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New Super Mario Bros. Wii


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What the hell did I ruin? Did I even say what the secret was. Unlike alot of people I actually spoilered the ending and unlockables. I'll make sure just to plaster them all over the place from now on then :kiss:


Its the vibes man, your spreading negative vibes all over the place.

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Mine just arrived now, the tin is a bit damaged so I'm not impressed.


I was expecting that too; as you can see from the pictures of N-E's review copy, it was slightly dented as Nintendo sent it in a massive jiffy bag (or if you listen to Tom's account of things, I sat on it). However, the one sent by game was fine.

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Got my copy today and played through the first world. It's good so far, but not great, IMO, but I'm sure I'll enjoy it more once the challenge level increases. World 1-5 has been my favourite level so far, partly because it's been the hardest. I'm loving the propellor suit, and I don't have a problem with the music. My main annoyance so far is having to shake to pick up items other than shells. Why on earth wouldn't 1 on its own have sufficed? :hmm:

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Pretty fun.


- Not fan of the ice flower, AT ALL, though. Like I literally avoid picking it up.

- Music and graphics are cool.

- I like the goomba levels.

- Propeller suit is great fun

- Agree with Mike, shaking to pick things up is annoying.


World 1 wasn't amazing to be honest, bit bland, but I suppose it would be.

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My main annoyance so far is having to shake to pick up items other than shells. Why on earth wouldn't 1 on its own have sufficed? :hmm:
It didn't bother me at first, but now that I'm getting back in to old school Mario platforming mode I keep forgetting the shake part! So yeah it has become quite annoying. :shakehead

The other uses of motion are quality though, especially the little airborne spin move you can do for extra jump length. icon14.gif


Anyway, I've just arrived at World 4. This is my favourite of the lot so far, loving the music/tropical vibe. :love:

So cool using the penguin suit underwater too with its improved swimming abilities. :cool:

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Picked this up today, suckered myself into getting the tin just because they only had 1 left, kicked myself all the way home. Oh well, suppose i can use the tin to save up for my next game, minus of course the extra fiver the tin cost me lol.

Only played world 1 so far, single & multiplayer. So far so good for the first world of a mario game, can't wait to get on again later

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True sequel to SMW? Nope, sorry, not seeing it. In fact, it's not a patch on SMW in terms of level design, music, sound f/x and especially balance of difficulty vs frustration, and there's barely any fun factor whatsoever because of it. And I say this as I love SMW and SMB3, they are nigh on 'perfect' 2D Mario games. NSMBW lacks heart.


Can you tell that I'm not impressed with NSMBW? :)

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True sequel to SMW? Nope, sorry, not seeing it. In fact, it's not a patch on SMW in terms of level design, music, sound f/x and especially balance of difficulty vs frustration, and there's barely any fun factor whatsoever because of it. And I say this as I love SMW and SMB3, they are nigh on 'perfect' 2D Mario games. NSMBW lacks heart.


Can you tell that I'm not impressed with NSMBW? :)


Great, another one of these.

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Just up to the ghost house on World 3 - it's great to have them back. I was also pretty pleased with myself managing to get all of the items from one of the panel flip toad houses earlier. :D

I'm still loving the game, but some of the great things that separated SMW from SMB3, and are missing again here, are disappointing: why can't we throw things upwards? Pick up P switches and springs? Where are the blocks that spin when you hit them, and the pink triangles that let you run up a wall? Why no switch palaces? I hope that at least some of these points will be addressed if there's a sequel. It's all very well saying this is a reimagining of the NES SMB games, but it seems silly to miss out some of SMW's innovations.

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True sequel to SMW? Nope, sorry, not seeing it. In fact, it's not a patch on SMW in terms of level design, music, sound f/x and especially balance of difficulty vs frustration, and there's barely any fun factor whatsoever because of it. And I say this as I love SMW and SMB3, they are nigh on 'perfect' 2D Mario games. NSMBW lacks heart.


Can you tell that I'm not impressed with NSMBW? :)


Sorry, I think you're wearing some serious rose tinted specs. If a game had come out in the NES or SNES era with this level design, game mechanics and difficulty, people would have been absolutely amazed by it and would still consider it a great game today. The problem isn't that it lacks the magic of the games of a previous era, it's that the people playing it aren't the wide-eyed and easily impressed kids they were when they played the originals. It's that nostalgia that makes people still love those games, not some kind of devine infallibility that they ahve and NSMBW doesnt.

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Played this with my friends last night, we were so shit I was laughing my head off. My stomach hurt.

Fun times anyway.

That's freaking awesome. I honestly can't wait to get some friends together and, well, suck, at the game together. Brawl was a massive laugh together, and I doubt this will be any different.

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