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Swine Flu Vs Will Smith And His Dog


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Guest Jordan
3) Do we HAVE to die?


How plausible is the idea of having sex with a ghost? Because if I can trick people into that, I will be a very happy man, spreading around my ectoplasm.


To be honest, the dying part is the main part of the race. You might have gotten that from the whole thing being in capitals.


And yes, ghost sex is real. I've seen it on the internet and wikipedia.

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I've decided swine flu is actually a good thing. Hopefully it will be a media frenzy, leaving less time to talk about the credit crunch, making people forget about it and buy more junk, thus ending the recession.


Granted, if it all goes proper tits up we'll all be too dead to notice, but never mind. More dead people=more jobs!



[paranoid nut] Does anyone see a possible conspiracy here? Country in recession, government make up/exadurate threat to distract people untill recession goes away.[/paranoid nut]


Back to being rational. That's probably not the case, but it would make a good story.

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[paranoid nut] Does anyone see a possible conspiracy here? Country in recession, government make up/exadurate threat to distract people untill recession goes away.[/paranoid nut]


Definitely possible, I wouldn't put anything past the government.

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I hear the independant has an excellent, non-biased, non-spin, non-paranoid article on the pandemic today. Considering only 13 people have contracted it in the UK (I think?), people should chill out. That's less than 1 in 5,000,000 practically...

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I've decided swine flu is actually a good thing. Hopefully it will be a media frenzy, leaving less time to talk about the credit crunch, making people forget about it and buy more junk, thus ending the recession.


Granted, if it all goes proper tits up we'll all be too dead to notice, but never mind. More dead people=more jobs!



[paranoid nut] Does anyone see a possible conspiracy here? Country in recession, government make up/exadurate threat to distract people untill recession goes away.[/paranoid nut]


Back to being rational. That's probably not the case, but it would make a good story.


Or if like...half the world's population die, surely that'd make everyone else nearly twice as rich somehow? Recession over...ish.


As for how the virus can contain more than one kind of dna or flu or whatever, I was reading something on wikipedia that I forgot the name of but I was reading about swine flu and it was something to do with something being infected by two or more virii at the same time then they can sort of pick shit up off each other when they're in the same cell. I guess they probably...cross infect each other? I dunno. I suck at bio.



Also, I like how they're actually calling this Swing Flu and not Pig Flu, I think bird flu's biggest downfall is that they didn't rock with Avian Flu, avian flu sounds so much more...unknown! dangerous! It could be infecting planes or something! But...um...yeah. Swine flu, srs business. I'm going to america next week, I hope I don't die or something(though if I do will anybody uphold Jordan's prize promise?)

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Also, I like how they're actually calling this Swing Flu and not Pig Flu, I think bird flu's biggest downfall is that they didn't rock with Avian Flu, avian flu sounds so much more...unknown! dangerous! It could be infecting planes or something!


That reminds me of when I was staying in France for a month during the bird flu outbreak. The people I was staying with thought it was hilarious that we'd named it something as simple a 'bird flu' while they had a name like 'la grippe aviaire' (or something)!

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That reminds me of when I was staying in France for a month during the bird flu outbreak. The people I was staying with thought it was hilarious that we'd named it something as simple a 'bird flu' while they had a name like 'la grippe aviaire' (or something)!


Which is exactly the same name, except in another languange. And you can take the "la" off it, as its the same as saying "the bird flu".

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Which is exactly the same name, except in another languange. And you can take the "la" off it, as its the same as saying "the bird flu".


Well 'aviaire' isn't exactly a translation of 'bird', is it? I think they just thought it was funny that our name for it sounded a bit less sophisticated than theirs.

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It is, so they thought it was funny that we called it bird flu rather than the more sophisticated sounding avian flu. *sigh* Anyway, it's sounding less and less funny the more I go on about it, so I think I'll stop now. I was never one for being good at anecdotes. :p


Back on topic...

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It's ok, I got the point. Well, it was the point I was making and your story was a very nice addition, I don't see why it confused people. It's not like the french were gonna go calling their bird flu Flying Death Plague or something equally silly. I DO think they should call Swine Flu that though, and I think it SHOULD make pigs fly. I've just this moment decided, I want to die in a flying zombie pig apocalypse. I also for some reason find myself typing swing flu everytime I try to type swine flu.

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I was doing some house to house collecting today for st johns and one old man kept screaming swine flu and wouldn't let his daughter open the door.


lol silly. I doubt there will be much if any fatalities.

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I know I'm late to this party, but I've been trying to ignore this. However, the OTTness has pissed me off too much! I posted my thoughts at my blog:


Unless you've been living under a rock, or you've been avoiding the news, you might not know that there's a "crisis" going on at the moment. Then again, you probably have heard about it, because everyone and thier bloody dog's heard about this! I'm, of course, talking about this so-called Swine Flu pandemic. Yes, we've all been told to stay alert, they're going to leaflet bomb us, and if we don't comply we're apparently all going to die. What a load of crap.


To date there's been about, what, 28 confirmed cases in the UK? That's nothing! I'd only start panicing if the figures reach quad digits. Yes, it is bad that this so-called virus is airborne, but there's no need to start repenting and calling it the aporkalypse (sorry) just yet. I agree it could spread, which would be bad news, but see that key word, could? If you've got the bloody flu, of course you're going to stay at home! Normal flu is bad enough anyway and can be just as contagious. The government was right to warn people; but leaflet bombing us, the constant warnings and, naturally, the press being all over it? Bloody hell, chill out people! It's being contained well enough at the moment, we're more likely to choke on peanuts than catch this virus! Oh, and there are people surviving it, so it's not as fatal as it's being made out to be.


Of course, the government don't want it spreading, but it's obvious why they're over-hyping it so much; the credit crunch. The crunch is getting everyone down, so what better way to distract population from it than the possibility of a pandemic? The government have done a pretty shit job the past few years and should have done more to prevent the crunch from even happening, so this is a good way for them to cover thier own arses. Ultimately, when this virus is "contained", the government will get all the glory because they "looked after us." Yeah, right... nice try guys.


I actually like a theory that my friend's Dad came up with; that this is just an outbreak of normal flu, but it's being hyped as something totally new. Think about it, if something new comes around that seems threatening, it's a lot more scary than something that already exists. I take this theory with a pinch of salt, but it's certainly something to think about.


However, I could end up eating my own words in a few weeks/moths/whenever, and it could become a pandemic. Fair enough. At the end of the day, it just feels like bullshit propaganda right now, a scare to keep us in our places and to make us forget about how the government are screw ups. It's certainly mysterious timing, given the state of the world at the moment and it's too obvious to just be a simple coincidence.



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I too am late to the party, but what the hell. It's bollocks. In Mexico out of a population of over 20 million how many people in total have caught this virus, about 2,500. That's what, 0.0125% of the population and that's meant to be the worst effected area. I'm waiting for next months newspaper headlines:


Man takes day off work due to feeling "a bit headachey".


WHO warns the headachey illness is spreading and might possibly maybe mutate into raging unstoppable epidemic which will certainly annihilate humanity through exploding eyeballs.


That's another thing, what do the Who know about a flu pandemic. Pete Townsend can play guitar well, but I wouldn't see him if I was sick.

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I too am late to the party, but what the hell. It's bollocks. In Mexico out of a population of over 20 million how many people in total have caught this virus, about 2,500. That's what, 0.0125% of the population and that's meant to be the worst effected area.


Over 20M? They have over 100M.


EDIT: Unless you meant Mexico City.

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