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Left 4 Dead 2


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Yes, the first Left 4 Dead is awesome, but the first Left 4 Dead was also only released last year at the cost of a full priced game. Now, within months of it's release, a sequel has laready been announced, which will no doubt be full priced too. I can't believe that Valve are milking this. They promised that L4D would have new campaigns, new weapons and much more dlc content, yet we've only had the addition of survival mode and a new map. Way to go Valve! [/sarcasm]


And the setting? The characters? It all seems really tacky, and like a total joke to me. It just seems like nothing more than a mere reskin on L4D, they might as well call it L4D 1.5! And don't get me started on the incendiary ammo. Sure, Valve want to push the L4D franchise forward, but it's way too soon for a sequel, especially after L4D has only just been released.


It just doesn't feel like Valve's style at all, and it worries me about thier future. I hope this is the only huge mistake they ever make, because I'm loosing faith in them, and fast.

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Don't forget we got the DLC for L4D for free. We were always promised what we got, and we got it. If Valve had released this as a DLC that we had to pay for, then I'm sure we'd all still be complaining. We've only just heard about this game so we don't know the full extent of what we're going to get -- and what we got with L4D in the first place was definitely a game worth the asking price.

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Don't really understand how this is a mistake. If people buy the game and enjoy it where is the issue?


Seems like people are moaning for no apparent reason whatsoever. If you loved the first game, then surely this should be amazing news, no?

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Interesting: Valve have said they expect this iteration of the series to last a whole lot longer as a 'platform'. From what I read, they consider the first one slightly too flawed for lnog term development so they're doing that on the sequel instead.


makes a lot of sense.

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Whatever your view is of internet boycotts, Left 4 Dead might be the first critically acclaimed franchise whose announcement of a sequel was answered by nearly 10,000 fans pledging not to buy it.


Since the game was unveiled June 1 at E3, a Steam group called L4D Boycott (NO-L4D2) has assembled 9,742 members as of Saturday, and seems to be growing. Far from being enthused about a new game, they have nine complaints, most of which concern L4D2 obviating the need for, and undermining the value of, L4D1 - and just a year after the fact:


• Significant content for L4D1 was promised, and never delivered

• Valve put little faith in L4D1 since they almost certainly started working on L4D2 right after release

• The fact that L4D2 is nearly identical to L4D1 will decimate the community for both games

• The announced date is not nearly enough time to polish content or make significant gameplay changes

• The new character designs seem bland and unappealing so far

• L4D2 is too bright to fit in with L4D1's visual aesthetic

• The fiddle-based horde music is extremely disliked, though the differently orchestrated music is otherwise welcome

• L4D2's release will result in a drop in quality and frequency for L4D1 content, even compared to before

• The community has lost faith in Valve's former reputation for commitment to their games post-release

There are accusations and recriminations that Valve forum posts referencing the boycott have resulted in sanctions, removals, and banishments (or "points" accrued toward such action.) And you can tell a movement has hit its stride when it gets a Hitler-Downfall Meme video (which is, all things considered, kind of funny. Especially the bit about achievements).


When L4D2 was announced at E3, my first thoughts held cheap my copy of the first game. Even after reading McWhertor's extended impressions, I'm not really seeing how this sequel doesn't do something a series of DLC packs couldn't also accomplish. Maybe I'm not a game developer; so are a supermajority of L4D players, and so Valve will have to answer these questions right up to its release date, and then some.


For in all its justifications of L4D2, Valve is going to be faced with its own history regarding Team Fortress 2, one of the standard-bearers for how DLC can help evolve a game and sustain fans well after its release. Even if TF2 began as (and its updates remain exclusive to) a PC game, argumentatively, everyone will ask why the same thing can't be done with L4D, or at least its PC version.


That's about as down-the-middle as I can play it, because I do respect Valve's perfect right to do what it wishes with its own IP, and anyone in the industry would agree the success of L4D fairly demands a sequel. But doing it so soon, and in this form and context, one of the most respected and evangelized brands in gaming risks taking a dent to its reputation. The game we see in November must be night-and-day different from the original, and I don't mean new maps set in the New Orleans sunshine.



From Kotaku.


And here's the aforementioned Hitler video.


