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Wii Play? No, we don't. Oops scratch that, yes we do!


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I own all 3 consoles and I can say for fact that I don't play my Wii as much as the others. I did play MK Wii a lot on its release, but most of the other games were completed and rarely replayed. With Brawl, I felt as if I was playing the same game as Melee (which I had played to death, meaning the concept was tired for me). In contrast, Melee felt like a vast improvement over the original SSB, mostly due to the improved frame rate, presentation and overall game mechanics, as well as the character roster. That, and I was younger. All games are more fun when you played them when younger.


At the top would be the PS3, which I think is brilliant. It's really gone up in my books after I've acquired the PS3 Media Server, and I've amassed quite a few games that I really like on it. The 360 would be second, and admittedly I haven't played it in a while. There's some good exclusives on it, but a lot of shooters on the console I just can't seem to adopt. For instance, I don't see what all the fuss is about in regards to Gears. I don't feel as if I am really enjoying myself all that much while playing the first game.


Why does the Wii gather dust? It's basically just a games console with little else to it unlike the other 'multimedia centres' out there. But then again, I can completely understand if this doesn't apply to people, as not everyone wants to play their HD video files or may not even own a HDTV. As well as that, apart from MK Wii, which I think is fantastic, many of the Wii games lack good online modes, which undoubtedly add the bulk of replay hours to most popular games out there.


At the end of the day, though, it's a choice thing.

Edited by Sheikah
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i rarly play my wii these days, though i am trying to use wii fit more.


the reason my wii is currently a little dusty? theres not been much on it ive been taken by latly. i got madworld but it didn't live up to my expectations, i still play the wii with friends and family, i absolutly love a bit of mario kart, or some wii sports, or some mario and sonic, but by myself they arnt alot of fun.


i did enjoy fire emblem alot, as well as no more heros (i eagerly await the 2nd) brawl was excwlent, but it was ages ago. i got my ps3 soon after, and to be honest, theres curently more i want to play on there.


im a life long nintendo fan, i enjoy all the major nintendo franchises, its just currently, theres nothing to excite me. when the next zelda, or mario, or half decent looking 3rd party game is out i'll give it a go, but untill then my wii is looking a little dusty.

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I used to play my Wii quite a lot a few month ago but after Disaster I didn't find any new game that really appealed to me and so the Wii started gathering dust. Maybe it was also due to the motion controls. I got a bit tired of the often unnecessary waving motions and instead felt quite comfortable to have a normal controller in my hands again for a change.

At the moment I'm gaming a lot on the PC but I think it has more to do with the games I got than anything else and apart from The Conduit I'm only looking forward to NMH: Desperate Struggle.

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I think what's really converted me to the PS3 is the really robust online games and setup - its so easy to message, view friends and what they're playing and basically just get a party together. It's pretty much seamless and cause it's in my room is on pretty much all the time. I don't really use it for Blu-ray much but more often than not you can do what you want on it.


Including the occasional barbecue.

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I think what's really converted me to the PS3 is the really robust online games and setup - its so easy to message, view friends and what they're playing and basically just get a party together. It's pretty much seamless and cause it's in my room is on pretty much all the time. I don't really use it for Blu-ray much but more often than not you can do what you want on it.


Including the occasional barbecue.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure much of the reason people prefer the other consoles is due to the online features, or even choose the 360 over the PS3 because of the achievements/gamerscore and having your friends there.

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Even though I had the flu after Christmas and couldn't even bring myself to lie in bed and watch TV, nevermind play the Wii, I'm still confident I had it on for atleast five days throughout that particular month. :heh: What I would have been playing was stuff like Animal Crossing Wii and some Secret of Mana on the VC amongst other things, like Monster Lab and the ever present Mario Kart Wii.


Its gonna be interesting to see how Nintendo motivates the blue ocean to buy their next home console. I mean, if people are happy enough with basically a Wii and just Wii Sports, what need will they have to buy a new machine? Time will tell.

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For me? The fact that the Wii didn't have a VGA connection is what forced me to leave it at home when I took it to uni, but before that it was abandoned because there were simply zero games coming out for it I was interested in. and that point remains. I have plugged it in for Brawl but only played a couple of hours on it, meanwhile Fallout 3 has been getting my constant attention, with 4-5 hour playing sessions daily. My 360 gets used every day because there are still games that are fresh and playable. Achievements do help, as does the stellar online service. I'm serious, friend codes simply have to go if online capabilities are going to be taken seriously.


The Wii needs a title on par with Halo 3 - not gamewise, but feature wise and replayability wise if it wants any chance of capturing the core gamer. Halo 3 is still one of the most played games on XBL, ranking 3rd in the most played list for last week.

Edited by Dyson
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Yeah, I'm pretty sure much of the reason people prefer the other consoles is due to the online features, or even choose the 360 over the PS3 because of the achievements/gamerscore and having your friends there.

The PS3 has trophies and more of my friends have playstations. Just saying.

