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Metroid: Other M


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Anyone else pre-ordered this yet by the way? First game I've pre-ordered in a long time actually.


Sites like Amazon have it for £32.91 (I saw a similar price on a few other sites too like Gameplay). I honestly want to pay full price for this game too, Metroid is one of those key first party franchises that doesn't necessarily always sell well, but really deserves it.

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I knew I should've hunted around sites I was unfamiliar with...


Do they offer a free shipping service too? I go all the way with saving money, so I'm on SUPER SAVER with Amazon.


You can choose between Royal Mail 1st Class or 1st Class Recorded. Both options are free. plus you get £3.00 back if you don't receive it on release day.

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1UP Interview:


1UP: Speaking of Samus's abilities, at the beginning of every sequel you wonder, "She was so strong at the end of the last game, how did she get so weak?" At least here there's an explanation, with Adam granting her permission to use weapons. But much of Metroid's appeal is in gaining power through discovering weapons and defeating enemies. Is there still some of that in Other M, or is it just a series of permissions?


Sakamoto: You're right when you say that you start off with more weapons this time but have to receive permission to unlock them. But I should tell you that you'll also be defeating enemies and acquiring upgrades on your own as well. Of course, I can't say too much about it at the moment, but we're definitely trying to find a balance point between receiving permission and finding weapons yourself.


When Reggie addressed solitude... it's interesting that in this game Samus will encounter a lot of people that she has known from the past, and some of them will be fighting alongside her in the game. But that doesn't really affect the way that she feels inside. She is very much a solitary person, very much alone in terms of how she feels. Overall, I know the Metroid series may seem like it's mostly been limited to confined spaces to give people a sense of claustrophobia; an introspective feel. But there's certainly room to expand on that theme, and I don't think we're locked into doing anything specific in the future. Rather, it was simply the best design choice for this game.
Edited by Dante
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I think the UK and US adverts are both awful. But at least the UK one would've been cheaper to make. :heh:

So as usual I much prefer the Japanese ads, focusing on game play footage is definitely the right way to go with a game like Metroid. And the second one is particularly cool thanks to the NES intro. :awesome:


Anyway, I'm starting to look forward to Other M quit a bit now, it certainly does look action packed. :bouncy:


Haha, its a bad sign when the official mag is being more negative than me. I'm gonna have to up my game... but its gonna be difficult as I'm not getting M: OM. :grin:
Tut-tut. :nono:

Come on Stevo, I picked up an RPG (which I ended up really enjoying), so I reckon you should give Metroid a chance.

Open your mind! : peace:

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At least the US advert takes the right approach in HOW it should appeal to the core gamer. Everything in the video is referential to the Metroid franchise and actually references the official Metroid online comic thing (Unless child Samus/Ridley flashbacks are also in the game). Also, regardless of how cheesy it is, at least the production levels are high, which is what Metroid deserves.


The UK advert is like a fucking insult to any Metroid fans. It's completely wrong on every level and seems to exist to promote the game to the casual audience, which is fundamentally retarded.


They already have a shitload of casual titles to use their stupid average-joe-on-couch-looking-excited shit with, they really don't need to apply it to absolutely everything Wii related.

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