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Do You Want Kids, Kittens or Puppies. (ex-sexuality thread!)


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No, he's right, if only because then less people are likely to breed, and more people are the cause of almost all problems on this planet


Not if you have homosexual women. They can already fertilise and reproduce without us. Men will one day be obsolete. Women will rebel, refuse to give birth to our children, then only have girls implanted in their wombs when we're gone! It's the end of the male world!

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Not if you have homosexual women. They can already fertilise and reproduce without us. Men will one day be obsolete. Women will rebel, refuse to give birth to our children, then only have girls implanted in their wombs when we're gone! It's the end of the male world!


Wait, does that make me rebel for not wanting children?


Awesome! =D

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Not if you have homosexual women. They can already fertilise and reproduce without us. Men will one day be obsolete. Women will rebel, refuse to give birth to our children, then only have girls implanted in their wombs when we're gone! It's the end of the male world!


Where do you think the sperm comes from


Wait, does that make me rebel for not wanting children?


Awesome! =D


No, it makes you awesome

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Haha goooooo nightwolf!



No whiny smelly children for us. =P

(maybe someday, but blehhhh, don't really want any)


A lot of women say that, then they near 30 and their biological clock spazzes them out and they get all broody. It's human nature and you wont see it coming :p


My g/f is 27 this year and she's already starting to get ideas. We've already agreed on names for the things and they dont even exist! We wouldnt even try for another 5 years, but, its weird, she never wanted children. In fact she was very anti children until recently.

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A lot of women say that, then they near 30 and their biological clock spazzes them out and they get all broody. It's human nature and you wont see it coming :p


My g/f is 27 this year and she's already starting to get ideas. We've already agreed on names for the things and they dont even exist! We wouldnt even try for another 5 years, but, its weird, she never wanted children. In fact she was very anti children until recently.


Maybe. Just won't be for a couple of years then anyway. I'm just really against the idea of giving birth, which is why I think adoption is a bit higher on my list.


But yeah, not thinking about that, still in school for two more years and after that I want some "me" time. =P

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Buy her a puppy or something Jav.


Maybe. Just won't be for a couple of years then anyway. I'm just really against the idea of giving birth, which is why I think adoption is a bit higher on my list.


But yeah, not thinking about that, still in school for two more years and after that I want some "me" time. =P

Two more years at school? Belgium's schools system is strange.

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Getting anybody remotely decent takes time, people are so set on trying to find somebody before their 30's they forget that they have all the time in the world, to the point where people miss out on alot of good things.


I'm taking my time as such. Enjoying the freedom before settling down as it were. Many people my age already have 2 kids, where the wise ones are either single or preparing to settle down.

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Exactly, where's the rush? I know girls who already have two kids at 18/19 and to me it seems ridiculous, barely out of education, not even had enough of a life to even think of raising another life!


There is no rush for this sort of thing, because like you said people forget they have all the time in their lives to find someone (well, you said world but you get what i'm on about).


All these girls do is get a baby for a free house that the tax payer coughs up for and all the benefits of having one.

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I know I'm a page late, but wtf is this shit with the ladies refusing to have children?


I actually get broody sometimes. And I'm a 17 year old boy. Sometimes I want to steal other peoples little children I want one of my own so badly.*





But yeah. I want to live in a decent/nice house with my wife/woman I live with and our children. But then I'm obsessed with my legacy (or lack thereof).

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I know I'm a page late, but wtf is this shit with the ladies refusing to have children?


I actually get broody sometimes. And I'm a 17 year old boy. Sometimes I want to steal other peoples little children I want one of my own so badly.*





But yeah. I want to live in a decent/nice house with my wife/woman I live with and our children. But then I'm obsessed with my legacy (or lack thereof).


i was considering stealing one of the kids from my favourite class in japan... but i couldn't decide between yuki, masamune or ayumu so i thought i'd leave it be.

i want kids - but in like, 50 years. the thought of having kids now/soon scares the living crap outta me. me and some friends were watching "knocked up" the other day and where jamba was like "aww..." i was like "AAAGHHHHTHEHORROR!!!!" :shakehead

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Hehehe, I find it funny how a lot of girls are like "Noooooooo! Children arghhhhh!" and just against it and think kids smell and stuff. And then the guys are all like "Awwww I want some." =P


But yeah I think at least for the next five years, kids are a big no-no for me. Especially since I wouldn't be able to support them anyway. I'll just start with a cat or something. X3

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But yeah I think at least for the next five years, kids are a big no-no for me. Especially since I wouldn't be able to support them anyway. I'll just start with a cat or something. X3


only change "five" for "seven" and "cat" to "dog" or jamba would insta-leave me :heh:

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only change "five" for "seven" and "cat" to "dog" or jamba would insta-leave me :heh:


Well five years is like, the minimum amount I think, haha. I -am- 24 already though, so yeah... God I hate that biological clock!

And I haven't decided yet on whether I want a dog or cat. I actually prefer dogs, but if I want to go travelling, I think it'd be easier to find someone to take care of a cat than of a dog. Maybe. Oh well I'll be living at home for the next two years anyway (and we have both cats and a dog there!). X3

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i do love kids, but only in short doses.


point is case, i was holding my cousins baby, giving her a bottle and marveling at just how cute she was. suddenly, she let fly the greatest of all farts. it made me dizzy, it was so bad, and she just lay there thinking i ws still going to find her cute.


nothing can still be called cute after giving you a brain hemoridge from pure stench.

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we're both allergic to cats so it'd be kinda dumb to get one ~ plus.. cats are snooty ^_^ maybe i can find a dog like my mum's jack Russel pippa... pip is totally convinced she's a cat - i'm sure of it. she sits on the back of the sofa, climbs trees, catches mice. she'd be a better cat than most real cats if she didnt look so much like a dog.


...shit, is my dog the rokhed of the canine world?? O_O

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A cat and a dog are first for me and my g/f too! Our cat will be called Sparky, and the dog will be Zeus.


We also want some rabbits or some sort of cute cuddly small thing thats easy to look after :p


Then kids. A girl called Blake and a boy called Jack. We kinda like Nate too, highly influenced by Gossip Girl! We could shout and full-name him Nathanial when he's been naughty.


In all seriousness though, its fun to talk about these things but no-one knows what the future holds. Kids would be great one day, but i strongly disagree with bringing them into the world unless you can support them properly so, it will be a long time before that happens!

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I don't think I'll ever want kids. Partly out of civic duty — some genes simply shouldn't be passed on — but also because I find that very phrase, "want kids", to be incredibly selfish and irresponsible. A child has no choice in being born, and if you're going to force someone into existence you better be damned sure you're doing it for the right reasons and will be able to take care of them properly.


Yeah, I'm not really the "coochi-coochi-coo" type.

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