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But then that would ruin the whole point of doing it, remove the trophy chance, and I would be kicking myself at all the ammo and shit I'd been chucking away. Also, the 'end reward' still slightly entices me. Maybe I should just finish the main quests and after the award (which if it's a physical item you keep I assume with every other thing in your inventory after the epilogue?) I'll just continue with side-quests if I feel like it.


You don't continue the game once it's finished by the way. Once the story is finished that's it, just like Fallout 3 pre-Broken Steel. That's why I tried to do as much as I could before the end. As for the Hardcore mode. I found it cool at first, the fact that it was very much like trying to survive. I did eventually get bored of it though and it was like every time I fast travelled "oh for god sake I need food again". I perservered simply because of this 'special reward'. I don't want to spoil it for you but Obsidians version of reward and yours may differ.

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Well Imma take a gander at what it is then, as I've decided if I am to finish it, it won't be done on hardcore unless it's something worth chasing. Please hold for a disgusted edit.


Edit: Cunt! Is that for real? Basically there isn't one, not that I'm spoiling things for those who didn't know. I'm just breaking it to you early. Ergh.


Tempting but I just can't be arsed. I think I'm just going to stop playing games until Killzone 3 comes out. Maybe I'll get some enthusiasm for games back by then.

Edit: Cunt! Is that for real? Basically there isn't one, not that I'm spoiling things for those who didn't know. I'm just breaking it to you early. Ergh.


Yeh that was pretty much my reaction.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Been mega-cramming this game. At about 55 hours, and despite having 15+ active missions I feel I'm coming to a head. Is there a certain point in the game where you'd recommend I save it in order to see all available outcomes? Currently I'm fairly certain that;


There's Mr. House, Yes Man and Legion that could all potentially 'win'. I've done the House Always Wins up to III (which just sent my rep with the Legion into 'mixed') and not sure if I should arm the legion's howitzer.


Similarly, I've decided not to send Cass to her death with the Van Graffs, yet now the Bros of Steel want me to eliminate them. Opinions?


I've also not found ED-E. I've found Rex, Lily, Cass, valerie, boone and scienceguy. Who am I missing?



5 snowglobes just handed in, too. Got a fackload of money. Only had one implant so far and have generally gone for speech/lockpick/science, though being nearly 29 I'm good overall. Was a struggle early on with fights!

Edited by jayseven

It sounds like you're missing Raul? He's in a building on Black Mountain.


ED-E's in Primm. I can't believe you missed it. :heh:



I never had to kill the Van Graffs for the Brotherhood, so I can't help you there. I will however say that they're involved in Cass's companion quest, so if you're going to do that, I suggest you do it first.


Other than that, if you're not going to sacrifice Cass for them, they've pretty much served their purpose.



If you want to see all of the different endings, I think all you need to do is make sure you save before finishing any of the main quests for the different factions. Once you go too far down one path, you'll fail the quests for the other factions.


Though I'm not sure if the Legion will stay on your side if you run around killing them all the time, as I never wanted to help them out to begin with. I'm sure you know that better than me.


  • 3 months later...

Three new dlc add ons are on the way for anyone interested.


Honest Hearts, Old World Blues and Lonesome Road will further expand upon Fallout: New Vegas. Available on May 17th, Honest Hearts takes you on an expedition to the unspoiled wilderness of Utah’s Zion National Park. Things go horribly wrong when your caravan is ambushed by a tribal raiding band. As you try to find a way back to the Mojave you become embroiled in a war between tribes and a conflict between a New Canaanite missionary and the mysterious Burned Man. The decisions you make will determine the fate of Zion.


In Old World Blues, releasing in June, you will discover how some of the Mojave’s mutated monsters came to be when you unwittingly become a lab rat in a science experiment gone awry. You’ll need to scour the Pre-War research centres of the Big Empty in search of technology to turn the tables on your kidnappers or join forces with them against an even greater threat.


Lonesome Road, available in July, brings the courier’s story full circle when you are contacted by the original Courier Six, a man by the name of Ulysses who refused to deliver the Platinum Chip at the start of New Vegas. In his transmission, Ulysses promises the answer as to why, but only if you take one last job –a job that leads you into the depths of the hurricane-swept canyons of the Divide, a landscape torn apart by earthquakes and violent storms. The road to the Divide is a long and treacherous one, and of the few to ever walk the road, none have ever returned.


