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New Super Mario Bros. Wii


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Regardless, it doesn't detract from the quality of the game


yes it does! it's always going to be marked lower for this


Miyamoto confirms 'demo play' feature for New Super Mario Bros. Wii, a feature that helps new gamers to tackle levels


"In New Super Mario Bros. Wii, if a player is experiencing an area of difficulty, this will allow them to clear troubled areas and take over when they're ready. And yes, we're looking into this for future games." - Shigeru Miyamoto



here we go.. THIS is where nintendos focus is.. Why are they bothering to try make a game like mario casual.. it's not going to work.. it's far too difficult for soccer moms etc?

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Just because the option is there doesn't mean the game is casually focused...it makes it more accessible, but its still going to be for the core.


And no it doesn't detract from the game.. Every set of impressions say it is a joy to play and good fun without sacrificing the core Super Mario Bros gameplay...thats what this game is...moaning it doesnt have online is like moaning Mario Kart doesn't have platforming levels...the game wasnt designed for it

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Just because the option is there doesn't mean the game is casually focused...it makes it more accessible, but its still going to be for the core.


And no it doesn't detract from the game.. Every set of impressions say it is a joy to play and good fun without sacrificing the core Super Mario Bros gameplay...thats what this game is...moaning it doesnt have online is like moaning Mario Kart doesn't have platforming levels...the game wasnt designed for it


Every multiplayer game should always have an on-line option at this day and age.. It's an absolute given for almost every 360 and ps3 games but wii owners always have to worry before each games release and your "take what you get" attitude doesn't really help..


Having no on-line automatically bumps this game down to an 8/10 game I can tell you that and i'm not solitanze but it's the best way I can say it.


For a full price game you should expect full price material.. We can ignore retro-graphics and retro gameplay but christ don't ignore improvements that have been made in gaming..


and your example makes no sense.. How does on-line compare to no platforming in mario kart wii?



I always find that one thing nintendo have always been shit at is options.. Very few nintendo games have the abilities to customise controls etc mario kart wii being one of the few exceptions..


donkey kong jungle for wii doesnt allow bongos

mario power tennis doesnt allow gamecube controller support

and very few allow button preferences..


I used to laugh at the mario kart double dash menu when the only thin you could really do was change the sound to mono,stereo or surround... you couln'd even turn up or off the music...

etc.. you either play it their way or nothing.


I can tell you if smash bros was made completely in house without hal we would have a completely different game.. same with f-zero gx..

end of rant

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I am still looking forward to this game , because NSMB on the Wii was amazing and I loved every minute of it. It sounds like this has a dedicated single player mode, so for me, this will be a great 2D single player Mario game. However, its very unlikely I'll get many chances for me and my friends to all meet and play its multiplayer mode and the lack of online option for it is pretty disapointing. Like MCJ said, its pretty much a given for 360/PS3 games and I don't see why should be any different for the Wii.


moaning it doesnt have online is like moaning Mario Kart doesn't have platforming levels...the game wasnt designed for it


if the the game was designed for multiplayer, I don't see what would have to be changed if this game had an online mode.


The only issue is communication between players, which they could use Wii speak for.

Edited by Helmsly
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I bet all those people condemning Nintendo for not using online in this are still going to buy this and love it anyway.


The Demo Play feature is probably more for 5 year olds than soccer moms. Mario is still a series that is played by kids, and they get frustrated if they can't beat a level. This is probably more to help them get through the levels they find harder and back to the game.


I think Mario Kart did have a bit of platforming in it though. remember mushroom gorge.

Edited by Emasher
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Regardless, it doesn't detract from the quality of the game


Well it does to an extent because there's no point in me getting it now :( I mean, the single player in NSMB was pretty poor but the the footage of this shows it's got some potential and i'd consider it for multiplayer. Unfortunately, without online it's completely pointless because no way am I gonna be playing this with my parents.


They're approach with the lack of online is basically to try and get those families playing Wii Sports together to play it, so they're probably thinking that no online is needed. But still, that's so stupid because it's completely pointless for anyone to get this for single player if its aimed for 4 player.


Oh. and the graphics and music are absolutely horrid. It'd be nice if they actually made an effort there as opposed to going down 'as little as possible' route.

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I always find that one thing nintendo have always been shit at is options.. Very few nintendo games have the abilities to customise controls etc mario kart wii being one of the few exceptions..


donkey kong jungle for wii doesnt allow bongos

mario power tennis doesnt allow gamecube controller support

and very few allow button preferences..


I used to laugh at the mario kart double dash menu when the only thin you could really do was change the sound to mono,stereo or surround... you couln'd even turn up or off the music...

etc.. you either play it their way or nothing.