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For me? The fact that the Wii didn't have a VGA connection is what forced me to leave it at home when I took it to uni.


There are 2 VGA cables for the Wii actually. Neither of them are made by Nintendo, but they still work very well.


Its gonna be interesting to see how Nintendo motivates the blue ocean to buy their next home console. I mean, if people are happy enough with basically a Wii and just Wii Sports, what need will they have to buy a new machine? Time will tell.


I think that Next generation, the other companies are going to try and go after the market that Nintendo has gone after this generation. Its not going to be a blue ocean anymore, so, Nintendo's going to have to find a new blue ocean. Their strategy isn't to go after the casuals, its to go after a market that others aren't going after.

Edited by Emasher
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I very very barely play the wii.. I am very much a ds gamer at this point.. Ds never fails to have quality original games every month.. For some reason though developers dont seem to be getting the wii as well.


NIntendo is just as good on both.. but third parties need a massive shake on the wii. Ds manages casual and hardcore games in perfect harmony.

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I own quite a few consoles, and I must admit that my favourite console is PS3, and my favourite handheld the DS. I don't really play on the Wii a lot. Even my SNES gets more playtime these days. Couldn't even motivate me to finish Twilight Princess or Mario Galaxy, which is odd, as Ocarina of Time is my nr.1 videogame and I really like playing Mario 64 again and again (Yes, even on DS. ;) ) Actually, I prefer the Virtual Console above the Wii-software.


There are some interesting games on Wii (I really enjoyed HotD: Overkill, and I frequently play Mario Kart Wii with my girlfriend), but generally, it's my PS3 that gets my gaming-attention. My 360... I've barely touched in the last two years. Don't ask me why. I loved the Xbox, but I feel disappointed in the 360. I like the PS3-games better (Controversy abound).


This said, I really play a lot on the DS. Maybe it's because I have less time as I used to have, and the DS is great for a quick fix, or because my Golden years in Gaming are situated in the NES/SNES-era, but it ticks all the right boxes.


Oh well, guess I'll 'dust off' my Wii once Project Zero 4 gets relea... Oh, right...


This is one depressing topic.


Ds manages casual and hardcore games in perfect harmony.


I agree. The benefit of DS is that you don't have to use the touchscreen, or dual-screen-functionality. Think for example New Super Mario Bros. or (except for some battles) Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time. It doesn't force the functionality onto the games. Traditional controls are always an option, and for some games, preferable: think Bleach.

With Wii, you don't get that built-in option. If you want traditional controls, you have to make it Classic Controller-compatible or GC-controller-compatible... which would alienate most of the Wii-users. Sure, you can have all options, like Smash Bros. or Mario Kart, but fact is that, when developing a game, you can't rely on gamers having means of traditional controls. You either have motion-controls which aren't always the best way out, or you get traditional button-presses on a controller that wasn't made with that in mind. Ever played Metal Slug Antology using the 'traditional' setup, using only the buttons on the Wii-remote and nunchuck? Doesn't feel right. Still way better than the motion-controlled-options, though.


Ofcourse, there are always the RE4's and Metroid Primes which prove Wii-controls are better than traditional controls. If only there were more examples like those.

Edited by Strange Cookie
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IGN are reporting some research by Neilson which suggest Wii is the least played console- averaging little more than 5 days throughout Dec (360 achieved 7.1 days).


Does this suggest Wii's do gather dust after purchase?


Once bitten, twice shy? It's surely worrying for Nintendo's future consoles- will this new market follow them?


Snore... I prefer console sales data where the PS3 gets its arse handed to it and SONY makes record breaking loses.

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I read one 'explanation' for this statistic which went something like this:


For families at any rate, the Wii is more likely to be situated in the living room (which was Nintendo's aim). The less sociable consoles are more often found in children's bedrooms. Therefore the Wii is less accessible, due to other family members using the living room TV.


Does anyone here live with parents and have a PS3 / XBOX 360 in their living room?


You can also turn that statistic on its head by considering which console is played the most, not hours per unit console, but total hours per console brand.

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I only own a Wii, so obviously its my most played; however my younger cousins own all 3 systems between them and untill recently they were all hooked up to the tv in the living room, with the Wii by far and a way getting the most use.

Recently their PS3 and Xbox360 got moved upstairs into their rooms, whilst the Wii remained downstairs in the living room. Now, the Wii gets very little useage at all.


So seems like a plausable explanation for the statistic.?.

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It's all down to the user base of the machines, PS3/360 lean far more towards the hardcore gamer who see gaming as a main hobby. While the Wii is far more casual/older/family user who see it as a little extra fun as and when it takes their fancy.


Where stats like this have an effect is that publishers tailor games to the main audience of a console, and it's exactly why you see so many mini/party games on the Wii - it's what the vast majority of Wii owners want.

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Snore... I prefer console sales data where the PS3 gets its arse handed to it and SONY makes record breaking loses.

