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Dating/Relationships Thread.


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Actually james I think you unintentionally gave me advice elsewhere and I may crank through this uni work and take a trip to Reading.


Wait - me James or some-other-Jaasgfasok? What's in reading? What did I say? WHAT YEAR IS IT?! WHO IS THE PRESIDENT?!!

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Guest Captain Falcon
Make that 4, I'm already married.


Unless being married makes you male, there would still be 5 lasses would there not?

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Guest Captain Falcon
And a couple of them don't really post any more so yeah... that's like molly and myself.... Uh oh.


And buttons is taken :heh:


Do we really need any others when we have you Raining?

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Ash has a love interest in Reading and he wants to do what you did and make a suprise entrance?


Yeah that. Mostly. Its more of a "could be a love interest, could just be friendship. Either way, I want a break".

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Guest Jordan

Speaking of dating. Some girl I know was totally hitting on me this afternoon. I ignored her, because I'm so broken from my last relationship.


Fun times for all :D

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Guest Jordan

Until I get an explanation as to exactly why things went so wrong, I'm not moving on any time soon... And considering who the explanation has to come from, it would be akin to trying to get the secrets of the universe and the meaning of life from a piece of horse shit. You have no idea what kinda shit i've been thinking about tonight.


1 month 2 weeks of complete pain and torture. Score!

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Guest Jordan

This ain't my fault. Like i said a couple of pages ago. This isn't me. But right now, I don't know what else to do! So, there ya go.

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Jordan I've said it before and I'll say it again, MAN THE FUCK UP.


Stop bitching about Letty the whole time as well. Why don't you try and sort it out without letting the whole world know about it? You aren't helping anything, maybe this is why she won't tell you...you're just going to tell teh internetz.


Anyway, I'm in Reading. Am I Ashley's love interest :o

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Jordan I've said it before and I'll say it again, MAN THE FUCK UP.


Stop bitching about Letty the whole time as well. Why don't you try and sort it out without letting the whole world know about it? You aren't helping anything, maybe this is why she won't tell you...you're just going to tell teh internetz.


Anyway, I'm in Reading. Am I Ashley's love interest :o



Where has Jordan been bitching about Letty on this page? :confused:

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This ain't my fault. Like i said a couple of pages ago. This isn't me. But right now, I don't know what else to do! So, there ya go.


I know, man, but you need to listen to what I've been trying to tell ya. Listen to my advice, I'm trying to help you.





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Guest Jordan
Jordan I've said it before and I'll say it again, MAN THE FUCK UP.


Does man the fuck up mean i'm not allow to show my feelings? I'm a highly emotional person, so that probably wouldn't fly too well.


Stop bitching about Letty the whole time as well. Why don't you try and sort it out without letting the whole world know about it? You aren't helping anything, maybe this is why she won't tell you...you're just going to tell teh internetz.


Considering every time i see her i've had to pretend everything is fine, the one time i went to see her to sort shit out and talk, she just told me to go home. Which was great. Apparently i've got a mental disorder, according to her mother. I call it being dropped like a piece of a shit for no reason! From our meeting i wasn't sure whether she just didn't feel guilty in the slightest and found it hilarious to play with my feelings further or she couldn't be arsed.


Also i have very real friends in my life, never mind in Shetland where it appears that everyone has just forgotten about me and would prefer to have "cool parties" with Letty this leads to me not having many outlets. Also, you might not have noticed but i've been here for eight fucking years, i would have thought i'd be allowed to express myself as a person. Apparently not. Well, maybe i should just get my coat... Unless theres a "one touch ban and delete" button in real life. That'd be handy.

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I mean everytime he makes a comment about the relationship hes talking about how she is treating him like shit or something. He can do it if he wants I just don't think its helping. Sorry my phrasing is probably diabolical.


Alright Ellmeister, meh to internet dramas. :hmm:

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