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The N-Europe Zombie Apocalypse Survival Plan


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Guest Captain Falcon
The next village along from mine is an RAF base (Halton) so I'd probably drive there, flash someone and get them to fly me to safety.


You've made the assumption they haven't already done a runner and flown off already.

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Knowing me and my non-existing survival skills, I'd probably be one of the first to get bitten by a zombie. If not, it would be a small miracle. No clue what I would do to save myself though, since I can't handle any weapons or have access to any. So I'd probably just run away until they catch me. Yes.

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I'd first collect as many friends and family members as possible, then we'd make our way to the nearest store that sells guns and other weapons (probably canadian tire) and loot the place, we would then steal a bunch of Uhaul trucks and loot grocery stores, and other stores that may sell useful items. A that point, we would split up into groups and gather as many things from our houses as we could that might be useful. At this point, we would loot a lumber store and get as much wood as possible. At this point, we would head to the local school, and fortify all entry ways, except for one incase we need to get out quickly, probably the main entrance since the doors don't have windows in them, obviously we would lock the doors. At this point we would search the building for survivors, and let any un-bit ones outside into the building. We would set up shop on the 3rd (top) floor in the classrooms up there. If we were lucky enough to find sniper riffles with scopes, we would have someone who knew how to use them teach everyone, and figure it out if nobody did, (same with the other guns). At this point, we would send some "snipers" up to the roof to kill any zombies near us. We would then send a team down to the 1st floor to collect explosive chemicals in the science labs that we might be able to use to make bombs. We would also send out teams to look for survivors when there weren't that many zombies swarming us. Once we got enough survivors we would attempt to build a wall around the school using "found" materials. We would also send out teams to loot stores ect. We would also contact a few different governments to make sure they gave us 24 hours notice before nuking the city. We would eventually work our way to collecting enough survivors and escaping to the states.

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The next village along from mine is an RAF base (Halton) so I'd probably drive there, flash someone and get them to fly me to safety.


In that case, I'd drive to the nearest military base via the nearest fancy dress shop in case any local women got the same idea.

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That video, I don't think people here are people with muscles like she has. I know how to handle a gun, and a rifle. No military training, but I know how to. To counter the melee/up close weapons all you need to do is wear a mask.

With a gun you'd need a friend.

Two backs.

And a whole lot of bullets.




How awesome would that be in the middle of a zombie avalanche.

Swords and whatnot will only need sharpening and maybe a clean once in a while so the blood doesn't stain. Guns you'll have to reload, clean, make sure the safety is on or off. Too much to think about when your mother is coming at you wanting your brains.

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I've read teh book Dan read for thread-inspiration (seeing as it's my book that I lent him, it's no surprise...) and thought long and hard on what to do if zombies invade.


I used to think 'oh, go to a port and board a boat', but the book tells you how silly this can be. Basically, 'let's go to a shopping centre' or 'let's go to an army base' are pretty much the only thoughts about three million other 'local' people will be thinking, so it's best to avoid.


My flat here has three doors to get through before the outside worlds joins me. Through three windows there are the offerings of roof access, and after blocking the main entrance to the flat, it would be from there that I'd try to lob my home-made grappling hook onto the costcutters opposite.


Made from sheets and clothes, binded with selotape and glue, we would then proceed to enter the costcutters for rations and supplies. Daily we would get onto the roof and chalk out the current date and the message "HELP! SURVIVORS HERE".


... I've thought about a lot, from weapons to poo buckets. Main problem is I'm moving out in just over a month, so all plans will either have to be scrapped or typed up and passed on to the next occupants via binder form.

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The next village along from mine is an RAF base (Halton) so I'd probably drive there, flash someone and get them to fly me to safety.

Note to self: Become a pilot at RAF Halton ...


Anyway, I think many people are forgetting the panic factor. Imagine how most people in the world would react to this. I don't think gathering supplies etc. is going to be that easy when the world panics. Unless, of course, that the world takes this as seriously as it did the swine flu.


Anyway, if the zombies are as slow and brain-dead as they are depicted in most films, I imagine someplace high and inaccessible would be the best place to seek refuge. And regarding the weapons and having the necessary skills, I hardly think you need to be a master swordsman to decapitate a zombie - they're not exactly Bruce Lee. The close combat risk of getting infected is worth to consider, though long range weapons would require more skill. I find it a hard dilemma.

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What would i do in this instance, lets see.


I'd get some food and water supplies in from somewhere

I'd go to my Dad's work and acquire a few guns and a lot of ammo

I'd fit shutters on my house to blanket the light inside, to attempt to prevent said zombies attacking my house


Then, i'd give Will Smith a call and see if he can bring that dog with him.


Then i should be ok

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My school has an armory.


Full of deactivated guns?


L98 Cadet DP


The L98 'DP' (Drill Purpose) is similar to the 'GP' rifle, however, modifications have been made in order to deactivate it: the barrel is sealed by filling it with lead, the firing pin is cut and welded down to the bolt face and the hammer is filed down. These steps are taken to ensure that the weapon is fully disarmed and would require the services of a skilled and fully-equipped armorer, plus a considerable amount of time in order to reactivate it. The weapons are disarmed so that they may be used by cadets for training, practicing and drill safely without the fear of negligent discharge (ND). The 'DP' can be identified by a white stripe on the hand guard and near the butt of the weapon with the letters 'DP' in the stripe. the bolt carrier assembly (bolt) is painted red and this can be seen from the breech on the right hand side of the weapon.




That would suck.:awesome:

Edited by Pyxis
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No, it's got loads of those old guns no-one uses anymore, and then lots of the more modern ones that look a bit like uzis, but obviously aren't.


It's for Army/RAF.


Firing Range and stuff. At one point I could strip a gun down (or whatever the term is). Useful life skill....

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I´d probably head for the hills or just barricade the apartment I live in and play "Who can kill the most zombies by throwing stuff out the window game"


There is of course the benefits of living on an island where about under 200k people live in the capital area.

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Haha, that game would be so good in real life. Massive high fives when you scored a point :D

Dunno how much stuff I could actually lob at a zombie from within my house that would actually kill one. Maybe a PS3 or Hifi. An Xbox would do the trick but you'd likely be playing Left 4 Dead on it for some tips.

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One plan is to get some tools (Sledge hammer, big axe or something), ladders and food and then smash the shit out of the stairs in your house. It cuts off the top stories from zombie attack and, with food, you should have enough to go on for a while without being in too much danger. You could use spare sheets to make HELP signs out your windows too.

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I say we wait till the zombies are the Alpha species of the planet and then hold a meeting where we 'pass the buck' and let them know that global warming is now their problem


That would be good, but don't we already have zombies running Parliament?


So you'd basically go out on a Friday night and think "There's a lot more drunk people wanting hugs from me as usual" then


This seems normal where i live, peeps are always drunk and look like zombies anyway.

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