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December 2nd Theories


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Are we just talking about him revealing revolution stuff or anything else im confused. Anyways i really canm't see Shigsy saying or showing anything of huge importance, he'll probably enter in a dramatic way, talk about how nintendo are revolutionising things, reveal a few little tidbits of info about games on the revo and possibly a few other little things about the revolution. Nothing of huge importance though as their won't be as much hype around the speech they will save the more important stuff for a much more 'important' event.

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shigsy to come out wearing burberry and to announce he has just brought as new tracksuit ;)


but anyway i hope he shows us some gameplay footage at the very least dont care even if a tech demo.

What would be cool thou is him showing us playing a game on it hense showing a example of how the controller will work on games.

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I think the shell will be shown as the controller has already. i think a good move would be their pricing strategy. if they did that the day the 360 is launched it might make people think twice about buying 1. especially if he comes out and says the rev will be the cheapest next gen console.


the official name so people are talking about the ?????? instead of the revolution for the next 9 months or so.

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If Nintendo want people to still want the Revolution, the should lift the lid and release some info. Allthough Mario 128 will (or will it) be a Revolution game, they should also give out some more info about the machine, not wait until May.

Stupid move to get the lid shut SO long.

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I don't think they need to release any information about the revolution until E3.

they may release something new, but I doubt it. but then they did say there was more to come. but I would be surprised if anything more than speculation and over analysis came out of it. pleasantly surprised perhaps.

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I don't really care about revolution as of yet, they said no footage till next year, and they have to blow the cover in E3, so they won't want to spoil much of it, some graphics demo's or specs would be great but unlikely, so don't get your hopes up.

The only thing I want... is a new Zelda TP trailer and screenshots, I really think they should release one to counter the hype some games on xbox 360 are getting for graphics alone, counter it with real gameplay genius :P but even that... I don't know if we will see a new trailer this year (darn you nintendo)

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Sorry, I meant Link :heh:

Link dressed as Zelda, man that's just sick :P

Yeah, I never thought of that it's about time for some Zelda lovin baby yeah! Because Christmas is always a good time for Zelda (when isn't it) and I remember reading on some mag that they would have new Zelda images by Chrimbo.

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I reckon it has to be something big to try and decrese the hype of the 360! Also we haven't really had alot of information on the actual console have we?


I can't wait to play it, but i'm not overly excited yet, i will be soon hopefully! I think it's because i know it won't be out to Q3 2006 and i can't think that far ahead!



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