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My only complaint is L4D has only 4 stories. I really think, as awesome as they are, it should be double that.


I want to buy this but by the time it comes out my XBL Gold would have run out and I'm not paying £60/70 odd to play it.

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Unless they get a stupid amount of people, like in the hundreds of thousands, the majority will still buy the game. I intend to buy it as, let's be honest, how many times can you play the same 4 campaigns over and over. Also it's true what someone has said that if it was released as DLC it'd cost the same as a full game anyway. Why are PC gamers the ones complaining anyway? They get their games for peanuts, complain when you pay £40 for a new game.

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The only thing I can see that people might have an issue with, is that it's going to be out less than a year after the first game. We don't know how long Valve has been working on it for, but a year just doesn't seem like enough time to create a full sequel to something...

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I hope it has the same maps as the first one, can't be bothered to leave the game to play them.


I'm certain that they said that if there's enough space on the disk, they'll dump the maps from the first one onto it.

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I'm certain that they said that if there's enough space on the disk, they'll dump the maps from the first one onto it.


I suppose that's more of a console problem, they shouldn't need them on PC, just use the same resources.

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The only thing I can see that people might have an issue with, is that it's going to be out less than a year after the first game. We don't know how long Valve has been working on it for, but a year just doesn't seem like enough time to create a full sequel to something...


The problem being Valve promised DLC support like they do with all their other games, and they haven't really delivered and have since announced this full price sequel. It's just people expecting Valve to stick to what they usually do, but freaking out when they try and make a quick buck.

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But it's the first time Valve have done something like this. The whole boycott bullshit is ridiculous. People crying that Valve aren't who they used to be? I'm sorry, have you seen the TF2 updates recently? Not to mention they're all free? People expect too much from Valve. They can't just keep putting out free DLC and no new games (ala Criterion with Burnout), they need to make money and expand their platforms somehow.

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L4D hasn't had that much new content. Survival mode was rehashed from existing maps with only 1 original one, they opened 2 more campaigns for versus which really should have been the option from the start and...(that's all I've got :S other games have definitely more free updated content than this...)


They are still promising more but with the release of L4D2 it will become the predecessor. People will buy the sequel, thinking it is the better for nothing more than the 2 at the end of the title. Alot of people are worried that L4D community will just fizzle out and all focus moved to the successor which MIGHT be an inferior game(I know I'm not liking the looks of pyro bullets. Loses the damn strategy man, makes tanks wimps) but it will still move a vast amount of copies nonetheless.


So yea. I think there's deserved fears, worries and angst about a new sequel, especially among us L4D pros(lol) but hell, it's in motion now. Lets just ride the boat for the moment, and see where it takes us.



Oh yea Edit* People are also p*ssed because this smells like it started off as the promised free DLC but decided to release it at full retail instead. If nothing much has changed, only the settings and characters then it arguably doesn't warrant a pop at £40. I know I won't be happy if that's the case.

Edited by mariosmentor
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The funny thing about all this moaning about this being announced is you know that every single person that signed that boycott will go out and buy the title when it's released no matter what they are saying now because they're fans and they won't sit by while their friends go online and play it cooperatively.


I don't understand the moaning myself. Valve have said they aren't finished with content for Lead 4 Dead 1, so there's more stuff coming along side a completely new game which is supposed to have much more content than the current title.

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Supposed to...


Some peoples BS radars just went off. It's better to be wary I think than just lap up anything they throw at us.


I mean is nobody else getting annoyed at the current gaming trends?

Developers creating DLC that could easily go into the game? Just to release it a month after release for an additional 14.99?(not all titles obviously, Resi 5 and it's versus mode rings a bad note.)


Makes these guys alot of dough, and I liked the fact that Valve didn't jump on the bandwagon. Guess we'll find out in November.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just watched the finale http://xbox360.qj.net/Left-4-Dead-2-Finale-gameplay-video-no-crossover-between-L4D-1-and-2-says-Lombardi/pg/49/aid/132723 it looks pretty good. Though the charger looks a bit crappy but then again so are all the others when they're out in the open. It's probably more of a close quarters special infected. Apparently there are going to be at least 3 or 4 more. Maybe the Screamer will come back in a different form.

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