They are going to be 800ms points each it seems.




Should be fun, i'll have to download them off of steam, i need to sort out my files, i installed some mods and i think one clashes as i get the odd CTD


I don't know how people play it on the xbox, the standard textures on some things are appalling, I've replaced almost everything for a higher res texture

  • 3 months later...

Finally finished the main story. Anyone got the DLC? I remember the ones from Fallout 3 being a bit hit and miss. Which ones are worth bothering with this time round? I'll probably get them all, but I want to do the good ones first.


Also, I can finally turn hardcore mode off!


I'm doing them in order so i've only done Dead Money so far. I'd probably give it a 6/10. It relies HEAVILY on melee and unarmed combat. I hadn't added anything to my melee stats but managed to scrape through on easy. It does have a neat story and some interesting characters. A strong reference to Veronicas back story too. My only complaint would be the environment does get a tad stale as it is essentially the same red palette everywhere. I'd recommend this one for when it's half price (which will happen eventually).


One thing I just realised about the NCR ending (and I presume others):


I disposed of Mr House, so I control the strip via Yes Man. I helped the NCR take out the Legion at Hoover Dam. But the ending assumes that NCR take over the strip. What if I still wanted to control it? Just because I've helped NCR get rid of the Legion, doesn't mean I'd hand over the strip once I'm done.


I guess the NCR control the power to the strip so could turn everything off, but they always did have the power and there is a way to keep the strip if you side with yes man. What's to say I couldn't just do the normal Yes Man missions after helping NCR?


I helped the NCR take out the Legion at Hoover Dam. But the ending assumes that NCR take over the strip. What if I still wanted to control it? Just because I've helped NCR get rid of the Legion, doesn't mean I'd hand over the strip once I'm done.

The Yes Man ending sounds almost exactly like what you want. You really can't blame the game for assuming that the NCR takes over the strip, since you chose to help them do it. ;)


What's to say I couldn't just do the normal Yes Man missions after helping NCR?

Can't do any more missions after the game is over, Luke. :p

Can't do any more missions after the game is over, Luke. :p


Well I know that, but I mean why does it assume I let NCR just take over? The option is still there to help Yes Man after (albeit not under the players control, obviously, as the game ends). As far as I was concerned, I was helping them get rid of the Legion/defend the dam. I still wanted to keep the strip for myself.


Just did the independent ending. It is better, but I don't like having to shaft the NCR. I ended with a mixed reputation with NCR, despite killing tonnes of them. Even Boone didn't mind that much. Hell, he did a fair share of the killing!


I did the independent ending with hardcore mode turned off (got the achievement the first time I finished it). It's so much better. I didn't mind the eating/drinking/sleeping/ammo weight part of it, that was actually pretty good. I just hated having to keep the companions alive. Rex would just run at the biggest crowd of enemies and then die before I had a chance to help.


Haha, you should try playing the first Fallout. You can't give your companions better armor - they don't even level up! Half the time they end up killing each other. Give them a weapon with a burst mode and they'll "accidentally" blow your head off every chance they get. The only way to keep Dogmeat alive through the final dungeon (fat chance keeping him alive until you get that far) is to trap him behind doors so he doesn't keep walking into laser traps. :indeed:


Just did the independent ending. It is better, but I don't like having to shaft the NCR. I ended with a mixed reputation with NCR, despite killing tonnes of them. Even Boone didn't mind that much. Hell, he did a fair share of the killing!

You just said you wanted to shaft them! Either you give them what they want, or they get mad at you. You can't have your cake and eat it too. :heh:


Well ok, I meant more the fact that I had to kill so many of them. I don't mind telling them to bugger off, but killing tonnes of them wasn't what I wanted to do.


An ideal ending would be to have NCR remain in power, but the strip to be mine. But you have to pick between owning all of Vegas or letting NCR own it all. I just want my own town damnit! The NCR had never owned the strip before, I don't see why it would be such a problem for them to let me run it with the securitrons. I had a good reputation with them, so it shouldn't bother them to let me run it.


The NCR always wanted the strip, though. The only reason they didn't try to take it from Mr House was because they were waging war against the Legion at the time. They'd never let you keep it if you gave them control of Hoover Dam. They'd just shut off your power and send in the cavalry.


So you shouldn't feel so bad about killing them. ;)

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