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..who (apart from darksnowman :rolleyes:) wouldn't want this :eek:




I honestly reckon a bit more effort for the packaging would make it sell more..


That fan art looks like a mess, actually. Seriously, I own all 3 games and I've finished all 3 and I don't even understand what's going on in that madness...


There are more tasteful ways of cramming up a lot of stuff into a poster/cover, and that ain't it. For good examples check the vintage Indiana Jones or Star Wars posters.

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That fan art looks like a mess, actually. Seriously, I own all 3 games and I've finished all 3 and I don't even understand what's going on in that madness...


There are more tasteful ways of cramming up a lot of stuff into a poster/cover, and that ain't it. For good examples check the vintage Indiana Jones or Star Wars posters.


What? That artwork is beautiful! I'd love it as the real boxart! In fact if that kid produced actual covers like that I'd buy them!

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..who (apart from darksnowman :rolleyes:) wouldn't want this :eek:




I honestly reckon a bit more effort for the packaging would make it sell more..


Seriously, that's fucking sweet. It's meant to be a collection, a collectible, and that's what it looks like. It's something you'd hold and feel proud to own.


It reminds me of my Alien Quadrilogy BoxSet. I look at that and feel proud. :)


The Prime Series deserves something like that. All 3 games, given their own disc, their own space...yeees.

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Well they should keep it on one disc but use that box-art, but really there isn't any point of discussing it now because it won't be used.


I'm not a fan at all of having everything on the one disc. It feels less special. They're three seperate games, so imo should get three seperate discs. You want to feel that accomplishment when you finish the one game/disc, so move onto the next.


I just like my stuff seperate. Try to avoid those 1 DVD Movie Collections, as well.

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Hmmm I see what you mean, but other than having it being a seperate disc to put in once you finish, it's not practical. I guess it's not often when you would change the disc between the games...

What I think they should do it keep it on one disc, and once you complete the game there should be a black screen for a few seconds and then you quit to the main menu where you can choose from the three. BUT once you complete one of the games it changes the background so that it forms 1/3 of a jigsaw type picture, and once you complete all 3 and you return to the hub, it makes a click and then you zoom into the picture and then it gives you access to the most badass extras and maybe even a trailer for the next metroid (though that last bit doesn't make sense because it isn't a prime or the same developer). You get the idea though.

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Hmmm I see what you mean, but other than having it being a seperate disc to put in once you finish, it's not practical. I guess it's not often when you would change the disc between the games...

What I think they should do it keep it on one disc, and once you complete the game there should be a black screen for a few seconds and then you quit to the main menu where you can choose from the three. BUT once you complete one of the games it changes the background so that it forms 1/3 of a jigsaw type picture, and once you complete all 3 and you return to the hub, it makes a click and then you zoom into the picture and then it gives you access to the most badass extras and maybe even a trailer for the next metroid (though that last bit doesn't make sense because it isn't a prime or the same developer). You get the idea though.


There's some nice ideas there. I would be happy if Nintendo did something like that to actually make it seem like a collection. If it's just three games on a disc with the word "Collection" slapped on it, then you can just see how that is less special than something like this:






If, by comparison, it really is just a one DVD case, with little features, but just three games on one disc instead of being sold seperately, it's still ok (because they're great games) but it'll be a bit of a letdown for me.

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Haha, no fucking idea. My friend recently bought it, and I was there when she opened up her parcel to reveal that. We were both foaming at the mouth. It's pretty hot.


The last I saw, it was on her shelf, with her other DVDs. Its one of those shelves that is high enough for your folders, but also is useful for storing DVDs and games. She has her Wii games there, too. :)


It's pretty sweet, though. I like that it's big, it makes it feel important.

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Thing is, those things had to be included on more discs, whereas this is only a trilogy and can fit on one disc (not sure if dual-layer is needed?) but yeah, they should've or could've included some better extras (making of?) or make the case metal or 3D. I think they could release this one like it is because after all they are only asking for £25, but they could make a barrel-load from selling a special edition for £40 with tons of cool things, like those Samus figurines or something with the aforementioned changes to the box etc.

That I'm sure would be bought from almost everyone that contributed to this thread surely?

