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Which "classic" games leave you cold?

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not casual.. see I believe there are 2 different types of hard..

there is the super mario bros lost levels hard..where the general gameplay is tough


or the super metroid hard..

where you have to backtrack and you never really know where your going hard.. this applies.. to resident evil,metroid and to a smaller extent castlevania and legend of zelda..



your the second :)


Maybe yeah. I can live with that. Not knowing where the game is going to spike in difficulty is where I think you're coming from and I do agree that royally pisses me off/frustrates.


SMB on the NES was groundbreaking at the time. SMB2 was Doki Doki Panic and so was sommat else entirely. SMB3 was SMB1 with an overworld, variety of play and X1000 in scope/size/vision. SMW was SMB3 X2 +16bit graphics. If you never liked SMB1 you aint gonna like the sequels. :p


SMW2:Yoshis Island was (imo) Miyamoto's vision of DKC's tag-team based gameplay 1yr on. A classic and something altogether different. Yoshi's Story abandoned the team idea. Shame really.


Yoshi's Story was a HUGE letdown and so was DKC64 *CRIES!!!!*

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Sonic Games (Including the early ones)


I don't know why, I just never really liked them much. The speed was great where you had the speed bits, but this made the platforming feel very slippery. They didn't really feel like AAA titles to me either, they felt a little cheap tbh. And I don't really need to explain why I didn't like the new ones.


Then new ones really are tripe. Sonic unleashed got the Sonic bits right, but for some unknown reason they crammed in the shit werehog bits.


If I try to look at the early ones without the nostalgia, I can see what you mean. The speed did make precision a bit tricky. Plus platform games (especially 2D) tend to bore me quite a bit.


I think I like Mario and Sonic as mascots, but just don't enjoy their games that much. Except for Sonic Adventure, I chuffing love that game. The bit with the whale was epic.

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The original sonics trump the original mario games platforming wise. Sorry :D


There really wasn't much of what I would call platforming in sonic though. Its closer to a racing game than a platformer. Thats like saying GTA is a better shooter than the good Call of Duty games.

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There really wasn't much of what I would call platforming in sonic though. Its closer to a racing game than a platformer. Thats like saying GTA is a better shooter than the good Call of Duty games.


I think some of the later levels were more platform based. Unfotunately, due to the fast pace, they could be a bit difficult to control. I loved the Sonic games, but I'll admit it's probably more nostalgia nowerdays.

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Super Mario World & Yoshi's Island: Yes, you read that right. I can't even point flaws, though. They just bored me. Strangest thing is, I really liked Super Mario Land 2, which is somewhat similar to SMW.


I can't think of any more right now. I'm sure I will, though.

im not sure whether you meant both games or just one.. I love super mario world.. but Ill actually agree with yoshi's island..


I never got into it.. i have to say. Its a good platformer but compared to world... its just... nothing compared to world haha or even dkc in my opinion.


ok ill start:


I don't dislike this one but I do find it a little tedious.. the idea is great and the graphics and music are nice but the fucking camera is desperate and the fucking pikmin keep getting stuck in walls..

and unlike majoras mask where i LOVE the time limit.. here it REALLY was pointless.... I probably would like pikmin 2 to be honest because every problem i had with itseems to have been fixed...



resident evil 0

I got this convinced I would love this... this is a toughie im not sure exactly why i never got on with this one... maybe someone else could tell me why but I hated the drop item feature.. also character switching?... why do capcom keep trying this? it NEVER works... didnt work in castlevania:portrait of ruin either..


now it wasnt AS bad here.. the loading times getting to the other character were awesome and the graphics were lovely.. fuck it i dunno but I only got about 3 hours into this game and give up everytime..

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Tetris- i somewhat understand the simplistic appeal but when i play it im constantly thinking of 1000 other things id rather be doing. The music rules though


F-Zero- go stupidly fast and watch the computer rubberband you into submission if you make the tiniest mistake


Rogue Leader- what a pretty game.....pretty boring that is!