I can tell you if smash bros was made completely in house without hal we would have a completely different game.. same with f-zero gx..

end of rant


I've banged on about this a few times before. Nintendo are masters at giving you the bare bones in games, and miss little features and options that really add to games. Always bugs me.


As for the discussion, although I'm not that bothered, I'm in the no online is ridiculous camp. I mean, why NOT have it? I agree the best multiplayer gaming is all in the same room; but it doesnt hurt to include it as well. All this does is upset people, piss people off, turn people away from Nintendo. Not having online has NO POSITIVE FEATURES!!!! Just negative!

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Regardless, it doesn't detract from the quality of the game


It does. I'm a huge Nintendo fan but I also see that in this age releasing a multiplayer game without online is IDIOTIC. The people I play games with live miles from me, we play regularly on Mario Kart and COD and we'd be playing this if it had online.


Yeah, I'm sure it would be better if we were all sitting on the sofa together, but that's not going to happen every night. Most days when I come in from work and want to game I'm on my own - and that will be the case for most people.



I always find that one thing nintendo have always been shit at is options.. Very few nintendo games have the abilities to customise controls etc mario kart wii being one of the few exceptions..


donkey kong jungle for wii doesnt allow bongos

mario power tennis doesnt allow gamecube controller support

and very few allow button preferences..


I used to laugh at the mario kart double dash menu when the only thin you could really do was change the sound to mono,stereo or surround... you couln'd even turn up or off the music...

etc.. you either play it their way or nothing.


I can tell you if smash bros was made completely in house without hal we would have a completely different game.. same with f-zero gx..

end of rant


SPOT ON mate! More options not less is what we want. I said this elsewhere about motion control, RE4 had it right, IR control for those who wanted it, GC and Classic controls supported for those who didn't. I used the Wii Remote for RE4, but it didn't hurt to include the others.

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IGN's Hands-On:

I haven't had a chance to see the fan reaction to New Super Mario Bros. Wii, but around the E3 show floor most of the IGN editors are only…sort of excited. That isn't to say they aren't interested in playing it – it's just visually not quite "pushing" Nintendo's system to the limit, and obviously is a bigger brother to the Nintendo DS engine and concepts. Same look, same style, four players, on Wii, and full price? It isn't exactly a stunner at first sight.


After about a half hour with the game though, I can't wait for more. It's fun as hell to play.


I just got finished with what I hope is the first of multiple play sessions with New Super Mario Bros. on Wii, having gone through five of the 10 available demo levels shown at Ninty's booth. For starters, if you're looking for a visual stunner, you aren't going to get it. Unless, that is, you want something that aims to look more like a reimagining of the Super Nintendo Super Mario World experience with a mix of 3D and 2D. I dig it, but there are of course dozens upon dozens of games that will look better on Nintendo's console.


That's not what New Super Mario Bros. is about though. Like The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventure, Mario Bros. is a game that really aims to capture that four player, half co-op, half vs. spirit. If everyone dies the level will start over, but with more people in on the action there are less coins and baddies to go around. Nab the most gold and baddie kills, and you'll take the top rank for that stage.


It often turns into this wave of co-op and chaos that always ends up in flux. Just like Four Swords I found myself helping teammates one minute (gulping them up with Yoshi and then spitting them at helpful items… as if they wouldn't be on their way over there without my "help") and then jumping off their head to get to a higher power-up the next. If you've ever pulled off a team attack in Four Swords only to pick up your buddy and carry him while collecting all the gems, imagine that in Mario and you should have a perfect image of New Super Mario Bros. for Wii.


I'm seriously doubting that the experience would be any fun with just one person playing, but as you add in Luigi and a couple colored Toad characters the game ramps up in entertainment value in a big way. More than anything though it's that the levels themselves are designed with multiplayer strictly in mind, and in addition to that, with hardcore areas overlapping the main, casual-friendly areas.


Sure, you could run through the original Super Mario Bros. 1-1 inspired level by just hopping and taking out goombas, but skilled players will work together to get giant Yoshi coins, hit up higher ground areas built literally on top of the regular path, or make use of in-level contraptions to work towards a greater good. That, or you could just do what me and a fellow IGN member ended up doing; grab Phil the IGN Stars editor, toss him back and forth by combining the 1 button with motion, and then end it all by holding him above your head and jumping directly into a pit. Man… it's tough to play cooperative when picking on people is so dang fun.


This game is also riddled with fan service as well, and those hectic moments that pile up during four player sessions can make for some awesome events. In my short time with the game we ended up with a group of three colored Yoshis running as a pack together, jumping and "nom"-ing on everything in our path. I've never been part of a Yoshi herd, but it's a blast, and inevitably ends with everyone chasing after their runaway dino, pulling the screen every which way until they all end up with nothing. Yup, there's that Four Swords feeling again.