Biased and wrong at the same time - Sony have been in profit with the PS3 for a fair while now, and it outsold the Wii in Japan last week.

What's more is that sales shouldn't even matter to the consumer.

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Snore... I prefer console sales data where the PS3 gets its arse handed to it and SONY makes record breaking loses.

Please don't post fanboy tripe. Why would you 'prefer' the sales of a company, when it does not affect you in the slightest? Allegiances to companies are about as silly as you can get.

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Does anyone here live with parents and have a PS3 / XBOX 360 in their living room?


Yeah, I have all three in my living room. The PS3 gets the most use by a mile, and then some. I hardly touch the other two tbh. My 360 sometimes for exclusive games, but that's become less of an issue recently. I'm signed up to LoveFilm so I rent Blu-Rays all the time and they look amazing, I try and avoid DVDs as much as possible. Socially it is also the most played. SingStar, being the main culprit, has stolen hours of play time a week but the family has also played Flower and loved it along with Tori-Emaki and the like. Strangely enough Wipeout HD is also popular which I never expected.


Plus I have a 320Gb HDD in there so all my music is on there and videos. Plus it copies stuff wireless from my computer!! :yay: God knows why the 360 can't do that.


Plus Home has started to come into its own with Xi, the alternate reality game. A lot of fun and completely free. Something new to do every day.


One big annoyance I have with the Wii is the batteries. Whenever I come back to play it I find the batteries have drain and so I might as well switch to my 360 or PS3. In the end, I'll only get spurned to play it when something new hits. I'm not interested in the Conduit because there are much better FPS out there. I'm here for the next Zelda.


Sorry, I've blabbed on. I'm not trying to sell having a PS3, although you probably couldn't tell. :heh:


At the end of the day, all the companies will make money off their respected system so buy what makes you smile. You don't have to guess which one that is with me.

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Biased and wrong at the same time - Sony have been in profit with the PS3 for a fair while now, and it outsold the Wii in Japan last week.

What's more is that sales shouldn't even matter to the consumer.


Wrong. SONY posted massive losses for the PS3 and their games division, over $1.25 billion so get your facts right.


Please don't post fanboy tripe. Why would you 'prefer' the sales of a company, when it does not affect you in the slightest? Allegiances to companies are about as silly as you can get.


Well why would you be interested in how much someone plays on a console they have purchased?

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Plus it copies stuff wireless from my computer!! :yay:

That is an awsome feature. When i was at uni everyone in the house had their computers wirelessly linked to the PS3 using winamp remote, allowing us to watch any old shit from anyones computer on the big telly in the living room.

I lost too much of my life to "watching random shit" :grin:


I'm not interested in the Conduit because there are much better FPS out there.

You've played the conduit?? :p

Edited by DuD
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I lost too much of my life to "watching random shit" :grin:


Too true! :heh:


You've played the conduit?? :p


Nope, but I don't really see the attraction. Online isn't going to match anything on the other two consoles and neither is the AI or the graphics. ::shrug:

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The Conduit will be good.

Wrong. SONY posted massive losses for the PS3 and their games division, over $1.25 billion so get your facts right.




Well why would you be interested in how much someone plays on a console they have purchased?

OK well misinformed sources, but it still outsold everything by 50,000 units in Japan.

Sony are still targeting profit.


We're interested because it is a topic that actually matters whereas sales are pretty pointless in discussing. I came to see why people don't/do play there Wii much.

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The Conduit will be good.


OK well misinformed sources, but it still outsold everything by 50,000 units in Japan.

Sony are still targeting profit.


We're interested because it is a topic that actually matters whereas sales are pretty pointless in discussing. I came to see why people don't/do play there Wii much.


Stop talking nonsense, look at the FACTS:




Wii Sales in JAPAN to date: ~ 8 million

PS3 Sales in JAPAN to date: ~ 3 million


And here are some facts:


1) A small section of the gaming public surveyed on what they play means NOTHING


2) Console sales and software sales mean a lot more


3) Profit means more, as profitable companies continue to make games and consoles, unprofitable ones don't

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Stop talking nonsense, look at the FACTS:




Wii Sales in JAPAN to date: ~ 8 million

PS3 Sales in JAPAN to date: ~ 3 million


And here are some facts:


1) A small section of the gaming public surveyed on what they play means NOTHING


2) Console sales and software sales mean a lot more


3) Profit means more, as profitable companies continue to make games and consoles, unprofitable ones don't


How UTTERLY boring.


Stay on topic.

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1) A small section of the gaming public surveyed on what they play means NOTHING


2) Console sales and software sales mean a lot more


3) Profit means more, as profitable companies continue to make games and consoles, unprofitable ones don't


1) depends on the sample size and the method of selection, small scale survays are the only pheasable way to find information on such a widely practiced hobby


2) in this conversation, sales are pointless, the conversations is about whether or not you play your wii, not how well its selling


3) havent really seen nintendo make what id consider a actual game in a while, they certainly dont seem to be doing anything big budget at the moment.

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