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I didn't get the trophies for the first three missions but then I got one for getting one star on special ops and the Trophies work now. Had to redo the first three missions for them but didn't take long.


I've just played through the entire campaign and didn't unlock a single Trophy :angry:

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This game is an absolute sausage fest. You'd have thought there might be some female soldiers...somewhere. How utterly dumb.


Women dont fight on the frontline/SAS, turns men into pussys when they get hurt... There are plenty of women to shoot down in the airport.

Edited by Bren
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That was the first time ever that I've had that problem. How ridiculous is it that you have to look over 25 to buy an 18 rated game but if you prove you're 18 you can buy it? Stupid! Why can't I look 18 and buy the game like normal? I've gotten the Saw movies and things like that from there before with no problems at all. She could have just sold it to me without causing all of that. The manager didn't even look bothered at all. All of it was seriously stupid. No need for it whatsoever. I thought that rule applied to booze to which I'd say fair enough but to be waiting in a queue for over 3 hours and get turned down?!


To be fair, not really that ridiculous at all. Kids are looking increasingly older than their age these days, especially the females. You should have brought your id or just got it the next day.


The tabloid media slams the game industry for content in games where equivalent or more extreme content in appropriately rated DVD's would go unnoticed. A big reason for that is the perception held by the masses that games are for kids. The amount of times I've seen a granny buy an 18 rated game like GTA for their 12 year old relative is insane and it's usually just down to ignorance. It's a GAME. GAMES are for CHILDREN. Likewise, retailers are to blame as for years a kid could just walk into a store, buy a 15/18 rated game and come out again (although that is much better nowadays.) The only way for the press to lay off gaming a bit and to respect the industry is not to censor but to stop making it so easy for kids to get these violent games. And that means educating granny and for the retailers to pay more careful attention to whom they sell games to.



Back on topic, so hyped about this and I don't even know why! Didn't think THAT much of the first one. It was 'alright' but that's where it ended for me. I just want it soooo badly. Only have £30 to last me to next Friday though and I'm running low on petrol... So probably shouldn't get it.. but.... hmm!

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Bought at 8am this morning, I had to wait till 4pm to play it. So have managed to get the first couple of levels in on the campaign on Veteran and I'm guessing it can't just be me, but is it not easier on veteran than the first one was? Seems like it to me. ::shrug: Still, it's enjoyable so far, although the snow level has been the best of it and the Airport scene... yeh I see the controversy but it was nowhere near as bad as some people have made out. Unless I've only played one of the Airport scenes and theres another to come but I doubt it. Has taken a bit to get back into the Call of Duty frame of mind as it's been 10 months since I played one of the games but I'm managing the campaign pretty smoothly so far.


Online, well my online gaming as of recent has been Halo 3 and Uncharted 2 so that hasn't helped. Not done particularly great in the matches I've played, even though I've managed to get my rank up in both of them. I guess it'll just take some getting used to the maps and the weapons and those new killstreak things. The gunships aren't a problem but it's some of the other things like the guided missile drops. Will have to stick in quite a bit of time into the online because I know that by the weekend, team deathmatch is going to be a nightmare with all of the killstreak bonuses and if you don't have them then I see it as being a bloodfest.

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Will have to stick in quite a bit of time into the online because I know that by the weekend, team deathmatch is going to be a nightmare with all of the killstreak bonuses and if you don't have them then I see it as being a bloodfest.


This is what sucks. They should do a time release thing where after a couple months more perks open up to everyone.

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To be fair, not really that ridiculous at all. Kids are looking increasingly older than their age these days, especially the females. You should have brought your id or just got it the next day.


