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Super Mario Galaxy 2


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SMG has been one of the best games of the generation so far, but it still had its faults. What's on everyone's list of things they'd like to be changed for the sequel? Here's mine:


1. Make it harder please!

2. No comet stars that involving you doing the same level again, but faster / without being hit.

3. No worlds that are near-replicas of a previous one (like the bee galaxy and the autumn-themed one).

4. Either make 1-ups harder to get hold of, get rid of them all together, or make it so your number of lives automatically goes back to 3 when you beat a level.

5. Make better use of flying Mario! A great concept in SMG, but totally wasted.

6. A better hub world - the observatory wasn't a patch on Mario 64's castle.

7. No spring Mario!


Definitely make it harder.


But for me, I would like especially this one thing: no more than 3 stars per each world. Or at least, if they have to have 6 stars in a world, then make each star very different from all the others, like they did in the Desert World of SMG, which was one of the best in the game for me.

I just want more variety and no Galaxies like the the Bee Galaxy or Beach Bowl.

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1. Harder but not frustratingly hard.

2. Keep some of the comet stars, replace repeated ones with defeat "x" number of enemies or collect "x" amount of something.

3. More original levels yes, could have some similar but the more varied the better.

4. Do away with 1-ups... except Nintendo won't do that so I'll go with the make them harder to obtain but always make sure there is a respawning 1-up on the harder challenges.

5. Definitely, needs moar flying!

6. New hub? yes please, but I did think the way that the hub world was a rocket / home and the transformation bit was awesome, just that it was nowhere near as good as Peach's castle.

7. Spring Mario was probably the weakest of the power ups, replace with cape or something? seeing as Reggie said it'd have throwbacks to SMW.

8. Make fire-flower power ups last until you get hit, not timed, though I can see why it kinda needs to be timed for challenges but in which case the challenges could just be made harder, timed just means you need to keep going back collecting yet another fire-flower which is a chore.

9. Co-op! it could be so effing sweet if they somehow could incorporate co-op play.

10. A more original story... the way the story was told in SMG was beautiful but it hardly broke any new ground, something a bit different this time would be nice.


That's all I can think of for now...

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That gamesradar article was quite interesting actually. They're basically saying that this is the first time 2 Mario games will release and be very similar to each other, and you've got admit to an extent that's true; Galaxy 2 is just using the principles behind Galaxy and adding new levels. That said, there's NOTHING wrong in that because the first game was awesome, apart from it was far too easy and the purple coin and comet challenges weren't very...good.

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I don't see why people are moaning at the existence of this, as good as they are, the games like StarFox and F-Zero don't really sell all that well. Mario games do, and to top that off, they're always awesome.


Neither do I... quite honestly I welcome it with open arms, it's Galaxy but with moar! what's not to like? it's also an opportunity for Nintendo to change the few things that were wrong with Galaxy.

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That gamesradar article was quite interesting actually. They're basically saying that this is the first time 2 Mario games will release and be very similar to each other, and you've got admit to an extent that's true; Galaxy 2 is just using the principles behind Galaxy and adding new levels. That said, there's NOTHING wrong in that because the first game was awesome, apart from it was far too easy and the purple coin and comet challenges weren't very...good.

Ah, but they're assuming...aside from the premise, for all we know its not the same

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I especially like how miyamoto is saying how the game will be more challenging.. he also said that mario wii would be challenging also...


It's nice to know that when nintendo aim for the casual.. They aim for the casual but when they aim for the hardcore.. they don't tone it down.

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Maybe it's me having so many lovely experiences associated with Galaxy, but I loved the hub and the storytelling. It brought so much into the game, I found. :)


Anyway, I also call BS on that article. Seems to be written by the bad kind of Nintendo fanboy - the insatiable, constantly craving, unrealistic fanboy.

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Ah, but they're assuming...aside from the premise, for all we know its not the same


Well it IS called galaxy 2 afterall. I mean if they made a game called Mario Sunshine 2 you'd know what to expect. besides the trailer for this shows it's pretty much Galaxy but new levels and such, not that i'm complaining!


I really hope they create some really tricky puzzles in this game. Was a bit disappointed they didn't fiddle around with the concept of gravity more in the first game, like having to jump off a planet and using it's gravity to hurl you towards something else, catch it's gravity and then hurtle towards a star. Hard to explain now i think about it..

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Yeah I guess at first glance I'd say I'm slightly disappointed that this isn't a new direction they're taking, but then again the first was mind-blowing so it can't be a bad thing. Plus I did feel the first was a little short, so more of the same formula is a nice prospect.

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Wait, people were complaining? I didn't read the thread.

It would be a huge waste to not make another Galaxy in this case. Specially because Miyamoto said there were many ideas left out. And it must be very cheap/fast to build this new game, since the perfect engine from Galaxy is already made.

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No point in rushing it, they can delay it until the end of 2010 if they want... as far as I'm concerned; if it means that the game will be even more awesome for extra development time spent on it then it should be delayed as many times as is necessary.

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No point in rushing it, they can delay it until the end of 2010 if they want... as far as I'm concerned; if it means that the game will be even more awesome for extra development time spent on it then it should be delayed as many times as is necessary.

"A delayed game is delayed only for a time, a rushed game stays bad forever."

- Shigeru Miaymoto

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I agree completely. But Nintendo won't have released a huge game in over 2 years!!! It's just...weird. Yeah we've had some great games (Mario Kart, Wario Land, Punch Out, Resort, NSMB) but in all honesty, I've not been REALLY excited about a Nintendo game since Galaxy... Smash Bros is obviously a huge release, but I'm not it's biggest fan (though I think it's great...) so it will actually be probably 3 years from one AAA Nintendo game to the next....and it's a sequel of the same game!!!


I don't mean to complain, I've loved a lot of the games and the Wii itself, and there's some great games coming out. But it's Nintendo games I want, and I feel a little unfulfilled....

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