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Source - playstationblog


ModNation Racers Release Date, Pre-Orders and Box Art!


Posted by Chuck Lacson // Associate Product Marketing Manager, SCEA


If you’ve been keeping up with the Blog or recent preview coverage, you know ModNation Racers is continuing the Play, Create and Share movement allowing both PS3 and PSP owners to design their own racers, karts and best of all, custom tracks! Creations can then be raced with friends (four-player split-screen confirmed!) and uploaded to the rest of the PlayStation Network! But the question is:


When will it hit store shelves?


Well it’s official! ModNation Racers on both PS3 and PSP releases May 25! On top of this, we kick off our official pre-order program today with participating retailers.



That’s right! Ratchet and Clank, Nathan Drake, and Kratos have officially been Mod’ed! Depending on where you pre-order your copy, you’ll get to race with one of your favorite characters.



Pre-order from GameStop and score Kratos and his Kart of Chaos!



Pre-order from Amazon and race as Ratchet or Clank!



Pre-order from Best Buy and score Nathan Drake and his Jungle Jeep!


On top of this, each pre-order gets an additional BONUS Mystery Mod and Kart package that include not just a special Mod and Kart, but additional accessories that you can use to make your own creations!






Four possibilities in total, and just like a vinyl figure you buy in stores, you won’t know which one you get until you download it and see for yourself. Wondering what they could be? We will reveal them soon enough! Just look for a future post right here on the Blog. :)


So there you go! Pre-order today and you might be racing with your favorite PlayStation character! To make sure you know which box to grab on May 25, here is a sneak peek at our packfront!




If the framerate is sorted this is a must buy for me. Hopefully everything is polished and downloads won't take an age.


Otherwise it's looking fab. Enjoyed the limited beta too.

I want to pre-order this game but I want Nathan Drake and his Jungle Jeep I dont now who is doing it


Amazon UK (*Get a Ratchet and Clank Mod Pack when you pre-order this from Amazon.co.uk*) http://www.amazon.co.uk/Sony-ModNation-Racers-PS3/dp/B003DNSQO8/ref=pd_rhf_p_t_2


Play.com ModNation (w/ UK Exclusive In Game Kratos Character Unlock Code) http://www.play.com/Games/PlayStation3/4-/10296367/ModNation/Product.html


Could it hurt to read the entire quote?


Pre-order from Best Buy and score Nathan Drake and his Jungle Jeep!

We will get all the characters in the UK


Hi all,


Last week SCEA announced their Preorder plan as well as confirming their release date, while I told you that we are releasing the same week. Well I can finally reveal the European Preorder packs and over the coming weeks I will be able to let you know where you will be able to pick up each pack in your country.


So lets confirm the following:


* Yes we will have Kratos

* Yes we will have Drake

* Yes we will have Ratchet &Clank


No confirmation of which characters are available where though.

We have Best Buys in England?


6 are opening this spring across the UK. Pretty sure one is in London.


(bastards said I wasn't qualified to be a till jockey. Lying cunts.)


Oh wait, no;


Aintree, Liverpool

Hedge End, Southampton

Lakeside, Thurrock

Merry Hill, West Midlands


No idea why one is opening (3 miles) down the road from me and not London.


While I'm pretty interested in this, I'm not really enthralled to make my own racing tracks. Call me lazy, but I want the developers to come up with some classic designs for me. But if LBP is anything to go by, there will be some awesome user generated content outthere in notime.


Still, I somehow think this hasn't got the longterm-appeal or flexibility of LBP. Let's hope I'm proven wrong.

While I'm pretty interested in this, I'm not really enthralled to make my own racing tracks. Call me lazy, but I want the developers to come up with some classic designs for me. But if LBP is anything to go by, there will be some awesome user generated content outthere in notime.


Still, I somehow think this hasn't got the longterm-appeal or flexibility of LBP. Let's hope I'm proven wrong.


I must say that Modnations Racers is one of the reasons that will make me get a PS3 (one of :P another one is Demon's Souls).

Like Strange Cookie said, i will be looking forward to the user generated content just like it happened on LBP.

And... having stumbled on a vid of an user generated track that was a replica of GCN Peach Beach.... whoa... what a beauty. I'm going to have so much fun there!! :D

  • 4 weeks later...

Got a free early demo code for the PSP version if anyone wants it....I played the PS3 demo and it half interested me doubt the PSP version is gonna do anything for me.


I thought their review was quite harsh on the game, not that I've played it.


I won't be buying this mainly due to the load times. They were horrendous in the beta and it doesn't sound like they've tackled them. (I've never had too much interest in the game though)


I think I might pick this up today because I'm amazingly bored. Or maybe I'll get Pokemon Black and White...or whatever it's called...if it's out...


Weird, I haven't bought a Nintendo game since Mario Galaxy way back at the end of 2007.


Edit: Wrong, Smash Bros in early 2008.

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