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Some people 'get' it and some people just don't, that's all there is to be said about it really; personally I love it and will forgive its flaws.




In the second dimension the series was brilliant for its time and is definitely still playable - and enjoyable - today, in the third dimension mixed success has been had.


Super Mario 64 brought the series into 3D losing that 'something' which the two dimensional games had but in turn it brought everything to life in a brilliant new way, not to mention it's a staggering technical achievement.


Super Mario Sunshine was a sideways step and a couple of hops backward thanks to the gimmick which was F.L.U.D.D... it was fun to mess around with yes, interesting that Miyamoto had tried something new but overall it just cheapened the game no matter how much fun it was at the time, it's now the black sheep of the series.


Super Mario Galaxy can easilly be considered as a return to form after Sunshine, even so though it's not perfect what with the main hub being pretty weak - even if it is imaginative - plus the ommision of a couple of moves but damn... it is just so much fun to play, if it had been any more fun then they should have made it illegal :P and for that alone it's brilliant.


Resident Evil I am only going to touch briefly on because in all honesty I have only completed Resident Evil 4 and 5... :/ all the rest though I believe I have played but then *sigh* a few hours in the motivation to play them is just gone... now I don't think they are rubbish, far from it, I just think that 4 must have kept me interested for a good reason and though like 5 it is lacking in the puzzle department I feel that from now on they should take what they did with 4 and blend it with the older Resi's somehow, then they will be able to make a really decent game out of the two that will hopefully please most people.

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I meant anything before the N64 really, especially the 16 bit era (the early years of my gaming career!). I can appreciate that the NES version was probably groundbreaking, but the rest of the series is just a giant "meh" to me and I can't see how the series got its iconic status. Maybe it's just that they don't have the nostalgia factor for me since I missed them first time round. Who knows?


Ah, I see. You don't like any of them, but your comparison was made in the 16-bit era. I completely understand (considering I'm not a fan of 16-bit Mario, either)


im not sure whether you meant both games or just one.. I love super mario world.. but Ill actually agree with yoshi's island..


I never got into it.. i have to say. Its a good platformer but compared to world... its just... nothing compared to world haha or even dkc in my opinion.


What I said applies to both, really. I can see why people like them, but they bore me for some reason.


I will say that Yoshi's Island has better music and art style. Super Mario World annoys me in both aspects, especially music.


There really wasn't much of what I would call platforming in sonic though. Its closer to a racing game than a platformer. Thats like saying GTA is a better shooter than the good Call of Duty games.


That's interesting. I never saw Sonic as a racing game, considering the original didn't even let you Spin Dash.


The reasons I always liked Sonic were mainly music, good level design (except that pit in Mystic Cave Zone. RAGE!) and superb aerial control of the main character. Few platformers have that kind of aerial freedom.


But I'm getting off-topic, now.

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Metal Gear Solid

Granted, the only MGS game I have played (to completion) was Twin Snakes on the Gamecube, so maybe the other games are tons better, but the appeal of this game is an utter mystery to me.


The game was bland, linear, boring and incredibly short. All the way through I was expecting something incredible to happen and it never did.

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LOL. I have two things to say:


1. You should really play the whole DKC trilogy. It's worth it.

2. If you really want to slate Super Mario Galaxy, why don't you go ahead? That's what the thread's for.


1) I guess you're right, still you can't help but get annoyed

2) I don't want to repeat myself.