The tabloid media slams the game industry for content in games where equivalent or more extreme content in appropriately rated DVD's would go unnoticed. A big reason for that is the perception held by the masses that games are for kids. The amount of times I've seen a granny buy an 18 rated game like GTA for their 12 year old relative is insane and it's usually just down to ignorance. It's a GAME. GAMES are for CHILDREN. Likewise, retailers are to blame as for years a kid could just walk into a store, buy a 15/18 rated game and come out again (although that is much better nowadays.) The only way for the press to lay off gaming a bit and to respect the industry is not to censor but to stop making it so easy for kids to get these violent games. And that means educating granny and for the retailers to pay more careful attention to whom they sell games to.



Back on topic, so hyped about this and I don't even know why! Didn't think THAT much of the first one. It was 'alright' but that's where it ended for me. I just want it soooo badly. Only have £30 to last me to next Friday though and I'm running low on petrol... So probably shouldn't get it.. but.... hmm!


It is when you've queued up for 3 and a half hours with no warning you'd need to look over 25 to buy the game. Plus the case says in a massive circle in massive numbers that it's 18 rated. If it says 25, fair enough. I look 18 though, I've looked old for my age since I was 14 and people think I'm a LOT older. The only posters I've seen that age restriction for is if you want to buy alcohol. One of my mate's mate was at the very front of the queue that night and he said a lot of people got turned down. He said the majority of people in front of him didn't bring ID, they didn't think they'd need it.


There was a kid who picked up his copy of the game in front of me in the queue and he looked about 15 and he didn't get ID'd yet I did? I was like "Huh?" lmao, plus I was angry, tired and my legs were aching like a bitch. But I do see your point :)


Oh well, it's behind me. Played a little online, it ROCKS. I've also played two levels of Campaign and it's fantastic. The graphics are immensly brilliant. I got 'Three-some' achievement after the first level. The M4A1 is easily the best gun atm, I kill people in two shots of it. Got 30 kills in Terminal too on Team Deathmatch which is nothing like me! :grin:

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Originally, I wasn't going to buy the game and then randomly, today, I decided I wanted to buy the game.


I walked down to my local Sainsbury's and surprise surprise, sold out!


So I caught the bus to my local shopping centre and went into Asda, guess what, sold out!


Pissed off, I couldn't get the game cheap, I decided to try GAME. I walked in and there it was, sitting on the shelf.


I hand over the game to the woman and the bitch decides to ask me for ID. I felt like punching her in the face.


Went to Gamestation. Same scenario.


Fuck me, I've brought 18 certificate games in the past and never got asked for ID, even though I always brought it with me. The one time I need it and I don't bring it! Typical! :cry:


Luckily for me this story has a happy ending.


Managed to get the game from HMV, without being asked for ID, although the silly lass did ask me my age, but didn't ask me for ID?!?


Anyway, got the game, that's all that matters.


I look forward to playing online with the N-E crew, in the near future.


Let the games begin!

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Dudedazz, I wasn't trying to be a dick to your personally. I know it sucks for you as you should legitimately be able to buy it and I'm sorry, at least you got it in the end though. I just think that overall, it's a good thing that they were being more strict. The 25 thing is the case at a lot of places nowadays. It is telling that a lot of people there didn't think they'd need ID. Confirms what I said about public/retail perception about games. I just think it's a good thing overall that they're cracking down on it.

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It is when you've queued up for 3 and a half hours with no warning you'd need to look over 25 to buy the game. Plus the case says in a massive circle in massive numbers that it's 18 rated. If it says 25, fair enough. I look 18 though, I've looked old for my age since I was 14 and people think I'm a LOT older. The only posters I've seen that age restriction for is if you want to buy alcohol. One of my mate's mate was at the very front of the queue that night and he said a lot of people got turned down. He said the majority of people in front of him didn't bring ID, they didn't think they'd need it.


