gift my Murcielago away. Game looks gorgeous and the free cars you get with the collectors edition are sublime. I like attention to detail so when I saw that each car has a description of it's history I nearly cried. Hours will definitely be lost on this game.

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I don't move into my new place until wednesday so can get this yet. PS3/Wheel/GT5 is absolutely top of my list for next weekends purchases. Looks great! Anyone bought a Lotus yet?


I have. It's ace. I'll get pictures when I can be bothered.




My thoughts on the game so far:


I was worried about the "lesser" cars not having an in car view. I prefer the bumper cam now to be honest. Much less cluttered. Problem solved.


The AI is a bit shit. Just seems to stick to the same line regardless of what's going on.


The Top Gear event is utter tripe (the one with the campers). I can safely say it's one of the most boring things I've ever experienced in a racing game. What annoys me most is that if you even look at a cone funny, it's race over, disqualified. Never mind if another camper pushes/spins you into it because they refuse move from their set paths. The Top Gear track itself is pretty shit too.


Rubber band AI can fuck off too. I don't recall rubber band racers in real racing. Simulation my arse.



Other than that, the game is pretty ace. Will definitely be putting some time into getting some rad cars in this. Might transfer some of my PSP ones too.

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The AI is a bit shit. Just seems to stick to the same line regardless of what's going on.


The Top Gear event is utter tripe (the one with the campers). I can safely say it's one of the most boring things I've ever experienced in a racing game. What annoys me most is that if you even look at a cone funny, it's race over, disqualified. Never mind if another camper pushes/spins you into it because they refuse move from their set paths. The Top Gear track itself is pretty shit too.


Rubber band AI can fuck off too. I don't recall rubber band racers in real racing. Simulation my arse.


You are wrong about the AI. They dont rubberband and they are very dynamic. Maybe not so much early on but they are aggressive later.


I loved the Top Gear event. It was hilarious. Got second on it after afew tries. You can hit cones but dont go beyond them. Try to take the vans on the inside. Late braking on some turns. Should do the trick. I need helpf or the Lotus challeneg though. You'd think given they designed the track their cars would drive well on them...

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God I love this game. It's sheer brilliance! When it comes to racing this is spot on for pure racing fans!


I feel kind of sorry for people who like the GT franchise. Everyone is jumping on it as if it was going to be the next grandest game EVER. It's a semi simulation racing game it's only going to appeal to people who enjoy playing those type of games.


People who do are in for a mega treat. Sure there's the whole debate with the cars, but when racing with the Premium cars (Which took a 3D modeller between 2-6 months to make one depending on the car) is such a beauty, this is when the game shines with its graphics, simply having some of the most realistic looking graphics yet on a console.


The standard cars aren't quite as nice, but you have to look at it like this, would you rather not have your car you own in at all? Remember these premium cars take so long to make that it would be impossible to model them all in the given time.


Oh man there's so much to do, so much content between modes and features such as Rally, Nascar, Karts, Weather, much more than you'd normally get in a simulation type racer. You can see where all the time has spent on this game. Looking forward to all the updates it seems to be getting in the future!!


My pics from racers :)








Me playing with wheel :D


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