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I haven't even played DKC 3. I bet it's just nostalgia you like that game for. Doesn't even look worth trying. Obviously I'm joking, just pissed off that you can slate Prime lol


Well thats me told. :indeed:


I dunno, Galaxy might now be my favourite game ever but I haven't sat down and had a good think about it. :heh: With DKC 3, I liked how it lead on and contrasted from the darkness of DKC 2 and added a bunch of new characters and stuff as well as a little trade sequence. Imo, it refined the DKC formula and built upon it. So its those things that edge 3 ahead of DKC 1 + 2 for me.


oh you are BUSTING my balls man.. god you have a shit taste in games haha.. Listen I love you like I Love everyone here but I dont like your taste in games(harsh I know)


First metroid:

you love metroid fusion because the game really held your hand in it and no other metroid game did this. This applies to resident evil too.. I wont say you dont like hard games because dkc are challenging really but I dont think you like games where heavy thought is involved....

You like things to be simple..I think... the best metroid game is super metroid.. then prime then i guess arguably prime 3.. but again 3 was toned down.


resident evil: oh 4 IS fantastic you cock :) and UC is pretty good but its no main resident evil game..



The reason I prfer games like this is because you get what you put in... YEs its hard work but they are more rewarding in the end but I do understand its not for everyone.


But... :cry:


I like puzzles in games as well as games that make you think. I'm trying to think of examples and my mind is reaching out to stuff like Advance Wars, Fire Emblem and Zack & Wiki. All games that are for the thinking man, right?


Yep I agree that when you have to work for something in a game its usually all the more rewarding (I've dumped so many hours into RPGs with levelling up and searching for rare item drops, as well as putting time into AC and Harvest Moon titles where the rewards are so minimal yet so so satisfying...) but in the case of Metroid Prime, I was genuinely fed up with the artifact hunt. Getting them was a chore and obtaining them was just a relief. Heck, when I got to the "great" fight with Ridley, I couldn't properly enjoy it after all the boredom that had gone before- all I wanted was to get the game finished and have done with it!


Here's something interesting: I really like Castlevania and think the Metroidvania style games are top notch! :love:


Can't believe tapedeck is backing me up a bit with this. :heh: Thought he'd be a lover of the series. :heh:


There have been a heap of other questionable mentions in this thread so far. Yoshi's Island? Mario platformers? Tetris, F-Zero, Pikmin... we're really going to town here. :o


And as for MGS, imho, Splinter Cell > MGS.

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Metroid Prime

I love Zero Mission and Fusion, but to me, putting Metroid in 1st-person perspective is taking it one step too far away from the 2D games. I'd probably like it if it was 3rd-person. The 2D Metroids focused so much on jumping and evasion, the fact you can't see Samus in Metroid Prime is just too problematic for me.


There's also the fact you have to switch between visors and different types of laser beam. Now I like changing between lasers, missiles and bombs in the 2D games, but having to switch between types of laser beam and adding visors to the formula (which you also have to keep changing) just takes it too far.


I got up to the final boss, but after about 15 attempts and not even getting near to the 2nd stage of the battle, I realised I wasn't having any fun and hadn't had much fun the entire game. The 2D games tested your reactions, sure (they're very difficult), but having to switch between plasma beam, ice beam, wave beam etc and visors and not being able to see Samus was just too much for me.


Mario Kart

I just don't "get" this at all. My neighbour got Super Mario Kart on the SNES for his birthday and I went round to play it. He claimed to love it and thought it was much better than F-Zero (which I had), but I just didn't see it at all. For one thing, it wasn't even full-screen. Even with later versions, I just can't see the fun in driving skilfully and then getting stopped by a weapon.

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Half-Life 2


First was superb. It had everything: story I can care about, excellent pacing, fantastic design. Second one just seemed a step back in many ways for me. I wasn't a fan of the linearity. While some set-pieces were brilliant (Ravenholm springs to mind), it all falls apart at the end with what is perhaps the most unsatisfying last chapter to an otherwise good game I've ever come across. Great game, but no be all, end all to FPS's, and it certainly isn't as good as the original.

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Chrono Trigger. *Awaits the release of hounds.*





Seriously though... what's wrong with Chrono Trigger? it's awesome Imo, fair enough if you don't like it though, personally I loved it. :)

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