There was a kid who picked up his copy of the game in front of me in the queue and he looked about 15 and he didn't get ID'd yet I did? I was like "Huh?" lmao, plus I was angry, tired and my legs were aching like a bitch. But I do see your point :)


Oh well, it's behind me. Played a little online, it ROCKS. I've also played two levels of Campaign and it's fantastic. The graphics are immensly brilliant. I got 'Three-some' achievement after the first level. The M4A1 is easily the best gun atm, I kill people in two shots of it. Got 30 kills in Terminal too on Team Deathmatch which is nothing like me! :grin:


Yes it sucks that you got stung by this but the challenge 25 policy has become more and more prevalent recently but it has been knocking about for any age restricted product for ages. It is precisely people like you who are the reason its been enforced. Let me explain, you said you've always looked older so its hard to tell. They use the 25 as a safety buffer...What a lot of people who moan about this kind thing don't realise is that individuals can now be held accountable for such things with a £2000 fine and even a jail sentence. Would you really wanna risk it if that was you? NO Considering the high profile nature of MW2 they were always going to be strict...


I had a friend who both lost his job and got personally fined nearly a grand for selling an 18 to a minor as it was a mystery shopper who was well a kid. It's really just not worth the risk.


I'm not saying people don't sell to minors ever but they likely aren't aware of the laws or simply are that laid back they think they will never be caught.


Dudedazz, I wasn't trying to be a dick to your personally. I know it sucks for you as you should legitimately be able to buy it and I'm sorry, at least you got it in the end though. I just think that overall, it's a good thing that they were being more strict. The 25 thing is the case at a lot of places nowadays. It is telling that a lot of people there didn't think they'd need ID. Confirms what I said about public/retail perception about games. I just think it's a good thing overall that they're cracking down on it.


Just quoted to back up what I've said...

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I personally don't mind 'spoilers' for this game because I don't care too much for FPS campaigns, especially seeing as I haven't had a Cod game since... Actually the only proper war shooter I've had was MoH: Frontline.

Still, I'm looking forward to the online.


How are people rating the maps?

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*spoilers in review, as per usual*

9.5 at gametrailers:




Haha... they managed to get footage of someone teabagging. Why oh why do people do it? It serves no purpose.


@ Dwarf - So far, the maps have been alright. 15 of them but I've only had a go on 4. Some similarities to the CoD4 maps, from what I've found. The map Invasion seems to pop up with striking regularity though, for me in Team Deathmatch where all but 3 matches have been on it so far.

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played lots of this since last night aaaaand....Bah dah bah bah bah I'm lovin it!

went to a bestbuy midnight launch and was amazed by the ammount of people there where waiting realy early!

Been a long time since I've played some CoD tho.. My ass gets owned online

Edited by Nintenchris
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So... did anyone else enjoy the airport level a bit too much? because I sure did :p lol at the whole warning/skipping thing, why would anyone want to skip it? I mean yeah I can see why it might 'shock' some but generally anyone buying this kind of game should know what to expect and won't care about being 'offended' or whatnot.

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I couldn't be bothered to go to game at midnight so I was torn between going sainsburies which opened at 8 this mornin or going to Tesco. So I went to neither , I went to Asda which opened at 7- they had none left so then I went Tesco and paid the £39. Do I mind? When it's cod........naaaah ! :-D


As for the maps.... they're all good but I haven't got any favourites or there aren't any stand out ones. That's possibly because of my over familiarity with the cod4 maps. Great fun though! I love the aid box or whatever its called - which you can drop from an helicopter. Especially when it randomly gives you helicopter support :D.



Please can people add me, I know you don't know me but add me anyway! I'll be an easy kill for you :-)

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So... did anyone else enjoy the airport level a bit too much? because I sure did :p lol at the whole warning/skipping thing, why would anyone want to skip it? I mean yeah I can see why it might 'shock' some but generally anyone buying this kind of game should know what to expect and won't care about being 'offended' or whatnot.


My God, I loved it! I played it a few times. I even showed it to my mum. I just find it endlessly amusing.



Having said that, if the lobby scene in the Matrix influences people then I wouldn't be surprised if this did.


Was damn fun.

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