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Thing is, those things had to be included on more discs, whereas this is only a trilogy and can fit on one disc (not sure if dual-layer is needed?) but yeah, they should've or could've included some better extras (making of?) or make the case metal or 3D. I think they could release this one like it is because after all they are only asking for £25, but they could make a barrel-load from selling a special edition for £40 with tons of cool things, like those Samus figurines or something with the aforementioned changes to the box etc.

That I'm sure would be bought from almost everyone that contributed to this thread surely?


Yeah, for 25 quid, three brilliant games is a bargain. But, at the same time, if you're going to put three awesome games together, it may as well be the big shabang! It's almost being a bit too modest.


I would most definitely splash out for the uber set. :)


Sometimes these little bits and bobs just make the collection more than a "series of films on a disc." Being able to see artwork, making of videos, interviews, I think that sorta stuff is nice. Wasn't there backgrounds and art-work included in the first Prime game? That was nice.

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Again there isn't that much of an incentive to do so, most would like it but it's not really going to make more people buy it.


I think it's more up to Retro Studios to do making ofs and extra artwork so if they don't want to then that's their choice. I don't think I'd rather see a making of for any other game series than the Primes. If they did something akin to the Half-Life developer entries as part of the in-game world I would buy a Wii straight away.

Edited by dwarf
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Again there isn't that much of an incentive to do so, most would like it but it's not really going to make more people buy it.


I think it's more up to Retro Studios to do making ofs and extra artwork so if they don't want to then that's their choice. I don't think I'd rather see a making of for any other game series than the Primes. If they did something akin to the Half-Life developer entries as part of the in-game world I would buy a Wii straight away.


Maybe it'll happen a bit further down the line. That's the thing with these collections and boxsets, you can always bet your arse that a better one surfaces in the future. Hence why I have never bought a Star Wars collection, because Lucas will release a better one in the future. It sounds a bit petty, but I think if you're shelling out money for it, it may as well be the real deal. :heh:


It would be nice to see the "making of" videos, and artwork, to see how the series has evolved. At this stage, I don't think we'll see anything like that. Like you said, it's three games for 25 quid, so I expect we'll get the bare minimum.

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Not sure if you've played half-life 2 (orange box version) or seen the extra in game developer commentary but it's bloody awesome. This page is good:


Bascically you unlock this by completing the game once, in your second playthrough orange dpeech boxes float around in the game space. When you aim at it and press a button the developers talk a bit about what's happening and they're design choices.


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I like bare minimum, so to speak. I don't like paying extra for DVD commentaries and interviews, but it's a safe bet I'm never going to watch them. After watching a movie/playing a game I like to do something else, otherwise I would've kept playing. And I'm not going to think someday "I feel like watching some interviews". This is just me however.

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Three disks and fold out box would feel much much better. It would feel like a collector's edition and be a lot more special. As it is, it's just three game slapped onto one disk - which I'm sure will be great for the video compression.


Metroid Prime and Metroid Prime 2 were both on Mini DVDs originally, each could have only bee 1.5 GB. Metroid Prime 3 was on a single layered DVD, 4.7 GB maximum. Thats 7.7 GB maximum, perhaps just a slight bit more depending on any extras, but dual layered DVDs are 8.54 GB, so it should easily fit on one disk.

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Metroid Prime and Metroid Prime 2 were both on Mini DVDs originally, each could have only bee 1.5 GB. Metroid Prime 3 was on a single layered DVD, 4.7 GB maximum. Thats 7.7 GB maximum, perhaps just a slight bit more depending on any extras, but dual layered DVDs are 8.54 GB, so it should easily fit on one disk.


I hope so! I wouldn't like to think of them being squashed in! I still think Nintendo should have got their act together on this one though where presentation is concerned.


This is one of the most critically acclaimed gaming series of all time - they should've done it justice! When you look at HotD: Overkill which got a special edition, and you look at some of the Special Edition's of other games - like the Halo 3 'Master Chief Helmet' case, this really does deserve better.


Plus, I went to that site with all the fan boxart and was shocked to see a lot of it is better than the stuff that is actually used!

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