New Super Mario Bros. Wii also adds a whole lot of action into each of the levels, and it really makes for a very fresh feeling each time around. Each area may be inspired by previous Mario offerings, but when everything piles up into a full package it feels extremely robust. Tilt-based platforms are color-coded to one of four players, with tilt control moving the seesaw back and forth. You can try to work together, or you can tilt it back a bit, run up to a new path on the high ground and steal a bunch of coins, only to dump your "buddies" into the darkness below with a quick turn of the wrist. An underwater cave area – actually half above water, half under – has one member of the team working a search light with tilt, all the while trying to guide his buddies through dark, enemy-infested waterways.


When too many baddies start to gather though, it turns into the Mario version of Open Water, as everyone starts jumping on each other's head to air-bounce out of danger, pushing the lone loser deeper into the water and directly into danger. The new propeller suits allow for huge double jumps and gliding (pressing down brings you into a corkscrew slamming attack), the penguin suit allows for running on ice and doing belly slides through ice blocks, and other in-level contraptions like gears and rotating ground change up the experience a bit as well. Oh, and as for mobility, all the standard butt stomps, wall jumps, wall slides, spin attacks (out of Galaxy), and shell grabbing is in and as you remember it.


As a final quick note, drop-in and drop-out play isn't currently supported on the demo, but according to Nintendo's keynote today (and the press materials packed in with the announcement) it will eventually be supported. Be sure to check out the latest media on the game in our gallery below. We'll be playing more of New Super Mario Bros. Wii as the show goes on, and update with any additional notes when appropriate.

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Regardless, it doesn't detract from the quality of the game


Just because the option is there doesn't mean the game is casually focused...it makes it more accessible, but its still going to be for the core.


And no it doesn't detract from the game.. Every set of impressions say it is a joy to play and good fun without sacrificing the core Super Mario Bros gameplay...thats what this game is...moaning it doesnt have online is like moaning Mario Kart doesn't have platforming levels...the game wasnt designed for it


That's the stupidest thing I've ever seen you say, Serebii. Of course not having it detracts from the game.


I bet all those people condemning Nintendo for not using online in this are still going to buy this and love it anyway.


Possibly/probably. But I'm sure I'd enjoy it even more with online. What you said is like asking for the bare minimum, because that will be enough. Have half a piece of bread, because that will prevent you from starving. Personally, I'd rather have the full slice, because I'm hungry.

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I'm normally the first person to jump in and criticize a game for failing to include proper online functions, especially since MK proved it so possible on Wii.


However, this one is up in the air for me. If it's still challenging and fun single player then I'm sure many will still buy this. That said, no online is a massive opportunity missed. I for one am going to miss out on a huge chunk of the game because I don't have three mates ready to play 2D Mario on a regular basis anymore. I haven't done since college in fact. The real shame is the tech is there to solve this for me, nintendo just fail to embrace it :(

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I'm on a similar boat. Almost everyone I know basically just cares about the 360 now or PS3, next gen systems. They generally just scoff at Nintendo and in the event they do play the Wii, they dont take it very seriously.


I'd struggle to get a good multiplayer experience with this with people who WANT to play it without online.

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Yeah if it's not online it's a joke, because otherwise alot of people aren't gonna be able to play the game the way it's supposed to be played with 4 players.


Those all-night, 4 players around a TV sessions, pretty much ended back with the N64 for me!

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Those all-night, 4 players around a TV sessions, pretty much ended back with the N64 for me!

Pretty much the same here...

I managed to have some decent sessions with the gamecube (super monkey ball was a riot), but I had most of my same-room multiplayer fun with Mario Kart 64 and Goldeneye.

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and sadly we won't get it.

Its sad that Nintendo made a brilliant online game in Mario Kart and done absolutely nothing since in terms of improving the online experience.

For example, Animal Crossing was a wasted opportunity online, where was the online city lobby like area.

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The important thing here is that a big publisher is releasing a retail 2D game. Hopefully its the beginning of a deluge of other 2D remakes!


Yep! I thought of your "2D on Wii" idea when this was announced. I'd love to see Metroid and Kid Icarus. Maybe even Zelda, but certainly anything that is viewed from the side and involves jumping.

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What worries me is that in that preview above, the journalist doubts it would be any fun in singleplayer. As as many have said, the days have long gone when I used to have regular 4-player local gaming sessions. The lack of online really is a glaring omission...


Largely subjective to his tastes in gaming. Do you like 2D Mario platformers? If so, you'll like this.

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Those all-night, 4 players around a TV sessions, pretty much ended back with the N64 for me!


Totally agree. We used to sit up all night playing Goldeneye and Mario Kart 64. I can't imagine playing this game with friends except for on very rare occassions - also to find three mates who all want to play this and are in the same place at the same time ain;t going to be happening often for me.

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